Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4072: I have a bold idea

Outside the past few months, the Blood Illusory God King has only healed his wounds in the twisted time and space for 20 years.

Unexpectedly, his injury has recovered 70% to 80%, which is no major problem!

Such an exaggerated recovery speed made the Blood Illusory God King himself feel incredible.

When Lin Xue, Chao Qingyu and others learned that they even called out magic, they asked how the Blood Illusory God King did it.

The Blood Illusory God King recalled carefully, contemplated and meditated, but couldn't find the reason.

Finally, he explained the general process of treating his injuries to everyone.

At the beginning he was seriously injured and dying, in a semi-conscious and semi-conscious state, returning to the twisted time and space unconsciously.

The body that was on the verge of shattering was terrible, and he fell into a coma when he fell on the platform under the sacred tree.

He was seriously injured, not only was his body almost collapsed, but his soul was also severely injured and was on the verge of collapse.

But after a few years of deep sleep, he actually woke up.

Then he found that his body injury had healed and he recovered nearly half.

Even the trauma of the soul has unknowingly recovered in half.

Next, he could still feel that the Blood Flame God Tree continuously injected strength into him and helped him heal his injuries.

That's it, he recovered most of his injuries within twenty years.

This clearly confirms that the reason why he can recover miraculously is the credit of the Blood Flame God Tree!

Chao Qingyu, Lin Xue and others also expressed conviction and agreement with this answer.

After all, for so many years, they have also obtained immeasurable benefits from the blood flame tree.

But they only drew the power of the blood flame tree, and every time the soul was wounded, they did not feel the tree help them heal.

Therefore, this discovery has attracted everyone's attention.

At that time, Ji Tianxing ended his retreat. After learning about it, he wanted to study it.

Unexpectedly, Jinshuang's army had already breached Yanxu Cave Sky and was about to reach the Hall of Light.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing could only solve the Jinshuang army first and put this matter aside.

Now he is back under the blood flame **** tree, Lin Xue, the blood fantasy **** king, and Chao Qingyu are still waiting for him under the tree.

Seeing him coming, everyone hurriedly gathered around and excitedly told him a new discovery.

"My son, we have just made a new discovery after comparison and research!"

Ji Tianxing became interested and quickly asked, "What did you find?"

Lin Xue was filled with excitement, and said with bright eyes: "In the past, we could only absorb the divine power of the sacred tree of blood flames, and the souls would not benefit.

But the blood illusion is different. His body is a branch of the blood flame god, and I don't know when, his soul has also been connected with the blood flame **** tree!

This is the reason why the Blood Flame God Tree can heal his soul injuries, but it will not heal us! "

Chao Qingyu, Yanke and others nodded in agreement.

The Blood Illusory God King also smiled and said, "My son, I can indeed feel that there is a certain connection between my soul and the blood flame tree.

I can always feel it, as if I have a trace of soul, blending into the tree of god.

Even if I was seriously injured and dying before, I would not feel fear, because I did not feel the death coming...

I even have an illusion that even if I die, my consciousness and spirit can be reborn from the tree of blood flames! "

Speaking of this, the Blood Illusory God King scratched his head slightly awkwardly, and said, "Maybe my statement sounds a bit exaggerated and bizarre, but I guarantee it is true!"

Ji Tianxing patted him on the shoulder, gave him an encouraging look, and said: "Don't worry, we have all seen more exaggerated and bizarre things than this, and we believe in you."

Lin Xue, Chao Qingyu and others also nodded in agreement.

Originally, the Blood Illusory God Monarch was still a little worried, and seeing everyone react like this, he was immediately relieved.

Next, everyone looked at Ji Tianxing and asked him what he thought.

Ji Tianxing raised his head and glanced at the Divine Blood Flame Tree, and said with a smile: "When I got this Divine Blood Flame Tree, it was only a big tree of the God Sovereign level.

After so many years of cultivation, it has grown to a king-level top grade, which is really incredible.

Looking at the three thousand worlds, this tree should be called the first sacred tree in the world.

Since a strand of blood fantasy can be integrated into the blood flame tree, it provides him with a heavy protection, and it also gives him one more life.

Then I have a bold idea...

Perhaps, we can all put a trace of our own soul into the blood flame tree.

No matter what dangers we encounter in the future, and the multiple wounds we receive, as long as the blood flame tree does not perish, we will have one more life and a chance of resurrection! "

Hearing his proposal, everyone was full of excitement and anticipation.

"Yes! This proposal is really great!"

"Hahaha... I also had this idea just now, I thought of going together with the lord!"

"This is the best king-level sacred tree. It should be one of the most difficult things to destroy in the world?

Let's put a touch of spirit into it, then it will be foolproof, no matter how hurt you will not die! "

"This idea is really great, but we still have to think about how to implement it..."

Everyone is very interested in this proposal~www.ltnovel.com~ can't wait to start research.

Ji Tianxing took the lead in trying to release his divine consciousness to communicate with the blood flame sacred tree, trying to connect with it with the power of divine soul.

It stands to reason that this sacred tree of blood flame is his, and he has also cultivated and grown up for so many years.

As the owner of the blood flame tree, he can definitely communicate with the tree, and the soul can blend with it.

But in fact, things are not that simple.

The sacred tree of blood flames is not a living thing, and no spiritual wisdom has been born at present, the power of the soul cannot enter it, let alone blend with it.

Everyone must come up with a reasonable way to integrate the soul into the tree.

Lin Xue made the first suggestion, each person consumes a sacred fruit of the blood flame sacred tree, and uses the power of the sacred fruit to strengthen the connection with the sacred tree.

This method sounds feasible, so everyone began to practice.

After taking a divine fruit, everyone did get great benefits, and his divine power was slightly improved.

But everyone tried to use Divine Soul to merge with the Blood Flame Divine Tree, but there was still no response.

Chao Qingyu made a second suggestion. The souls of the people directly merged into the entire tree, which seemed unrealistic.

It's better for everyone to stare at a certain branch intently, and use the soul to warm up and sacrifice, so that maybe you can succeed.

This proposal is very reliable and sounds feasible.

So everyone started to try again.

After half a month, everyone used the power of the soul to gleam the target branch, but they failed to integrate the power of the soul.

This proposal failed.

Subsequently, Ji Tianxing raised two very crucial questions.

One is that everyone should try to strengthen communication and close contact with the blood flame tree.

The second is that the power of the souls of the people must be divided into a strand, and it is possible to merge with the tree of blood flames when it is not related to itself.

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