Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4001: See also Tianshu

Shenhui Cave is huge, with a radius of 500,000 li.

After the messenger entered the cave, he flew 200,000 miles before reaching the palaces in the deep mountains.

Nearly a thousand palaces and buildings stand on dozens of peaks, occupying a radius of thousands of miles.

There are at least 50,000 foreign masters living in thousands of palaces and buildings.

Among the more than 50,000 people, most of them are guards and servants of the Divine King Realm, and there are only more than 50 Divine King Realm powerhouses.

But these **** kings are of higher quality, and most of them are middle **** kings.

Looking around, the entire palace complex is peaceful and peaceful.

Under solemnity, there is still a bit of busy breath.

It is clear that dozens of guards are patrolling the palace complex.

Outside the gates of each palace, the peaks and passages are guarded by a large number of guards.

The messenger **** that Ji Tianxing followed flew into the palace group and landed outside an inconspicuous palace.

There are hundreds of guards in the palace, and the leader is a middle king.

As soon as Ji Tianxing explored it, he knew that the middle **** king was the leader of the guard.

He possessed a messenger god, who wanted to report the news to that leader.

He is not interested in this, and the target is not the guard leader, but the Tianshi domain master.

Therefore, he quietly left the **** of communication and wandered in the sky alone.

Said it was wandering, in fact, he secretly released his divine consciousness to investigate the pattern and deployment of the palace group.

At the same time, he was still searching for traces of the Tianshi domain master.

His purpose is very simple, secretly find the Tianshi domain master, capture him, and ask for some news.

If you can act secretly and don't disturb the tens of thousands of guards and dozens of **** kings, then it would be better.


Ji Tianxing wandered in the palace complex for half an hour, and basically grasped the defense situation in a radius of thousands of miles.

At the same time, he also saw that Fangyuan Qianli was protected by a triple defense formation.

Although the three invisible defense formations were all king-level high-grade **** formations.

But the three major formations were all activated, and under the superimposition of their power, they were very close to the king-level elite **** formation.

However, this poses no threat to Ji Tianxing.

He was searching for the traces of the Tianshi domain master with his divine consciousness, and suddenly he found a figure flashed by outside the palace on a certain mountain peak.

Originally, Ji Tianxing didn't care, just searching for the Tianshi domain master who didn't know where he was hiding.

But he suddenly came back to his senses, and he felt that the figure that flashed by just now felt like a deja vu inexplicably!

So, his divine consciousness immediately gathered on that figure.

Only then did he see clearly that it was a handsome young man more than a mile tall, wearing golden armor, and martial arts.

The young man seemed to be about thirty years old. He was neither a human race nor a foreign race from outside the territory, let alone a dragon race or a **** race.

It's... the Fatian tribe who should have disappeared!

Ji Tianxing had his spirits in an instant, staring at the young man carefully and observing carefully, only to realize that he turned out to be... the young master of the Heaven-cutting Clan, Tianshu!

The moment he saw the heavenly book, his memory instantly returned to a hundred years ago.

At that time, he tried his best to attack Fa Tian Xing, hoping to completely destroy Fa Tian Xing.

It was the empress Yun Shuyan who took Tianshu with him and fought fiercely against him.

Although, he defeated Yun Shuiyan and Tianshu, causing Fa Tianxing to suffer heavy losses.

But just as the Sky Star was about to be destroyed, the shadow of God Emperor's clone projection opened the passage between the two realms and descended into the mortal world.

Subsequently, the Netherworld God Emperor rescued Fa Tianxing and hunted down Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing almost died, Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others were also beheaded by the Nether God Emperor.

After the war, the Netherworld God Emperor wanted to return to the upper realm with Tianshu and Ji Wuhen.

It was the Holy Dragon Emperor who took the shot in time and saved Ji Wuhen in the air.

And Tianshu was naturally brought to the upper realm by the Nether God Emperor.

Back then, too much happened in that battle, and Ji Tianxing and others suffered too much.

As a result, he ignored the Tianshu that was taken away by the Nether God Emperor.

Today, in this Shenhui Cave, he unexpectedly saw Tianshu again!

What made him even more unbelievable was that Tianshu actually possessed the strength of the Seventh Layer of the Divine Sovereign Realm and became a high-ranking divine prince!

Ji Tianxing was surprised, and thought to himself: "Did the Nether God Emperor take Tianshu as a disciple?

If the Nether God Emperor hadn't personally pointed and taught him, with Tianshu's talents, how could he become a high-ranking **** so quickly? "

In contrast, Ji Wuhen's talent aptitude, surpassed several grades of Tianshu, is the world's best genius.

But to this day, Ji Wuhen is just a middle-ranked god.

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing became more and more certain that God Emperor Nether must accept Tianshu as a disciple.

Otherwise, Tianshu would not have such strength, nor would he appear in Shenhui Cave, let alone such a noble status.

Even if a few powerful gods meet Tianshu, they must bow respectfully.

"Back then, the Nether God Emperor made a move, allowing you to survive.

Seeing you again today, you must never stay! "

Ji Tianxing stared at Tianshu's figure and secretly made up his mind.

His spiritual sense detected that Tianshu seemed to be in a good mood, and was rushing to a certain mountain in the middle.

There was a thick smile on his face, and his expression was full of expectation.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing also quietly rushed to the mountain, and secretly figured out: "Who is Tianshu going to see? Why are you so happy and full of expectations?"

Soon, Tianshu landed outside a proper shrine.

The guards guarding the shrine saw him, bowed and saluted, and invited him in.

Ji Tianxing quickly followed, sneaked into the divine palace quietly, and followed Tianshu to the depths of the divine palace.

Not long after, Tianshu came to a secret room under the ground of the shrine.

This secret room may seem inconspicuous, but in fact it has been carefully built and is protected by a heavy array of gods.

If Ji Tianxing does not observe closely, it is easy to ignore, let alone notice the people in the secret room.

At this time, Tianshu bowed to the door of the secret room and said: "My lord, Tianshu is ordered to come and meet."

There was no sound in the secret room, and after a few breaths, the secret room door opened.

An old voice came from the secret room in a kind tone: "Tianshu, come in and talk."

Tian Shu smiled and nodded, and quickly stepped into the secret room.

Ji Tianxing in stealth state ~www.ltnovel.com~ he entered the secret room a long time ago and looked at the situation in the secret room.

In the secret room surrounded by divine light, there was only a dead wood-like old man of foreign race sitting on an altar.

The old man wearing a black robe had a gloomy face, and his whole body exuded the aura of a god-king strong man.

At a glance, Ji Tianxing knew that this old man was the strength of the middle stage of the Ninth Layer of the God King, and he was the Tianshi domain master.

But he didn't rush to do it, and wanted to hear what Tianshu and Tianshiyu said mainly.

After Tianshu bowed to the Tianshi domain master, he couldn't wait to ask: "My lord domain, he has been practicing in retreat before, and he successfully broke through the seventh layer of the gods.

After leaving the customs, I heard the guard leader say that you called the end generals, and there is good news to tell the end generals..."

The Tiens Territory Lord nodded slightly, and his sullen cheeks worked hard to squeeze a kind smile, and said: "Yes! Your Master...The Supreme Master is coming to Tiens Star!"

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