Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4049: Return of the King

Distorted time and space, under the blood flame **** tree.

Ji Tianxing sat cross-legged, working to refine the Godhead fragments of the Tiance Domain Lord.

Not far from him, Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Ji Wushuang, and Ji Wuhen were doing exercises to heal and practice.

On the other platforms under the sacred tree, Chao Qingyu, Yanke, and others were all working to heal their injuries.

The people who had participated in the Battle of Tiance Stars before were basically seriously injured.

Fortunately, Heaven Burying Sword and Ji Ke protected everyone, so they could avoid death at the critical moment.

Although everyone’s injuries are quite serious, they need exercises for a long time to heal their injuries.

But everyone has experienced that battle, and gained a lot of practical experience, and the foundation of God's way is more stable.

Every strong man can truly grow up after being tempered by blood and fire.

They have the most suitable cultivation illusion, the most abundant cultivation resources, and many companions who can explore and confirm the cultivation way.

There are top powerhouses such as Ji Tianxing to **** them.

Coupled with the training of the battle of the gods after another...

Under this circumstance, how can everyone not work hard and increase their strength rapidly?

Unconsciously, the Tushen battleship sailed in the void all day.

Fifty days have passed since the warped time and space, and Ji Tianxing has refined the godhead of the Tiance domain master and absorbed the memory of the soul.

After sorting out the memories of the Tiance domain master, he got the news he wanted.

But what made him a little regretful was that the domain master of Tiance had neither heard of Fengtian Dragon Emperor nor had he seen it.

In the past thousand years, there have been several major events in the Tiance Star Region, all of which are related to the Peak God King.

However, none of them had anything to do with Fengtian Dragon Emperor.

All in all, the disappearance and fall of the Tianlong Emperor must have nothing to do with the Tiance Star Territory.

In addition to this news, Ji Tianxing also learned many secrets, all about the Tiance star field and Dao Nebula.

For example, how did Dao Nebula conquer the master of the sky strategy and support the master of the sky strategy to firmly control the entire star field.

Another example is the situation of the many stars in the Tiance star field, and how the foreign people of the entire star field work and allegiance to Dao Nebula...

As for the Dao Nebula and the Grey Mist mystery, as well as the situation of the other four **** emperors, the status of the Tiance Domain Lord is too low to know.


After refining the godhead fragments of the Tiance domain master, Ji Tianxing temporarily stopped practicing.

He had to consider a problem carefully and make a decision as soon as possible.

"The five great **** emperors all knew that I was reborn and restored the strength of the peak **** king, and they also knew my path forward.

Therefore, the Dao Nebula ambushed in the Tiance star field a few months in advance.

In the next few star regions, the other **** emperors must have been prepared for a while.

They will certainly not sit and wait for death, most of them will gather hundreds of **** kings in advance, like Dao Xingyun, and set up ambushes, waiting for me to step into the trap..."

In the near term, Ji Tianxing's strength has not grown significantly or made breakthroughs.

If there is another battle similar to the Battle of Tiance Stars, he will still be unable to defeat his opponent alone, and he will still need the assistance of Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others.

Yunyao, Ji Ke and others are still in a state of serious injuries, and are still recuperating in the twisted time and space.

Ji Tianxing knew that now is not the time to go to the next star field.

Once he rushes away rashly, he will most likely fight alone, and his life is in great danger.

After all, none of the **** emperors are weak, and they all have powerful strength and means.

Even if he can deal with a **** emperor incarnation, he can't deal with hundreds of **** kings.

Even if Yunyao, Ji Ke and others are healed from their injuries and assist him in the fight, the few **** emperors are likely to jointly set up an ambush...

If the two incarnations of **** emperors join forces, and hundreds of alien **** kings assist, then he and Yun Yao and others are likely to be killed!

With this in mind, Ji Tianxing decided to stay away from the edge for the time being and take a long-term view.

He wants to lead everyone to find a safe place, so that everyone can heal and improve their strength with peace of mind.

When everyone is fully prepared, he will act by chance.

In the beginning, Ji Tianxing wanted to leave the Tiance star field and find a place to hide in the vast void.

But when he looked into the dark and cold void, he suddenly saw a golden scorching sun in the depths of the distant void.

It was a huge and incomparable golden star, floating alone in the void, emitting endless sacred golden light, reflecting the various star fields.

Ji Tianxing was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted, recognizing the golden star.

He suddenly showed relief, and a smile appeared on his face.

"That is one of the eternal stars, God Realm!"

At the beginning, he set out from the dragon world, crossed the void, and crossed one star field after another.

When he was about to arrive in the Tiance star field, he was already halfway through his journey.

The Tiance star field and the Tiankui star field were both very close to the **** realm.

He already knew this when he was a sword god.

However, he always wanted to explore the nine star regions, looking for the mystery of the fallen master, and did not pay attention to the gods.

Now that he saw God Realm again, he immediately had an idea.

Why go to the void to find a place to recuperate?

Returning directly to the God Realm not only allows you to recuperate with peace of mind, but you can also handle many things.

For example, destroying the power foundation of the five great **** emperors, summoning the old and remnant forces of the year...

The foundation of the five great **** emperors is in the realm of the gods, and they control five continents separately, and they also leave behind many strong confidants to help them guard their foundation.

However, the deities of the five **** emperors are deep in the void, studying the mystery of the gray mist.

Their avatars must be lying in ambush in the star fields such as Tianhe and Tianfeng, waiting for Ji Tianxing to cast himself into the net.

In this way, the God Realm is naturally empty of power.

At least, those **** kings and pinnacle **** kings who stayed behind in the God Realm absolutely couldn't resist Ji Tianxing's offensive!

After making up his mind, Ji Tianxing left the Jiutian Shijue Tower and appeared in the cab of the Tushen battleship.

He sat cross-legged on the formation, controlled the God Tu battleship to change direction and flew towards the gods.

At the same time, he also took out a large amount of miraculous medicine, and began to exercise healing and practice.


Although, the God Realm can be clearly seen in the Tiance Star Region, as if the distance between the two is not far.

But in fact, the distance between the two is more than 100 billion li.

Even at the speed of the Slaughter God battleship ~www.ltnovel.com~, it took half a year to fly before arriving near the God Realm.

Only when you get close can you feel the majesty of this eternal star.

This eternal star with a diameter of tens of billions of miles is completely wrapped by the golden light barrier and has the strongest space barrier in the world.

Even the horrible meteorite group cannot defeat its protective layer.

Unless heaven is destroyed or destroyed by extraordinary forces, this star will be eternal!

With anticipation and hope, Ji Tianxing drove the God Slaughter battleship straight to the golden barrier of the God Realm.

"God, I'm back again!

When I left the God Realm, I was chased by many God Kings and forced to flee to the Dragon Realm.

This time, not only will I be ashamed, but I will also turn the world upside down! "

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