Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4031: Surrender

"The people of Tiance Star didn't know, nor did the guards guarding Tiance Divine Mansion.

Even these six hundred **** kings gathered here in secret.

Even if they don't know what's going on, the news can naturally be hidden.

What's more, the emperor arrived here as early as three months ago and made arrangements and ambushes in advance, which naturally went smoothly.

As long as you are attentive and careful, you will be able to do everything without missing any flaws! "

Although, Tao Xingyun said it is relatively simple and light.

But everyone knows that things are definitely not that simple.

Under the circumstances of Ji Tianxing's careful guard, such a perfect ambush could be arranged, and it was not until the end that it revealed its true colors, which shows how much thought and time Dao Nebula has spent.

This also allowed Ji Tianxing to see that the Dao Xingyun, who worked in the Five Emperors, had become more sinister now.

But the matter has come to this point, Dao Xingyun and the 600-year-old god-king powerhouse have repeatedly besieged Ji Tianxing.

Besides, everything is superfluous, only a **** battle can break through!

The world is quiet.

More than 600 strong **** kings have long been arranged in a large array according to different directions, encircling thousands of miles.

Dao Xingyun shook his feather fan and looked at Ji Tianxing with a smile on his face. He said confidently: "Sword God, you have the power to destroy the incarnation of the Nether God Emperor. This emperor thinks he is not much stronger than the Nether God Emperor, so if you fight alone, , You should be able to defeat this incarnation of the emperor.

However, this emperor will never give you this opportunity!

Now, the emperor has selected the star masters of most of the star regions, and more than 600 **** kings have gathered here.

Not to mention that you are the pinnacle **** king, even if you are the **** emperor strong, you will definitely die!

Give up struggling, this emperor can give you a decent way to die.

Of course, if you can surrender the Zhutian map, this emperor can still spare your life! "

Dao Xingyun has the confidence to contain Ji Tianxing, and more than 600 **** kings besiege, Ji Tianxing will undoubtedly die.

Now that the winner is in hand, he of course has to negotiate terms with Ji Tianxing in exchange for greater benefits.

Ji Tianxing sneered to himself, but on the surface he was taken aback, and sneered contemptuously, "What about more than six hundred star masters?

It's just a bunch of local chickens and dogs, the upper **** king is less than 20%, and Bacheng is the middle **** king. What can I do? "

"Haha..." Dao Xingyun didn't bother to argue with him, shook the folding fan lightly, smiled and said: "With so many of us, can we kill you? You know, why do you want to support it?

Stop talking nonsense, hand over the Zhutian map, this emperor spares you, and your words count! "

Seeing Dao Xingyun holding on to Zhu Tiantu, Ji Tianxing understood that he was very eager for the battle map.

However, he couldn't admit that Zhu Tiantu was in his hands and had to make the same rhetoric as last time.

"Zhutiantu? Haha...If I had Zhutiantu, I would have broken through to the **** emperor realm long ago, so I need to talk nonsense with you?

I originally thought that after my fall, Zhu Tiantu was taken away by you.

Now it seems that you didn't get it either, it's really ironic, hahaha! "

Hearing these words from Ji Tianxing, the smile on Dao Xingyun's face dissipated, and his brow frowned sullenly.

He was silent and did not speak, but stared at Ji Tianxing, seemingly wanting to distinguish the truth from this sentence.

Obviously, he did not believe too much in Ji Tianxing's rhetoric.

He is not the Nether God Emperor, he is not so foolish.

However, Ji Tianxing's look, tone and rhetoric could not find the slightest flaw, and he was also skeptical.

"Sword God, no matter if what you say is true or false, this emperor doesn't care.

Anyway, I will kill you later, the Emperor will carefully examine your body and Godhead.

At that time, everything will come to light! "

In the end, Dao Xingyun remained skeptical and waved his hand to give the order to besiege.

"kill him!"

Following Dao Xingyun's order, more than six hundred **** kings and powerful men around, all wielded swords and magic weapons, displayed supernatural skills, and launched a siege on Ji Tianxing.


"Rumble rumbling!"

The dazzling magical brilliance lit up, illuminating a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

The shadows of the swords, lights and swords that cover the sky and the sun, wind, fire and thunder, like the flood of the sky, spilling towards the sky.

Every **** king puts his best to use his supernatural powers to destroy the world.

More than six hundred people joined forces to blast together, enough to completely blast a group of palaces with a radius of thousands of miles into ruins and debris.

But the **** kings did not hesitate, their expressions and eyes revealed firmness.

They had long been ordered by Dao Xingyun, even if they destroyed this palace, destroyed the entire secret realm, or even destroyed the entire Tiance Star, they must completely kill Ji Tianxing.

Once Ji Tianxing is killed, it will be a great achievement for eternity!

It is also to remove the biggest obstacles and confidential problems of Dao Xingyun and several great **** emperors!

In contrast, Tiance Stars are not that important.

Faced with such a fierce siege, Ji Tianxing did not hesitate to use the teleport technique to escape the encirclement of everyone.

He knew well that no matter how strong he was, he couldn't resist the siege of more than six hundred **** kings.

What's more, the incarnation of Dao Xingyun is still eyeing, and it is possible to shoot at any time.

For the present plan, what he thought was not **** all these gods, but how to escape to get rid of everyone's pursuit.

Of course, only by breaking through the encirclement of many gods and pulling the battle line longer can he have a chance to fight back.

"call out!"

Ji Tianxing performed the spell, and a dazzling white light appeared all over his body, tearing the space to teleport.

However, Dao Xingyun and hundreds of God Kings had already placed a large seal formation in this area.

Ji Tianxing only felt that he was stuck in a quagmire and his actions were difficult, and the difficulty of tearing up the space had increased several times.

Fortunately, his divine power is strong enough, and he has an indestructible golden body.

Even if forcibly tearing the space apart, it would damage the divine body, he didn't care anymore.


The white light flashed, and after a breath, Ji Tianxing passed through the sky, light sword shadow and thunder, successfully tore the space and teleported thousands of miles away.

Although, his divine power was consumed quite a bit, his complexion was a little pale, and he was still a little breathing.

But he managed to break through the encirclement, and the siege of hundreds of **** kings failed.


"Boom bang bang!"

He turned his head and looked in the sky thousands of miles away from ~www.ltnovel.com~, and saw the overwhelming magical light, blasting down on dozens of peaks and palaces, bursting into the sky with flames and dust.

At least 20 peaks were shattered on the spot and collapsed into wasteland.

Those exquisite and solemn palaces were also blasted into slag, leaving only the ruined walls all over the ground.

Thousands of guards and servants were too late to evacuate. They were accidentally injured by the kings and died on the spot, with no scum left.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing understood how firm Dao Xingyun was determined to kill him!

Hundreds of **** kings failed in one shot and failed to injure Ji Tianxing. Instead, they killed many of their own people, all in shame.

Without Dao Nebula's order, they spread out, formed a larger encirclement, and rushed towards Ji Tianxing.

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