Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4023: Reunion

   After listening to Ji Tianxing's explanation, the three of them knew the reason, and they were happy and excited.

   "Are we to Tiankui star? Will we see Wuhen soon?"

   "Great! After more than 20 years, I can finally see Wuhen!"

   "I don't know how your brother is now and how is his life?"

   Yunyao, Ji Ke, and Ji Wushuang are very happy and can't wait.

   Ji Tianxing said relievedly: "Don't worry, under the care of Emperor Shenglong, Wu Heng has no problems, and he has grown into a high god.

   We stay here and wait patiently for a few days before we can see him. "

   The emotions of Yunyao and Ji Ke are much calmer.

   After that, everyone stayed in the house, meditating and adjusting their breath, waiting for Ji Wuhen to return.

   Of course, Yun Yao worries and misses Ji Wuhen the most. He can't practice quietly, and asks Ji Tianxing every day if Wuhen is back.

   So, day after day passed.

   Waiting until the night of the fourth day, Ji Tianxing was meditating in the bedroom and adjusting his breath.

   Suddenly, the captain of the guard who guards the house rushed to the bedroom door and reported respectfully: "Enlighten the King of Heaven, the young master is back!"

   Hearing this news suddenly, Ji Tianxing was startled.

   Soon he realized that these guards and generals called the Tiankui domain master the domain master, but called the Holy Dragon Emperor the master.

  Since the Holy Dragon Emperor is the master, then the young master they said is naturally Ji Wuhen!

   Ji Tianxing immediately felt happy, and quickly ended his meditation and adjusted his breath, and opened the door of the room.

   "Where is the young master? Take this king to see him!"

   Ji Tianxing stepped over the door subconsciously and wanted to find Ji Wuhen.

   But the captain of the guard bowed and explained: "The lord said, please wait a moment, he will bring the young lord to see you soon."

   Ji Tianxing thought for a while, and felt that this move was reasonable.

   So, he quickly told Yun Yao, Ji Ke and Ji Wushuang the good news.

   The three of them were meditating in the secret room. When they heard the good news, they were all excited.

  They hurriedly left the secret room and met Ji Tianxing in the living room.

   Even, the three of them have to calm down their excitement and tidy up their clothes and appearance.

  Of course, they are not extraordinary people, there is no such thing as dressing and dressing.

  All you need to do is tidy up your clothes and hair bun, and you will be dignified, elegant, and beautiful.

   With a feeling of anxiety and expectation, the three of them sat in the living room with Ji Tianxing and waited.

   After a short while, I heard the guards outside shouting: "The lord and the young lord are driving here!"

   As the guards shouted, many guards and maids bowed to salute and stepped aside.

   Then, Ji Tianxing's eyes of the four people, through the door of the living room, saw two figures stepping into the courtyard and walking towards the living room.

The tall and burly figure on the left of    is the Holy Dragon Emperor wearing a golden robe, a crown on his head, and white beard and hair.

  Beside him, there is a handsome young man wearing a black brocade and a bun.

   The boy is seven feet tall, tall and tall, with a handsome face and martial arts.

   handsome face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, thin lips pressed tightly, unsmiling, slightly cold temperament.

   When Yunyao and Ji Ke saw the black-robed boy, they were a little surprised at first sight, thinking they had seen Ji Tianxing as a teenager.

   But at the second glance, I found that this black-robed boy had a face that was 80% similar to the boy Ji Tianxing, but his temperament was more cold and outstanding!

   Without any introduction, the four of Ji Tianxing recognized him when they saw the black robe boy. It was Ji Wuhen!

   At this moment, Yun Yao, Ji Ke, and Ji Wushuang were all excited and could not help running out of the living room to meet Ji Wuhen.

   But Ji Tianxing didn't move, they could only stand, staring at the oncoming Ji Wuhen.

   In the blink of an eye, the smiling Saint Dragon Emperor entered the living room with Ji Wuhen and came to the crowd.

   "Long Tian, ​​the old man said long ago, as long as you come to Tian Kuixing, you can see Wuhen.

   Now that no hate is in front of you, the old man has fulfilled his promise. "

   Shenglongdi said with a chuckle, and after speaking, he quit the living room and would not disturb the reunion of Ji Tianxing's family.

   At this time, Ji Wuhen, who has always been calm and composed, couldn't help but shake his body when he saw Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, Ji Ke, and Ji Wushuang, showing an expression of excitement.

   "No wonder Master said that he would give me a surprise, that's why!"

   This thought flashed through his mind, and his fingers in his hands trembled when he was excited.

   But his temper is always cold, and he can keep calm no matter how big things happen.

   Therefore, he did not burst into tears with excitement, nor did he rush to his parents in three steps and two steps, kneel down and bow his head to salute, and call for the child to finally see you, etc...

   His eyes are a little wet and fuzzy, staring at Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   Then, he bowed deeply and said in a sincere tone: "My child sees father and mother!"

   After saluting seriously, he saluted Ji Ke again and greeted his sister Ji Wushuang.

   Although, his reaction seemed calmer.

   But in fact, the ups and downs, surprises and emotions in his heart are no less than the others.

   "No hate, after more than 20 years, I finally saw you again. You have suffered all these years!"

Ji Tianxing looked at the young Pianpian, and said with emotion~www.ltnovel.com~ Yun Yao's eyes were covered with a layer of water mist, and she hurried forward a few steps, supporting Ji Wuhen, holding his hand and said: " No hate, we finally found you..."

  Yunyao took the lead, Ji Ke and Ji Wushuang hurriedly greeted them, and they both surrounded Ji Wuhen to ask for warmth.

   The family was finally reunited, everyone was emotional, tears in their eyes.

   Especially the youngest Ji Wushuang, with crystal clear tears slipping out of his eyes.

   "Brother, you have been living outside these years, without your parents taking care of them, you must have suffered a lot, right?"

   Ji Wuhen shook his head, reached out his hand to wipe the tears from his sister's cheeks, smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have been following Master, how can I suffer?

   In the previous years, I have been worried about your safety..."

   Everyone stood and chatted for a few words, Ji Tianxing greeted everyone to sit down, and ordered the maid to bring tea and cakes.

   When the guards and maid retreat, and there is only one family in the living room, they can speak freely and tell their thoughts and worries over the years.

   Shenglongdi had expected this situation a long time ago, so he left with the guards in advance, and ordered to go down and not let anyone disturb.

   He knows that tonight is very important to the Ji Tianxing family.

   This is indeed the case.

   The family reunited, venting the thoughts accumulated for more than 20 years, with endless words.

   From the time Ji Wuhen was rescued by the Holy Dragon Emperor, until he entered the Tiankui Star Territory, and then to the process of his cultivation and growth...

   Yunyao, Ji Ke and Ji Wushuang asked about his experience from beginning to end.

   Everyone chatted all night and didn't know that they were tired.

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