Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4110: 2 options

   Escape is of course unrealistic.

   There are only two choices before everyone.

   Surrender or resist.

   After a moment of silence, the sub-domain master and the two gods raised their heads at the same time, and said in unison: "Then surrender."

   They all have self-knowledge, and relying on their strength and manpower, if they really want to fight against the army of the rebellious alliance, it is self-defeating.

   It is important to be loyal to the God Emperor Shura, but his life is the most important.

   At this critical moment of life and death, the Emperor Shi did not send troops to reinforce them.

   Even if they choose to surrender, there is no psychological burden, and there is a sense of relief of ‘you are not kind, don’t blame me for being unrighteous’.

   Seeing that the sub-domain master and the two gods will make a choice, the Jiuhe domain master is no longer entangled, nodded and said: "If this is the case, then surrender.

   Lose to the rebel alliance, surrender to the sword god, not ashamed!

   It's not just us, no one in the entire Vast Sky Continent is the opponent of the Sword God.

  Even if the emperor is against the sword god, there is no chance of winning.

   So, it's excusable for us to surrender, isn't it? "

   Perhaps because of the awkward atmosphere, the master of Jiuhe explained a lot to excuse himself.

   The deputy domain master and the two gods nodded quickly in agreement.

   They were a bit ashamed, they were afraid that the news would spread out and the people would laugh at them.

   After hearing what the Jiuhe Domain Master said, they felt at ease.

   Next, the four of them are going to discuss again how to surrender to the rebel alliance, how to negotiate with each other, and what conditions should be put forward.

   Surrender is surrender, but the conditions that should be negotiated still have to be discussed, and the benefits that should be needed are still needed.

   However, at this moment, the door of the study suddenly opened.

   With a soft "creak", the door of the room seemed to be blown open by the wind.

   Jiuhe Domain Master, Deputy Domain Master and the two **** generals were all startled, and subconsciously turned their heads and looked at the door.

   When they entered the study to discuss matters, they obviously closed the study door and activated the defensive formation.

   Not to mention being blown away by the wind, even if the guards forcibly hit it, it is impossible to open the gate!

   At this moment, everyone's mind all had the same idea.

   "Is there a strong man who broke into the cave to assassinate us?"

   But when everyone thought about it, this didn't seem right.

   "If someone really came to assassinate us, it would have been discovered long ago, and there would be fighting outside...

   Unless the strength of the person is very strong, the guards and secret whistle we set up did not find him! "

   When thinking of this, the hearts of the four **** kings were raised, and they subconsciously sacrificed the **** soldiers.

   At the same time, a white light flashed, and the study door closed with a bang.

   All four of them were frightened and stood up subconsciously.

   They just felt that there was a flower in front of them, and an extra figure appeared in the study.

   A handsome young man wearing a white robe and martial arts, exuding invisible coercion and aura.

   Although, this young man didn't have a trace of murderous all over his body, and his expression and eyes looked at them calmly.

   But the four of them were full of horror, as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, they were all over with cold.

   Their complexions changed drastically, their eyes widened, they showed deep fear in their eyes, and even their hands began to tremble.

   Among the four, only the Jiuhe Domain Lord was still calm, even if he was nervous and frightened, at least he did not lose his mind.

   "Sword God?"

   After a while, the four of them calmed down a lot, and the master of Jiuhe domain tried to ask.

   Actually, they have not seen the Sword God with their own eyes, but they have also seen the portrait of the Sword God and heard many descriptions of the appearance of the Sword God.

   They already had the answer in their hearts, and they were 80% sure that the young man in white robe in front of them was a sword god.

   But they still have to ask to confirm the identity of each other.

   Ji Tianxing did not answer the Jiuhe domain master, but took out a piece of jade slip and threw it in front of the Jiuhe domain master, and said in a calm tone: "Since you have decided to surrender, then take the oath of surrender."

   Seeing his reaction like this, the four masters of the Jiuhe Domain were basically sure that the white-robed youth was the sword god.

   At the same time, they also understood that the Sword God had already heard their conversation before.

   The thought of this made the four of them feel ashamed and humiliated.

   Fortunately, apart from that sentence, the Sword God didn't say much, let alone mocked or humiliated them.

   Sword God just looked at the Jiuhe Domain Master quietly, waiting patiently.

   The study was very quiet, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward and dull.

   The deputy domain master and the two **** generals had no idea, they looked at the Jiuhe domain master, waiting for the domain master to make a decision.

   Jiuhe domain master looked at the jade slip on the table, hesitated and considered for a moment, but did not reach out to pick it up.

   He plucked up the courage to look at Ji Tianxing, and tried to speak: "Sword God, everyone knows that you are very powerful, and we are naturally not your opponent.

   But after all, we are the courtiers of the Emperor Shura. We cannot surrender to the rebellious alliance for no reason. There must be a saying..."

   Jiuhe domain master is still daunting, considering how to word it.

   But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing glanced at him, and said coldly: "Do you want to discuss terms with this panel?"

   "Uh..." The domain master of Jiuhe was choked at the time and didn't know how to answer.

   He didn't expect that the way the sword **** spoke was so direct that it made him difficult to answer.

   Before he could answer, Ji Tianxing went on to say: "You are not qualified to discuss conditions with this forum.

   There are only two choices before you, either surrender or die! "

   After saying this, Ji Tianxing released an invisible pressure, covering the entire study.

   Suddenly, the Jiuhe Domain Master and the others found it difficult to breathe, and the operation of the divine power was also stagnant and blocked, and a haze of fear fell in their hearts.

   The entire study was blocked by Ji Tianxing's invisible aura, preventing them from calling for help.

   Even if they broke their throats, the guards outside the study could not hear them.

   What's more, the four of them all knew the power of the Sword God was terrifying.

  If they desperately call for help~www.ltnovel.com~ I am afraid that before the guards come to rescue them, the Sword God will simply kill them in seconds.

   Therefore, the four of them wisely chose to shut up and gave up the idea of ​​calling for help.

   After all, they are the strongest. It is not realistic to expect the two or three thousand guards of the gods to save them.

   At this situation, the Sword God has already taken them.

   Moreover, they have no doubt about the determination and means of the sword god.

  Lian Jinshuang, Qi Yan, and Meng Shuai were strong, the Sword God killed him when he said.

   If a small person like them really offended the sword god, it would be as simple as crushing a few ants.

   Thinking of this, the deputy domain master and the two **** generals were a little anxious, looking at the Jiuhe domain master together, and using their eyes to signal him not to hesitate anymore, and stop being dead.

   Hurry up and surrender to the sword god, hello, my hello, everyone.

   I really want to provoke the sword god, and kill a few of us casually, then it would be too awkward!

   Jiuhe domain master saw the meaning in their eyes, and his heart was sad and hopeless.

   In desperation, he managed to hold on for less than ten breaths, and bowed his head to Ji Tianxing.

   "The sword **** breathes out his anger, this seat concedes defeat and surrenders to you."


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