Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4074: See the truth in adversity

Long ago, Yun Yao understood one thing.

The reason why Ji Tianxing is more popular than other strong men and is more favored and loved by everyone is because he treats people with sincerity.

Other strong people regard their followers as loyal subordinates, and as a sharp edge in their hands.

Ji Tianxing is different. He treats all those who follow him as friends.

It is good, and will never treat friends badly.

If there is danger, always go up and try to protect everyone.

Who would disrespect or support such a strong person?

It is for this reason that everyone knows that his revenge plan is a decisive battle with the five great **** emperors, but he still follows him desperately and helps him.

Even if Yanke and Baifeng were defeated by him, and forcibly received the **** king under his command, they would follow him faithfully after spending a long time with him.

This is basically impossible for other strong people.

Therefore, Yun Yao can also understand and support Ji Tianxing by taking risks with his own body and seeking a life-saving method for everyone.

And Ji Tianxing, hearing his wife's reproachful words, and knowing that Yun Yao cares about her, he took her hand and smiled and comforted a few words.

"Yaoyao, don't worry, since I am doing this, I must be prepared and confident.

Although the process is a bit dangerous, I think it's worth it to give everyone an extra life-saving method.

It just so happens that you and Wushuang are here, so I will teach you the methods and experience, and you will also separate a ray of souls and blend them into the blood flame tree..."

Yun Yao shook her head gently and said softly, "For me, Wushuang, Wuhen, and Ke Ke, our most powerful backing and life-saving card is actually you.

As long as you live, we will not die.

And if one day you are gone, we will not live either. "

Although Ji Tianxing was very moved, he still wanted to refute this statement, "Yaoyao, this is unfair to the children, me, you and Keke, we can live and die together.

But children, they are still young and have their own lives.

Even if one day we are gone, they should live well.

Otherwise, who will inherit our wish and avenge us? "

Yun Yao's thoughts were a little shaken, she nodded and said, "Well, my thoughts are really selfish, and I haven't considered them thoroughly.

Then... let's try it. "

Therefore, Ji Tianxing personally taught Yunyao and Ji Wushuang how to practice the spell.

Both mother and daughter are smart, and Ji Tianxing only talked about them once and they learned.

Next, Yun Yao first cast a spell to try to merge.

After half a month, she separated a strand of soul and successfully integrated into the tree of blood flame.

Ji Wushuang cast the spell again, and it took only half a month to succeed.

Ji Tianxing originally wanted Ji Ke and Ji Wuhen to also split a strand of divine soul and merge with the blood flame divine tree.

But they are still practicing in retreat and shouldn't be disturbed. This matter can only be postponed.

Ji Tianxing still has things to deal with, and this matter is left to Yun Yao and Ji Wushuang.

After Ji Ke and Ji Wuhen finish their practice, they will teach them methods and experiences to help them complete.


Ji Tianxing left the twisted time and space and returned to the secret room.

He stayed in the twisted time and space for nearly a year, and seven days passed by outside.

Nangong was not confused and sent a message to many clans and forces, and now seven days have passed, the major forces have also considered carefully and responded to the news.

At this moment, Nangong came to the door of the secret room in person, knocked on the door and called Ji Tianxing to report to him.

When Ji Tianxing opened the door of the secret room, he saw Nangong standing outside the door, waiting patiently.

Although Nangong looked calm and calm, Ji Tianxing found that there was a hint of anger hidden in his eyes.

It is conceivable that the reply from the major forces may not be as expected.

"Young Master Long..."

Seeing Ji Tianxing came out, Nangong bowed his hands without confusion, and couldn't help but tell the result.

Ji Tianxing raised his hand to stop him, and walked out first, "Don't worry, let's go to the study and talk slowly."

Nangong nodded without confusion, and followed him to the study.

After a while, the two entered the study, closed the door, and activated the defensive formation.

There are a large number of guards outside the study, and there are only two of them in the study, so they are not afraid of being overheard secrets.

Ji Tianxing sat in the main seat, Nangong sat opposite him without confusion, and said in an angry tone: "My son, I have sent a message to 17 ancient clans and 36 top forces.

Only four clans have made it clear that they will come to see you as soon as possible and discuss the alliance with you.

The other 13 clans and more than 20 powers are all vague and ambiguous, and their words are full of perfunctory meaning.

What's even more annoying is that there are more than a dozen forces that are weird and ridiculed at us.

What's more, firmly support the **** emperor Shura, and take my message jade slip to go to Mengshuai and the emperor Gaomi. "

When talking about the dozens of powers, Nangong was not confused and could not hide his anger, almost murderous.

The way he said it was relatively mild. It is conceivable that the replies from the dozens of forces must be very angry, far exceeding his description and description.

And these were all within Ji Tianxing's expectation, so he was not angry.

"Well, let’s talk about the situation of the dozens of powers~www.ltnovel.com~ Nangong snorted coldly, and said contemptuously: "The helms of the dozens of powers are all snobbery and the least spineless. Wall with grass.

Years ago, they had been deliberately coping with Mengshuai and the emperor, and wanted to take refuge in the command of the **** emperor Shura.

However, Meng Shuai and Emperor Shi looked down on them and ignored them.

Fortunately now, they just took the subpoena sent by me and asked Mengshuai and the emperor for credit. Maybe they can get their wish. "

"So that's it." Ji Tianxing nodded and smiled: "People have their own ambitions. They want to rely on the strong to make profits, so let them go.

However, you have to write them down.

Because, we will meet with them soon.

At that time, none of them can be less. "

Although the voice was very calm and the tone was quite calm, Nangong was not confused but still heard the murderous intention.

Before, he was worried that even if Ji Tianxing defeated those dozens of forces, he would consider the overall situation and earn him under his command.

In this case, he and the Nangong clan would have to work with those cluttered walls, and it would be disgusting to think about it.

It's alright now, with Ji Tianxing's words, he is relieved.

At least, when the two sides fight, he will never forget to liquidate those dozens of forces.

Just as Nangong made up his mind to make up his mind, Ji Tianxing asked again: "Which are the four ancient clans that came as soon as possible?"

Mentioned these four ancient clans, Nangong's mood improved without confusion, and replied with a smile: "Naturally, I have received your favor and supported you the most.

There are the God of War clan in Douzhan Dongtian, the Lan clan of Azure Dongtian, the Feng clan of Shenfeng Dongtian and the Jiang clan of Shenyin Dongtian. "

Hearing the names of these four clans, Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "It really is the truth in adversity..."

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