Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4055: Don't let them down

The people sitting in the Great Hall of Light are all smart people.

Even if Ji Tianxing didn't explain it thoroughly, he just mentioned the words such as earth-shattering plans and changing days.

Everyone immediately understood what he meant. They were all excited, and their eyes were full of excitement and anticipation.

As for Nangong Nihuang, she is more attentive than everyone else.

Guessing Ji Tianxing's plan and purpose, she also noticed a detail.

Ji Tianxing wants to use Yanxu Cave Tian as his base!

Does this mean that he trusts the Nangong clan very much and has no doubts?

Moreover, he will stay in Yanxu Cave for a long time and will never leave in a short time!

This is certainly the best news for Nangong Nihuang.

She looked around and saw that her father and the elders had no objections, and no one opposed them.

So she said to Ji Tianxing: "Long Tian, ​​thank you for believing in the Nangong clan so much. Don't worry, we will definitely support you and cooperate with you in implementing your plan!"

Nangong Patriarch and several elders reacted, nodded quickly in agreement, and expressed their opinions.

"Long Tian, ​​our Nangong clan will always be your ally and firm supporter!"

"We believe that you must be fully prepared for this decision."

"You believe in our Nangong family so much, how can we disappoint you?"

"Long Tian, ​​with your reputation and prestige, as long as you raise your arms, you will definitely gather followers!"

"We have to seriously consider and discuss the matter of changing the day and the day. You should take care of your injury first."

Generally speaking, everyone still agrees and supports what Ji Tianxing has to do.

Especially the attitude of the Nangong Patriarch determines the choice of the entire Nangong clan.

Seeing that everyone did not oppose or dissuade him, Ji Tianxing was secretly relieved.

Before that, he was worried that the Nangong clan had been suppressed for thousands of years, and he had long been discouraged and did not dare to fight back.

It now appears that the oppression of the Nangong clan by the God Emperor Shura over the past thousand years has not only failed the Nangong clan to yield, but has inspired the Nangong clan to resist.

Unconsciously, an hour passed.

Everyone chatted with Ji Tianxing for more than half an hour, asking him about his experience for so many years and the truth of his ‘fake death’ back then.

Regarding the future, everyone is not in a hurry to inquire about the plan to resist the God Emperor Shura.

After an hour, everyone's chatting ended.

At this time, Patriarch Nangong once again urged and warned everyone that he must not divulge news about the return of the sword god.

Nangong Patriarch wanted to arrange Ji Tianxing's residence himself, but Nangong Nihuang and Nangong Ao volunteered to be responsible for arranging Ji Tianxing's residence and daily life.

In this regard, Nangong Patriarch and several elders are happy to see it.

They also knew that among the young disciples of the Nangong clan, only Nangong Ao and Nangong Nihuang were the closest to Ji Tianxing.

As a result, everyone got up and saluted, and Ji Tianxing took Nangong Ao and Nangong Nihuang and left the Guangming Hall.

After leaving the hall, the three walked side by side on the square.

Nearly a thousand people from the Nangong tribe had gathered around them, and when they saw Ji Tianxing coming out, they gathered around and all saluted him, greeted him with warmth, and expressed their welcome.

Seeing that everyone is so enthusiastic, if Ji Tianxing dealt with them one by one, I am afraid it will take half a day.

Nangong Ao and Nangong Nihuang hurriedly helped him out of the siege, and in a few words, they dismissed everyone and allowed everyone to make way.

The three quickly left and came to the back of the Bright Hall.

Nangong Nihuang originally wanted to arrange Ji Tianxing in Xingyuan Palace. This palace is magnificent enough and has always been used to entertain guests.

Moreover, Xingyuan Palace is very close to the Guangming Hall and not far from the residence of Nangong Nihuang. There is only a palace in between.

She even transferred the guards and maids from her palace to serve Ji Tianxing.

But Ji Tianxing hadn't commented yet, and Nangong Ao waved his hand and rejected the proposal.

"Nihuang! If this is another distinguished guest, it makes sense for you to arrange it in Xingyuan Palace, but Longtian is different!

Our Nangong clan has so many children and they all admire and admire him very much.

Everyone can guess that he will probably live in Xingyuan Palace.

At that time, people will visit him and see him in Xingyuan Palace every day. Wouldn't it be very noisy?

It is not easy for him to refuse, and he cannot hurt everyone's enthusiasm and face.

However, this will disturb him to recuperate and adjust his breath..."

Nangong Nihuang also felt that what he said was reasonable, so he nodded and said, "It's because I haven't thought about it. Then, nine elders, where do you arrange Longtian?"

Nangong Ao showed a playful smile, and lowered his voice: "I live on Feiyun Peak, which is far from the Guangming Hall. Usually, few people bother me.

Let Longtian live in Feiyun Peak, where there happens to be an elegant and clean house, and I will send someone to clean it up.

As for the guards and maids, this is up to you. "

Nangong Nihuang is right when he thinks about it. The Nine Elders are always troublesome, and love to be tricky and bully the young children of the clan.

Therefore, in the past few hundred years, few people have dared to walk around Feiyunfeng for fear of encountering Nangongao.

In addition, Nangong Nihuang could also see that Nangong Ao's arrangement was somewhat selfish, and he could be closer to Long Tian.

But this is understandable~www.ltnovel.com~Nangong Nihuang doesn't mind.

As long as no one interrupts Ji Tianxing, he can heal his injuries at ease.

In this way, the two reached a consensus and rushed to Feiyun Peak with Ji Tianxing.

After arriving at Feiyun Peak, Nangong Ao ordered more than 20 guards and maids in his palace to clean the house.

Nangong Nihuang sent a message to summon the guards and maids who served her, and rushed to Feiyun Peak to gather.

Within half an hour, this matter will be completed.

Next, Ji Tianxing moved into the house, and the twelve guards and eight maids were also arranged to perform their duties.

Nangong Nihuang saw that the arrangements were in order, and said to Ji Tianxing: "Long Tian, ​​take a rest for half a day. Tonight, my father will hold a grand dinner for you.

Let's Yanxu Dongtian, we haven't held this kind of event for many years, so prepare a little bit. "

Ji Tianxing had expected this long ago, and he was not surprised, nodding his head to express his understanding.

Nangong Nihuang left, leaving only Ji Tianxing and Nangong Ao in the study.

Until then, Nangong Ao winked at him and said: "Longtian, Nihuang has gone, now you can tell me, this time to Yanxu Dongtian the real purpose, right?"

Ji Tianxing was quite speechless, glanced at him, and said: "My purpose, in the Guangming Hall just now, isn't it clear?"

Nangong proudly patted him on the shoulder, in a posture of "Don't pretend," and said with a chuckle: "Okay, between us brothers, don't cover up.

Come on, are you moved by Nihuang's deep friendship?

Since the news of your fall spread, she has been depressed and sad for more than a thousand years.

Her affection for you, it is really stronger than Jin Jian, higher than the sky, deeper than the sea, we all know.

Such an infatuated beauty, don't let you down! "

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