Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4090: Finally saved

   Meng Shuai's attention is on the formation.

   More than a thousand soldiers were vigilant, staring at the gap in the battleship and the sky around the battleship.

   But they didn't expect that Ji Tianxing attacked again, but instead of cutting out the sword light, punching out.

   But... tens of thousands of giant swords fell from the sky!

   Before the sword light arrived, the coercion of ruining the world has come, covering everyone.

   Countless soldiers are full of horror, subconsciously raising their heads to the sky.

   Seeing the dense star giant sword, everyone's scalp numb.

   Feeling the terrifying power contained in the giant sword, everyone is full of horror and fear, almost turning around and fleeing.

   Even the commander Meng, who focused on studying the formation, was shocked by the power of tens of thousands of giant swords, and subconsciously looked towards the sky.

   At this critical moment, Ji Tianxing teleported directly to the gap of the battleship without any hesitation.

   In front of him, there are a dozen **** kings and more than two hundred **** kings.

   He wants to go through the gap of the battleship and enter the battleship to rescue Nangong Ao, he must break through the blockade of these people.

   So, he swung the excalibur decisively, cutting out nine golden sword lights, and killing the crowd ahead.

   The dozen or so **** kings and more than two hundred **** kings are looking up at the giant sword of stars in the sky, full of panic and panic.

   They didn't take precautions, Ji Tianxing no longer concealed his traces and breath, and directly launched a charge.

   After all, success or failure depends on this.

   As long as he can successfully rush into the battleship and rescue Nangong Ao, Ji Tianxing will not be afraid of revealing his identity and trace.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Those **** kings and **** kings were shrouded in golden sword light before they could react.

   With a series of dull loud noises, golden lights flashed and flesh and blood splashed in the crowd.

   There are not only dozens of gods, but also seven middle-ranked gods and a seventh-level high-ranking god. They were strangled into scum by the golden sword light on the spot.

   When Ji Tianxing used his full strength in kendo supernatural powers, even the high-ranking **** king of the seventh realm could only be killed in seconds!

   However, those middle-ranked **** kings and **** kings were not only physically killed, but their godheads were also shattered.

   The body of the upper **** king was destroyed, and the godhead suffered heavy damage, but he survived.

   The line of defense formed by the crowd was torn open by Ji Tianxing. He passed through the gap without hesitation and got into the battleship.

   At this time, everyone else reacted, and Meng Shuai also let out a roar, and rushed over with murderous aura.

   He finally found the trace of Ji Tianxing, and locked in the spirit of Ji Tianxing.

   When he confirmed that the ambusher was the sword god, he was shocked and unbelievable.

   This caused him to be stunned for a moment.

   And this moment of effort changed the ending.

   "Boom rumbling!"

   In the next instant, the great sword of ninety thousand stars descended, like dense raindrops, covering thousands of miles.

   Everyone and Mengshuai's battleship were hit by countless stars.

   Mengshuai has the strongest strength. These celestial giant swords cannot hurt him, but they also trap him firmly.

   He can't get away, he can only use his defensive powers to resist the bombardment of countless giant swords.

   Those more than a thousand soldiers suffered. Under the bombardment of the huge sword in the sky, their flesh and blood flew across and screamed again and again.

   The vast array of heaven and earth with a radius of thousands of miles, completely turned into a silver ocean, filled with ninety thousand star giant swords.

   There was chaos in the field, even if everyone knew that Ji Tianxing rushed into the battleship and was hacking the defensive formation of that secret room frantically, no one could stop him.

   After all, the power of the Star Giant Sword is too terrifying, even the commander Meng can't get away, and it is even more difficult for others to protect themselves!

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   Inside the battleship, in a space of ten feet in radius, Ji Tianxing swung his hammer like a lightning, and slammed the door of the secret room.

   Not far from his feet, the two guards of the upper gods and monarch realm had already turned into a pool of flesh and blood spread on the ground.

   The first time he rushed into the battleship, he killed two guards in seconds.

   Then, in order to save time, he broke through the defense of the secret room as soon as possible, did not use the Sky Burial Sword, and directly sacrificed the hammer.

   The king-level supreme artifact is extraordinary. The king-level high-grade **** array that sealed the secret room was quickly shattered after a ‘boom boom’.



   With the sound of shattering one after another, the defensive array layer after layer was smashed, bursting out a group of divine light fragments.

   If Ji Tianxing does not forcefully destroy, but uses spells to crack those multiple formations, no matter how strong his formation is, it will take half an hour.

   But he used his magic hammer to attack with all his strength, and with only three breaths, he destroyed all the multiple formations.

   Finally, he hit the door of the secret room with the last hammer.

The gate made of    God King-class metal was smashed into a depression on the spot, and hit the ground with a bang.


   Ji Tianxing stepped through the gate quickly and rushed into the secret room.

   I saw the dark and icy cold in the five-foot-long secret room.

   Array lines are carved on the ground, and the dim light is shining.

   On the ground in the middle, there stands a bronze obelisk. A ragged, blood-stained Protoss man is trapped on the obelisk by several chains.

   Those chains are specially made king-level artifacts, passing through the man’s lute bones and ribs, locking his wrists and ankles.

   The chain not only confined his body, but also restricted his divine power.

   The still running formation on the ground also blocked his power.

   With disheveled hair, wounds and blood stains all over his body, he was obviously tortured.

   Even if there was such a big movement outside, Ji Tianxing rushed into the secret room, he still lowered his head and didn't respond.

   Ji Tianxing stretched out his long blood-stained hair, only to see that the almost deformed and blood-stained face was Nangong proud!

   Obviously, after suffering torture, Nangong Ao had only half his life left and was in a coma.

   Ji Tianxing looked very worried~www.ltnovel.com~ Anger was raging in his chest, killing intent.

   "Nangong proud, wake up!"

   He slapped Nangongao on the cheek, trying to wake him up.

   But it's a pity that Nangong Ao's injury was too serious to wake up, and his breath was very weak.

   Ji Tianxing did not dare to delay the time, and hurriedly waved the hammer, destroying the formation on the ground a few times.

   Then, he broke the chain that bound Nangong Ao with a magic hammer.

   Nangongao was finally saved, but unable to stand, he fell straight to the ground.

   Ji Tianxing did not hesitate to catch him, took him into the twisted time and space of the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, and handed him over to Yun Yao, Chao Qingyu and others for treatment.

   So far, he successfully rescued Nangong Ao.

   Even if his identity has been exposed and he faces more than a thousand masters alone, he is fearless and no worries about the future!

   When he held the sacred hammer in his left hand and the Sky Burial Sword in his right hand, he left the battleship and returned to the sky, his whole body was already ablaze with blood.

   It was a flame condensed from anger and murderous aura, soaring into the sky, terrifying!

   At this time, the ninety thousand stars giant sword also gradually dissipated.

  Besides the shattered battleship, thousands of miles have become scorched earth ruins, a tragic sight.


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