Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4005: Strong rolling

The Tianshi domain master wanted to delay time and wait until the Nether God Emperor returned.

Ji Tianxing couldn't let this happen, he had to fight quickly.

After a cold drink, he took the lead.

He opened the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers and opened a space channel.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke and Chao Qingyu, who were already ready to fight, flew out one by one.

"Huh! Huh!"

The divine light flickered, and eleven strong **** kings appeared behind Ji Tianxing.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Ji Wushuang, Chao Qingyu, Yan Ke, Lan Er, Bai Feng, Xue Huan, and Lin Xue have all appeared, including Heilong and Qianyue.

Although, the last time they fought to fight, they all suffered minor or severe injuries.

However, during the months when Buried Heaven Sword was on the way, they had been in retreat in the twisted time and space for many years, and their injuries had healed long ago.

Everyone has benefited a lot from the life-and-death struggles again and again, and their strength has improved rapidly.

Therefore, everyone knows that Ji Tianxing entered the Shenhui Cave, so he actively asked to participate in the war.

Of course, Ji Tianxing would not refuse everyone's request.

Suddenly seeing eleven strong **** kings appear, the Tianshi domain master and more than 20 **** kings, and nearly a thousand guards around them, all showed a strong color of fear.

"I know it's not that simple! Even if this guy is the Peak God King, how can he act alone?"

The Lord of the Tianshi Territory looked gloomy, gritted his teeth and muttered.

More than twenty **** kings also clenched the swords of the gods, with majestic power accumulated in their bodies, ready to go.

Thousands of guards from the Divine Sovereign Realm were also full of fear and worry in their heartbeats.

At this time, Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others had already discussed the tactics through Voice Transmission.

No need to order, Ji Tianxing took the lead and swung his sword to kill the Tianshi Domain Lord and others.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Bai Feng and others also immediately took action, performing various magical skills and killing the surrounding guards.

A fierce fighting, broke out in an instant!

"Shi Fang Juying!"

Ji Tianxing flickered white light all over his body and instantly transformed into nine clones.

With his body, a total of ten people killed the Tianshi domain master and more than twenty **** kings behind him.

The tactic he discussed with Yun Yao and others is that he will solve the Tianshi domain master and those **** kings.

The goal of everyone is to solve the thousands of guards around and more than 10,000 guards in the outer circle.

Seeing Ji Tianxing rushing over by himself, although the Tianshi domain master was worried, he did not panic.

After all, he teamed up with more than twenty **** kings and had the confidence to defeat Ji Tianxing.

But he saw that Ji Tianxing turned into nine clones!

Moreover, each avatar has the strength of the pinnacle **** king realm!

This is equivalent to ten peak **** kings dealing with him and more than twenty **** generals.

This... is too much!

In an instant, the hearts of the Tianshi domain master and all the **** kings raised their throats, full of horror.

"Tianlong Palm!"

"Seven Star Sword!"

"Broken Moon Sword!"

"Sky Burial Sword!"

"Daylight sword!"

"Tianlong proudly cut!"

Ji Tianxing and Jiu Dao clone simultaneously performed different supernatural powers, punching out the sky of fists, palm shadows, and cutting out countless sword lights.

The violent momentum of destroying the sky and the earth instantly enveloped the Tianshi Territory Lord and others.

They had no time to dodge and escape, so they had no choice but to fight with all their strength, using their tricks at the bottom of the box to resist desperately.

"Boom bang bang!"


All kinds of magical skills collided in the sky, bursting with deafening loud noises, and blooming with brilliant light.

The violent shock wave, engulfed in countless divine light fragments, swept in all directions, like a torrent of shock.

The deafening loud noise reverberated endlessly between heaven and earth.

Just a face-to-face, the supernatural powers displayed by the Tianshi domain master and more than 20 **** kings were defeated by Ji Tianxing and Jiu Dao clone.

The shock wave of the collision of the magic arts blasted the Qianzhang mountain peak under everyone's feet into a pile of loess ruins, filled with monstrous smoke and dust.

More than a dozen palaces and houses on the mountain peaks have also turned into rubble and dust.

Even the nearby mountain peaks were affected, collapsed and cracked on the spot.

Fortunately, within a radius of a thousand miles, each mountain has a powerful defensive array.

If not, the shock wave of the two sides fighting can be more than just destroying a few mountains.

I'm afraid that a face-to-face will destroy a thousand miles.

The Tiens Territory Lord and more than 20 middle and upper **** kings were repelled by Ji Tianxing and Jiu Dao clones, all of them pale.

Before they could accumulate divine power and launch a counterattack, Ji Tianxing and Jiu Dao clone launched a fierce attack.

"The galaxy is dead!"

"The Blade of Time and Space!"

"The stars are falling!"

"The flames burn the sky!"

Ten ‘Ji Tian Xing’ shots at the same time, using various supernatural powers, and besieging the Tianshi domain master and more than 20 **** kings.

In an instant, a few **** kings were recruited, and they were defeated by the sword and shadow of the **** light shield and armor, and their bodies were cut into several pieces.

Sorrowful screams burst out one after another, and red and dark gold blood splashed out, spilling into the sky.

In the second match between the two sides, six **** kings fell on the spot, with no bones left.

The nine gods and kings were severely wounded, bloody, and looked embarrassed and miserable.

The Tianshi domain owner began to panic.

He no longer took the lead, shouting to fight bravely, in fact, hiding behind many gods.

Of course, his most confidant gods also shouted loudly to let many **** kings protect the domain master.

There is no doubt that the actions of these gods have won the approval and appreciation of the Tianshi domain master.

Soon, the third fight began again.

The ten "Ji Tianxing" are still as fast as electricity, fierce and domineering, and their supernatural powers are still unparalleled.

The Tiens Territory Lord and a dozen **** kings whose morale plummeted were not his opponents at all.

After a loud noise, several more kings were killed on the spot.

Including the Tianshi domain master, all the **** kings were seriously injured, and their strength began to weaken.

Even the number of people on both sides began to level off!

The Tianshi domain master panicked completely, and no longer ordered the nine gods to rush.

Instead, let the nine gods cover him, flee the battlefield first, and then discuss the long-term plan.

But it is a pity ~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Tianxing and Jiudao clone surrounded them, leaving them nowhere to escape.

In desperation, the Tianshi domain master can only give orders, calling those **** kings guarding various shrines to all come for reinforcement.

After all, there are more than fifty **** kings in Shenhui Cave.

Among them are thirty **** kings, lurking in various shrines, guarding various treasure houses and secret places.

In the beginning, the Tianshi domain master didn't expect Ji Tianxing to be so powerful, so he didn't summon the gods.

He thought that with him and more than twenty **** kings, he could solve the powerful enemy.

But now it seems that if the thirty **** kings do not come to rescue, he will probably be buried here.

As the cry of the Tianshi domain master sounded, thirty divine lights flew out of the mountains and palaces in all directions.

The thirty middle and upper **** kings desperately rushed to the center of the battlefield to rescue the injured Tianshi domain master.

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