Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4053: Nangong Nihuang

Patriarch Nangong is not confused.

Since the Sword God came alone without much fanfare, there must be something wrong.

Also, keep a low profile to avoid leaking news.

After all, the sword **** is still in a wanted state, and once the news leaks out, it will soon attract a large number of strong men to besiege.

At that time, not only Yanxu Dongtian will be trapped, but the sword **** will also be in danger.

Confidentiality is of course the top priority.

After entering Yanxu Cave Sky, everyone flew across the sky, across the green mountains and green waters, towards the depths of the cave sky.

Yanxu Cave is huge, with a radius of eight hundred thousand miles.

This cave, which can accommodate billions of living beings, now only houses more than 10,000 people.

Nearly 10,000 of them were children and relatives of the Nangong clan, and several thousand were servants and relatives of the Nangong clan.

Within Yanxu Cave, there is ample divine power and abundant materials, forming a world of its own.

As long as the God Realm is not destroyed, this cave sky that depends on the God Realm can exist forever.

Even if the Nangong clan lived in seclusion for hundreds of millions of years, there was no problem.

The palace complex of the Nangong clan was built on the top of the mountains in the depths of the cave, where is the most abundant spiritual treasure land.

Ji Tianxing and others flew across the sky without a hassle, talking about topics that were not loose or tight along the way.

When you see the green mountains and beautiful waters around you, there is a beautiful and energetic beauty, and the atmosphere is more cheerful and joyful.

After about three quarters of an hour, everyone flew over hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers and arrived at the palace complex in the depths of the cave.

A few hundred miles away, you can see a large mountain range connected together, and the peaks are scattered.

Ji Tianxing had been here that year and lived for half a month.

Of course he knew that there were forty-nine hills, and on each hill there were several palaces and several houses.

Together, there should be more than 200 palaces and more than 300 houses.

From a distance, the palaces and houses are magnificent, beautiful and solemn.

There were teams of guards with bright armor, guarding the gates of the palaces and around the main roads.

Although Yanxu Cave Sky was closed for many years, almost no outsiders entered.

However, the Nangong clan will not give up the basic precautions and guards.

Ji Tianxing originally thought that the Nangong clan had closed the cave and lived in seclusion for hundreds of years, and the people must have been lazy.

Even if he enters the palace group, the vast majority of Nangong people should be practicing in retreat.

But he did not expect that the Nangong Patriarch and the elders surrounded him, and just after landing on the square of the main peak, a large number of Nangong people emerged around him.

"Welcome the return of Lord Sword God!"

At least three hundred people from the Nangong tribe, all dressed in costumes and exquisite accessories, came from around the square.

They were all in high spirits and emotions, their faces were full of joy, and they looked at Ji Tianxing brightly.

The dozen or so young girls at the front of the crowd also held many fruit plates full of divine fruits and wine glasses full of jade liquid.

The leading young woman wore a water blue gauze skirt with noble and elegant temperament.

Her expression and emotions seemed calmer, but her eyes were more complicated, and her eyes as clear as lake water contained indescribable excitement and longing.

She held a cloak with colorful haze and a beautiful dragon in both hands, and looked at Ji Tianxing affectionately.

Obviously, the Patriarch in Nangong brought the elders to the entrance of the cave to meet Ji Tianxing.

The news of the return of the Sword God spread within Yanxu Cave.

Those children who practice hard in retreat will naturally not receive the news and will not be able to leave the gate in the short term.

But those children who did not retreat, just ordinary exercises, all took action.

The young children who worshipped and missed the sword **** voluntarily gathered on the main peak and prepared this simple but warm welcome ceremony.

As for the most elegant, dignified, noble and beautiful young woman headed by the dozen or so girls, she is actually the most excited and pleasantly surprised.

It's just that her self-cultivation is very good, and she didn't gaffe in public.

Looking at the hundreds of children from the Nangong tribe who were cheering, Ji Tianxing was also a little bit emotional, feeling a touch of warmth in his heart.

Even if he disappeared for more than a thousand years, even these young children did not have a deep relationship with him.

But after more than a thousand years, these people can still remember him and be so passionate about him.

He felt that he didn't waste his efforts to help the Nangong people resolve the crisis.

"Everyone, see you again after a thousand years. It is really gratifying that everyone is still so prosperous.

Thank you for your warm welcome, Longtian is grateful! "

Ji Tianxing looked at the people with a smile on his face, clasped his fists in salute and thanked him.

The hundreds of young children were even more excited when they saw him react like this, waving and shouting.

Patriarch Nangong and several elders watched this scene with a smile, and did not stop or urge.

Afterwards, the young woman wearing aqua blue gauze skirt, holding a cloak with colorful haze and beautiful dragon patterns ~www.ltnovel.com~Lianbu walked in front of Ji Tianxing.

With a small smile on her eyebrows, her lips lightly opened, her voice calmly and softly said: "Longtian, welcome to Yanxu Cave!

This cloak was embroidered by me back then, but I never had the chance to give it to you.

Now that you come back safe and sound, please accept it. "

Although, she tried her best to stay calm and make her tone more calm.

But if you listen carefully, you can notice that her voice is trembling.

This was naturally because she was too excited and surprised to see Long Tian again, right in front of her.

At this moment, she had only one thought in her mind.

If you can see Long Tian again in this life, this thousand years of waiting and thinking is worth it.

This is also God's favor for her and gave her another chance.

After saying these words, she held the gorgeous, exquisite and dreamlike cloak in both hands and handed it to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, feeling a little speechless for a while, and had mixed feelings in his heart, not knowing what to say.

Of course he knew that this woman was the princess of the Nangong clan, the jewel in the palm of the Nangong Patriarch, Nangong Nihuang.

He knew better how much Nangong Nihuang admired and even admired him back then.

And Nangong Nihuang's affection for him is well known by the Nangong clan.

At the time, he rejected the marriage that seemed to be ‘natural’, thinking that he broke Nangong Nihuang’s heart and made Nangong Nihuang very embarrassed.

More than a thousand years later, Nangong Nihuang should have forgotten him a long time ago, and he has no affection for him.

But he did not expect that when the two met again, Nangong Nihuang would be no different from that year.

No matter the look in his eyes, the voice and tone of speech, they are exactly the same as they were back then.

As for Nangong Nihuang's thoughts and affection, I am afraid... still unwavering.

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