Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4117: Zhu Shen Army

Within two days, the news spread in the Haotian Continent.

Anyway, in the past few months, the people of the entire continent have been paying attention to the trend of rebelling against the alliance and the emperor.

Many domain owners, major forces, empires, and hundreds of millions of people are discussing the battle situation, decision-making and trends of the two sides every day.

When everyone learned of the miserable end of the two domain masters, they were all surprised by their ability to challenge the alliance.

Two days ago, the people in the entire Haotian Continent were still feeling that the emperor's strategy was very good, he could hold the initiative, and put the rebellious alliance into a dilemma.

Unexpectedly, the Emperor Master's strategy was cracked by the Sword God in a blink of an eye.

Didn't you summon those domain masters to gather in the dark night domain?

Want us to be empty, but can't we separate our hands to occupy each domain?

Okay, then we will directly destroy the Dongfu of those domain masters, kill all the soldiers under his command, and destroy his force team.

Moreover, we can also support other forces, take your place as the domain master, and disrupt the entire domain for you!

Those of you who ran away, had not rushed to the Dark Night Realm, and their entire lives were destroyed.

Are you angry?

Just ask if you are angry?

Countless domain masters, empire masters and top forces knew this news, and their hearts were heavy, melancholy and worried.

Those who remained neutral while watching the theater watched with gusto and commented on the strategies of both sides.

As for the hundreds of millions of Li people, that is of course a good call, and they recognize and worship the sword **** more!

Who said that the sword **** has only high strength, without city mansion and strategy?

No matter how good your emperor is in calculating, isn't it being crushed by the sword **** at will?

Do you think that the sword **** walks the way for the sky, he will not kill people?

The name of the sword **** is the accumulation of millions of lives.

Speaking of the Sword God's stellar military exploits and amazing achievements, that can be said to be endless for three days and three nights!

In this way, the entire Haotian Continent was boiling, in excitement and panic.

Those dozens of domain owners who are watching the situation are the most complicated and suffering.

They have been waiting to see how the Rebellious Alliance responds to the emperor's strategy.

Now the result is out.

The attitude of rebelling against the alliance is very tough. If you domain masters dare to run away, then I will uproot your power.

If you don’t want to be the domain owner, I will choose someone else to be the domain owner.

Anyway, the Haotian Continent has a lot of power, and there are also a lot of powerful kings who want to be the domain masters.

With the support of the rebellious alliance, the canonization and permission of the sword god, any **** king can be the domain master!

Knowing this, the dozens of domain owners panicked.

With the continuous advancement of the two armies of the rebellious alliance, they conquered more and more areas. The time for those domain owners is running out and they must make a decision as soon as possible.

And this time, in addition to being truly loyal to the Asura God Emperor, the domain masters who still have hope for the Asura God Emperor will choose to drag their family to the Dark Night Region.

In addition, 90% of the domain masters have chosen to preserve their power and status and stay in their respective domains.

It's okay not to leave, as long as they honestly admit defeat and surrender, the Sword God will definitely not kill them, and the domain lord is still theirs.

If you dare to escape to the Dark Night Realm, even if you save your life, you will lose your life's hard work and the position of the domain master.


time flies.

The Haotian Continent has been in chaos, bustle and noise.

Almost every two days, there will be new news coming out of which domain the rebellious alliance has conquered.

In the regions that were subdued by the rebellious alliance, which region has released slavery, hundreds of millions of people have returned to freedom, no longer need to be oppressed, mining resources all day long...

A few days later, a certain force, a well-known God King and strong, was killed by the Allied Rebellion.

It turns out that a certain strong man looks good on the surface, but he is actually a loyal lackey of the emperor.

In this way, new news spread continuously from the Rebellious Alliance, and the reputation of the Sword God became more and more prosperous.

On the other side, the Dark Night Region also gathered thirty-six Domain Lords, hundreds of powerful **** kings.

However, the emperor's division gathered such a large number of terrifying powerhouses and troops, but still stood still and did not launch a counterattack.

Hundreds of millions of people on the Vast Sky Continent are talking about it, and it stands to reason that the forces currently held by the emperor are several times that of the rebellious alliance.

If he took the initiative to attack, he would surely be able to easily destroy the two armies of the rebellious alliance.

What exactly does the emperor want to do?

Why didn't he fight back?

Does he want to guard the lair of the Dark Night Realm and let the rebellious alliance conquer all the regions one by one?

This is definitely the most stupid and incompetent approach.

Even the common people think so, of course it is impossible for the emperor to do so.

Therefore, countless people are speculating that the emperor must be plotting some conspiracy.

Rebelling against the alliance, they are still attacking the city and sweeping away the fallen leaves, quickly sweeping across all regions.

But Ji Tianxing realized that the situation was not that simple, and he also smelled conspiracy.

He has repeatedly reminded the nine major forces under his command that they must never underestimate the enemy and must be cautious.

He had a hunch that it won't take long for the emperor to take action.


as predicted.

The emperor was still sitting in the dark night realm, seemingly doing nothing.

In fact, he has mobilized more than 400 **** kings and more than 30,000 masters of the **** monarch realm to gather in the dark night domain.

In the past two months, these soldiers have formed a net of heaven and earth in the dark night realm, forming numerous barriers and lines of defense.

At the same time, he also secretly dispatched a team to quietly rush to the south of the Haotian Continent without everyone knowing.

That team was named Zhu Shenjun by him, taking the meaning of killing the sword god.

The Zhu Shen army is led by two guardians, composed of fifty strong **** kings, and another five thousand **** king masters.

The two guardians of the team have been guarding the Shura Shrine for thousands of years, and they have hardly appeared in front of the world.

The strength and status of the two men are comparable to those of the inspector leader Qi Yan.

The fifty **** kings in the team are composed of forty inspectors and ten gods and generals who have experienced hundreds of battles.

After Mengshuai was killed, the gods and generals under his command had no leader, so the emperor took over.

Those gods and generals have participated in the battle of the gods thousands of years ago, and now they have the strength of the **** king's eighth realm.

That is the weakness of the forty inspectors~www.ltnovel.com~ The strongest is the Seventh Realm God King, and the weakest is the 5th Realm God King.

But even so, this team of more than 5,000 people is still enough to destroy the South Road army that is rebelling against the alliance!

More than 5,000 people from the Zhu Shen Army rushed to the south of the mainland quietly on two king-class high-grade divine ships.

They are not moving fast, but their primary task is to hide their whereabouts and breath, and they must not be noticed by anyone.

Even, the emperor did not requisition those domain masters, but used inspectors and **** generals, also for keeping secret.

Now, his trust in those domain owners is greatly reduced.

Although the emperor stayed behind in the dark night domain, he kept in touch with the Zhu Shenjun at all times so that he could respond to unexpected situations.

The North Road army that rebelled against the alliance, seemingly weak, was led by the Sword God himself, and the emperor knew that he could not afford it.

Therefore, the goal of Zhu Shen Army is to destroy the South Road Army!

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