Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4132: Rolling

A full ninety thousand stars giant sword, carrying the terrifying power to kill everything, landed from the sky.

The scorching sun was obscured, and a radius of tens of thousands of miles became a shining silver world.

Before the sword light had arrived, the extremely terrifying amount of pressure had already enveloped more than two thousand God-Junkers.

Zhu Shenjun's heart was covered with a haze, and a deep fear grew in his heart.

Naturally, their combat effectiveness also declined.

The Great Protector, the Second Protector, and dozens of powerful gods, all felt the terrifying power of the sword rain over the sky, their complexions changed drastically, and their hearts were frightened.

But they can't panic, knowing that they can't escape the bombardment of the sword rain, they can only work together to resist.


Their speed was very fast, and a huge shield instantly condensed.

More than two thousand three hundred Zhu Divine Army also came back to their senses, and jointly released a powerful divine power, condensing a mask of thousands of miles in radius.

The next moment, the giant sword of stars that covered the sky and sun poured down like a torrential rain, slamming into the light shield.

"Boom bang bang!"

"Rumble rumbling!"

The dull loud noise burst out, reverberating in heaven and earth, deafening.

Although, the two shields condensed by the Zhu Shenjun have very strong defense power.

But under the bombardment of the tens of thousands of stars, the giant sword still looked weak and vulnerable.

Along with the earth-shattering loud noise, more than 2,000 gods punishers cast condensed shields, and they were the first to be shattered by the giant sword of the stars, splashing out shards of divine light.

Immediately afterwards, the great sword of stars that destroyed the world and the earth slammed into the shields of the Great Guardian, the Second Guardian and many gods.

The result is the same.

The shields cast by these powerful gods could not stop the huge sword's bombardment, and they were instantly fragmented and splashed into the sky.

As a result, more than two thousand three hundred Zhu Divine Army were swallowed by tens of thousands of stars.

"Boom! Boom!"


There was a loud sound that shook the deaf, and the tens of thousands of miles became a sea of ​​stars and silver light, and there was hardly anything to see.

Amidst the sword light in the sky, screams of screams, painful screams, and dying roars continued to be heard.

Hundreds of Divine Punishment troops were crushed to pieces under the Great Sword of Stars, and were bombarded and killed on the spot.

However, more of the Zhu God Army, in the panic and despair, tried everything to avoid the huge sword bombardment, but they were still seriously injured.

Even those dozens of **** king powerhouses can hardly resist the terrifying power of ten thousand swords.

At least more than twenty **** kings were injured in the sky full of giant swords, even the Great Guardian and the Second Guardian.

Among them, eleven divine kings were seriously injured, and they were blasted into dregs by the star giant sword on the spot, and even their gods were torn apart.

The children of the five clans, under the leadership of the five patriarchs, shouted and rushed over.

But the giant sword of stars enveloped this area, and they did not dare to rush into the war, so they could only stop in the distance and wait for the sword light to dissipate.

After all, those celestial giant swords do not distinguish between enemy and us, and attack indiscriminately.

The first round of bombardment by the ninety thousand stars giant sword caused heavy casualties to the Zhu God Army.

The Great Sword of Stars also collapsed by nearly 20,000, bursting out of starlight, bursting out a shock wave that ruined the world.

But this did not end.

The remaining more than 70,000 star giant swords are intertwined and danced between the heavens and the earth, and shuttled back and forth, forming a huge sword net.


The surviving more than one thousand Zhu Shen army suffered serious injuries.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they were strangled by more than 70,000 star giant swords, and they were suddenly terrible.

The blood and flesh splashed and screamed again and again in the field, and the sky was full of blood.

As a result, the Zhu Shen army suffered a devastating blow, and the number was drastically reduced.

Finally, the time of four breaths passed.

The power of the tens of thousands of stars' giant swords was exhausted and finally dissipated.

Ching Ming was restored in the field.

When the children of the five clans saw clearly the end of the Zhu Shen army, everyone took a breath and showed an expression of incomparable shock.

I saw that the ruins in a radius of thousands of miles turned into deep pits, and corpses, as well as fragments of armor and weapons were scattered everywhere.

Just now there were more than 2,300 people in the Zhu Shen army, and at this time there were only more than 800 people left.

One thousand and five hundred Zhu Shenjun were killed by Ji Tianxing with one move!

Even the number of strong **** kings has decreased by eighteen!

Such terrifying power is truly shocking!

It turns out, just as the children of the five clans had guessed.

Ji Tianxing alone is worth the lethality of thousands of them!

It's even worse!

The heads, elders and deacons of the five clans looked at Ji Tianxing in awe.

Everyone couldn't help thinking: "Is this really something that God King can do? Is Sword God just as simple as the Peak God King?"

On the face of it, the sword **** should be the number one power among the **** kings, second only to the existence of the five **** emperors.

But combined with the various performances of the Sword God, various miracles created.

Everyone believed that the true strength of the Sword God was already very close to that of the Five Great God Emperors!

Mindful of this, everyone has a little more confidence in the sword god's revenge plan.

Soon, the five patriarchs all recovered and quickly led the children under his command to encircle and suppress the remnants of the Zhu God Army.

The more than 800 survivors of the Zhu Shen army suffered serious injuries. Many of them were scarred and bloody, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

When more than 4,000 people from the five clans rushed up, it was like a monstrous flood, which quickly flooded the army of the gods.

There is a five-fold difference in numbers between the two sides, and Zhu Shenjun’s injuries are even more tragic.

In addition, the children of the five clans are all cherishing sin and making meritorious deeds in front of the sword god.

They are extraordinarily brave and hardworking in rushing, and they are quite desperate.

The result is self-evident.

The Zhu Shen army was completely suppressed, and it was beaten with no power to parry.

The big guardian, the second guardian and those **** king and powerful ~www.ltnovel.com~ Seeing that the situation is not right, they turned around and fled without hesitation.

But Ji Tianxing's divine consciousness had long locked the divine and soul auras of the two protectors.

The patriarchs and elders of the five clans also followed the god-king powerhouses of the Zhu Shen Army.

The two sides started chasing in the sky, and soon fought into a group, fighting fiercely.

Ji Tianxing used one enemy and two to deal with the Great Protector and the Second Protector, which seemed easy and easy.

Only after the two sides fought a few tricks, he vomited blood from the serious wounds of the two guards and smashed into the rubble in embarrassment.

On the other side, dozens of **** kings from the five clans joined forces to besiege the more than a dozen **** kings of the Zhu God Army, and the battle was extremely fierce.

Even if the dozen or so **** kings defended with all their strength, fighting and fleeing, they couldn't escape the siege of the five clans.

In this way, after this battle lasted for a hundred breaths of time, it quickly ended.

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