Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4045: Serial crash

"The ignorant is fearless!"

Ji Tianxing only has these five words to evaluate the "braveness" of more than 30 gods.

When everyone flared their teeth and claws and waved their weapons to start a siege, he still stood with his hands in his hands, his expression indifferent.

Neither did he see him holding weapons, nor did he see him cast magic tricks.

He just snorted coldly and released an invisible shock wave of souls, condensed into dozens of invisible swords, stabs at those gods.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

On the surface, nothing happened in the sky, but the gods who rushed bravely were suddenly frozen in place.

But in fact, the sea of ​​consciousness of every **** is like thunder, and there is a loud noise.

Then, their sea of ​​consciousness was destroyed, their spirits were killed, and their godheads were also broken.

In this way, thirty-six gods were killed in seconds.

Their corpses stayed in the sky for a moment, then fell to the ground ‘puff and puff’, splashing smoke and dust in the sky.

Solving many gods easily, Ji Tianxing stopped taking a second look at the corpse, and walked to the top of the altar.

Although there is no one to maintain, the altar is still operating normally, shining with colorful lights.

This large array of heaven and earth is closely connected with the sky strategy star, absorbing the endless divine power of heaven and earth, and conveying it to the great array covering the sky through the formation context.

Standing on the top of the altar, Ji Tianxing performed the mystical pupil technique again, and his pupils turned dark gold.

He stared at the altar under his feet, and the formation patterns on the ground around him, carefully watching.

After a few breaths, he discerned that this was a high-ranking heaven and earth formation.

"More than three hundred king-level high-grade heaven and earth arrays, united to form a large array that surpasses the god-king level, half-step emperor-level...

This idea of ​​Dao Xingyun is very clever, worthy of study and study. "

Ji Tianxing muttered to himself, continuing to observe the structure of the heaven and earth array.

When he held his breath, there was no disguise and secrets in this large formation, and all the context, nodes and structures were clearly visible.

The half-step emperor rank big formation, with Ji Tianxing's current strength, really can't crack it.

But the king-level high-ranking **** formation was a piece of cake for him, and it was extremely easy.

In just two quarters of an hour, he had a clear and thorough understanding of this great array of heaven and earth.

After a little thought and consideration, he came up with two solutions.

However, he did not directly crack the big array.

He had to think about another, more important issue!

"It's not a difficult task to crack this king-level high-grade heaven and earth array. It can be done in half an hour.

But what about after cracking this big formation?

I have to go to Tiance Star, find all the big formations one by one, and get rid of them one by one? "

If you use this most awkward method, of course, you can disintegrate the huge array, but it will take at least three months.

Ji Tianxing didn't want to waste so much time, so he could only think and find a better solution.

The first thing he thought of was to destroy the great array of heaven and earth in front of him.

After all, this big formation is closely related to the other three hundred big formations.

If it can trigger a chain reaction, it can damage other large formations, leaving holes and gaps in the Zhetian formation.

But Ji Tianxing thought carefully and felt that this method was not safe.

It is easy to destroy a large array of heaven and earth, but it is a idiotic dream to let the destructive power spread and affect other large arrays of heaven and earth.

One is that the destructive power will be dissipated by the big constellation, spread to more than three hundred big constellations, which will be borne by the stars.

The second is that the destructive force will be greatly wasted and weakened in the process of transmission.

So Ji Tianxing expelled this idea and continued thinking.

After a while, he thought of a second solution.

Extract the power of the world from the Five Elements World and forcefully pour it into the great array of heaven and earth.

After destroying a large formation, he can control the power of the world with his mind, and destroy other large formations through the context of the large formation.

But he changed his mind to think that the method is feasible, but the power of the world to be consumed is very scary.

Maybe, he cultivated the Five Elements World before, and the few trillions of cultivation resources he spent were wasted here.

In desperation, Ji Tianxing thought about other ways.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he had a new idea.

"It takes too much to instill the power of the world into the big formation.

If this doesn't work, then I will use dzi supplementation beads to extract the power to cover the sky!

Anyway, the constellation of the sky is supported by the heaven and earth divine power, and the supplementary dzi bead extracts the heaven and earth divine power, which can replenish itself and cultivate the world of five elements! "

This method is of course the safest.

Taking a step back, even if you can't successfully destroy the Zhetian Array, you will still make a profit without losing it.

Ji Tianxing decisively sacrificed the Mending Dzi Bead, placed it on the altar, and began to perform the exercises.

Under his urging, the pearl-sized dzi beads quickly expanded to the size of a millpan.

The Sky Filling Bead lit up the sacred white light, releasing terrifying devouring power, covering the entire altar.


Suddenly, the divine power of heaven and earth drew from the altar poured into the dzi bead at an extremely fast speed.

The fill dzi bead swallowed the divine power so fast that a dazzling vortex of divine light appeared around the altar!

In this case, it is like a giant whale opening its blood basin to **** up the water in a pond!

It's just a mere altar, where can it withstand the swallowing of Dzi Beads?

In the blink of an eye, the divine power in the altar was swallowed up by the Mending Dzi Bead.

The altar speeded up its operation, drawing more power from heaven and earth to maintain the operation of the large array.

However, the speed at which the altar absorbs the divine power of the heavens and the earth is dozens of times slower than the swallowing speed of the Replenishing Dzi Bead!

The altar was unable to supply the Dzi Beads, it was difficult to sustain it, and it began to shake violently, cracks appeared on the surface, and collapse was accelerated.

"Boom boom boom..."

As time passed, the altar shook more and more violently and began to shatter and collapse.

Within ten breaths, the entire altar fell apart, and this great array of heaven and earth collapsed.

But the swallowing of Bu Dzi Bead has not stopped.

The terrifying devouring power, following the context of the big formation, extends into the sky, greedily drawing the power of the colorful sky.

The colorful sky above Ji Tianxing's head became thin and dim at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The strength of this area is insufficient, of course, it must be borrowed from other areas.

As a result, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and other large arrays of heaven and earth are accelerating to absorb the divine power of heaven and earth to fill the weakness of the colorful sky.

When Ji Tianxing urged to fill the dzi with all his strength, his swallowing power burst to the limit.

The two nearest heaven and earth sacred formations also began to shake violently, speeding up their collapse and collapse.

Those two **** formations were also guarded by dozens of gods in the south and west of the mainland.

But those gods looked dumbfounded, helpless with this sudden situation, they could only watch the altar collapse!

Facts have proved that Ji Tianxing's plan was successful!

It was a good start, and it lifted his spirits.

He continued to urge to replenish the dzi, madly devouring the heaven and the earth.

Next, the heaven, earth and **** array scattered around Tiance collapsed and collapsed one by one...

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