Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4029: Tiance Temple

While flying over several continents, Ji Tianxing released his spiritual consciousness and observed the situation on the continent.

Every continent, every kingdom of God, and even countless cities are as calm and peaceful as ever.

There is no sense that the mountains and rain are coming and the wind is all over the building, nor is there a scene of crisis and panic.

The hundreds of millions of alien creatures, without the slightest guard or awareness of the coming danger, are still as usual.

Seeing such a scene, Ji Tianxing was a little confused and wary.

But after a moment of careful consideration, he was relieved.

His first reaction was, why did the alien people of Tiancexing not know the coming danger?

Didn't God Emperor Nebula not inform the domain master of Tiance?

The domain master of Tiance didn't give any orders to make the people of Tiance star vigilant, or to deploy defensive forces?

But Ji Tianxing thought again, if God Emperor Nebula had notified the domain master of Tiance.

In order not to cause panic or cause turmoil, the policy domain master would definitely act secretly or escape.

Therefore, it is impossible for ordinary people to know the truth, and only those with strong gods are qualified to know the inside story.

If the aliens were to know that the crisis was coming, Tiancexing would likely experience drastic changes.

I am afraid that the people are panicking, and there will be turbulence, and then it will be difficult to convey the orders of the domain master of the sky, and no plan can be implemented.

Of course, even if this speculation is reasonable, it is only speculation after all.

The truth will be known after Ji Tianxing enters the Tiance Divine Mansion.


Half a day later, Ji Tianxing came to the middle of Tiance Continent.

In front are endless mountains, covered with lush forest.

Above the forest, the mist is evaporating, and the clouds are surging in the sky.

The aura here is exceptionally abundant, but it is shrouded in clouds all year round, so it is inaccessible and very mysterious.

This mountain range with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles is very high and is the ancestor of the dragon veins of the Tiance Continent.

The cave mansion of the Tiance Domain Lord is in the depths of this mountain range.

On weekdays, this area is forbidden on the Tiance Continent, and no one dares to trespass.

Therefore, in the mountains with abundant resources, there are countless monsters and spirit beasts.

When Ji Tianxing drove the warship over the mountains, he did not forget to use his spiritual sense to explore the situation in the mountains.

He thought to himself that the birds and beasts in the mountains would not deceive people.

Whether the Tiance domain master was wary of it, whether there was a conspiracy, can also tell from the reaction of birds and beasts.

Unconsciously, half an hour passed.

The Battleship Tushen also reached the depths of the mountains and came to the entrance of Tiance Divine Mansion.

During this period, Ji Tianxing traversed more than two hundred thousand miles of mountains, and his divine sense detected that everything was normal in the mountains.

Countless birds and beasts, without any influence, wandered and acted as before.

This also allows Ji Tianxing to draw a conclusion.

"The birds and beasts in this mountain range have not been frightened, indicating that there has not been a large number of **** kings and powerful people gathered here recently.

This means that Tiance Divine Mansion has not summoned the army and the king of the gods to reinforce it. "

And his conclusion was further confirmed when he saw the entrance of Tiance Divine Palace.

Tiance Divine Mansion sounds like a mansion, but it is actually a cave mansion, which is also in a secret realm.

There is a large formation at the entrance of the secret realm, built on the top of a three-thousand-square-meter giant peak.

The top of the mountain within a radius of ten miles was flattened and a square was built.

In the middle of the square is the altar, and the large array is closed.

Around the altar were guarded by nearly a hundred guards from the Divine Sovereign Realm, and the two guard leaders at the head were the next **** kings.

These guards are like statues, guarding the altar without any movement, their expressions are calm and solemn.

The cave mansion of the dignified Star Territory Lord only has so many guards and this level of strength.

This is a normal level, and even the defense force is slightly weak.

It can be seen that Tiance Divine Palace has not strengthened its defensive force, and it seems that it is kept in the dark without knowing.

Ji Tianxing observed in secret for a while, and found that these guards did not pretend to be calm and calm, but really didn't know the danger was coming.

In this way, he was more relieved, and thought to himself: "It seems that Dao Xingyun really gave up the Tiance domain master.

Probably in the eyes of that guy, the life of the Tiance Domain Master was not as good as his incarnation. "

Originally, Ji Tianxing had planned to hide near the entrance and wait patiently for a while.

When someone entered the secret realm, he turned into dust again, and then mixed into the Tiance Divine Mansion.

Unexpectedly, he waited all day and never saw anyone in and out of Tiance Divine Mansion.

Moreover, the entrance of the large formation has been closed, it seems that very few people usually enter and exit.

This is also normal. After all, the Tiance Star Territory has been at peace for many years, and there is usually nothing major.

Even if you have something to report to the star masters, you only need to send a message, there is no need to rush to the Tiance Divine Mansion in person.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing decided not to wait any longer and chose to take the initiative.

Since Tiance Divine Palace had been abandoned by Dao Xingyun, he had nothing to worry about.

With his own power, he can sweep the entire Tiance Divine Mansion!


Ji Tianxing, who had been observing in the dark, suddenly appeared, waved his hands to create a divine light, forming a sealed array.

A golden mask of ten li in a radius enveloped the entire mountain top from the sky, sealing the square.

Suddenly undergoing drastic changes, many of the guards were shocked, and subconsciously clenched the sword and magic weapon.

The two guard leaders of the Divine King Realm even crossed their swords in front of them, vigilantly searching for the enemy.

But Ji Tianxing appeared in the middle of the square openly and didn't need to look for it.

In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on him.

"Who Fang Xiaoxiao, dare to run wild in Tiance Divine Mansion?"

"Everyone go up together, take him off!"

The two guard leaders felt the aura of Ji Tianxing's strength, and knew that he was a strong **** king, of course they did not dare to underestimate it.

As they shouted and gave orders, nearly a hundred guards brandished their swords and launched a siege to Ji Tianxing.

At this time, Ji Tianxing's divine mind moved, and the Sealing Divine Array began to operate, bursting out a powerful force of suppression.

Suddenly, nearly a hundred guards were stuck in a quagmire, and their actions were difficult ~www.ltnovel.com~ Even the two guard leaders were suppressed, crouching, and their powers were very slow.

With a flash of Ji Tianxing's figure, he rushed into the crowd, his left and right hands simultaneously swept out the sky, and fell into the crowd.

With the muffled sound of ‘bang bang bang’ burst out one after another, the hundreds of guards from the Divine Sovereign Realm fell in pieces like wheat.

Most of the guards were deadly with a sword, and their heads and godheads were penetrated by the sword light, and they died on the spot.

Only a few of the guards were chopped by a few sword lights, and their heads were sprinkled with blood from the sky.

"Puff and puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thumping sound.

When the two guard leaders were about to attack, they saw that all the guards were killed, and blood was splashed on themselves, so they were shocked on the spot.

They guessed that Ji Tianxing was very strong, but they didn't expect him to be so strong!

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