Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3994: This is too weak, right?

Remember in one second【】

When the **** king sent a message, the Tianyang domain master had been guarding Ji Tianxing, and his nerves were tense.

He was afraid that Ji Tianxing would make a sudden move to prevent his **** king from sending a message.

But the facts proved that he was worrying too much. Ji Tianxing watched this scene blankly without any action.

Soon, the high-ranking **** king wrote the message, poured divine power into the jade slip, and was about to send it out.

What made him unexpected was that the jade slip was suspended in front of him, and it didn't move at all!

"Why... why can't it be sent out?" The upper **** king was dumbfounded at the time.

The Tianyang Domain Lord was also stunned, turning his head to look at the divine light flashing, but the message Yujian was still motionless, and his heart was full of anxiety and doubt.

"How could this happen? Could it be that the transmission of Jade Jane failed?

impossible! A few years ago, I reported to Master Supreme!

I understand...This area is blocked, and even the jade jade can't fly out.

Only the king-level supreme artifact has such effect and power, right? "

The Tianyang Domain Master looked at the dark barrier that blocked the void, and suddenly guessed the truth.

Although, he was a little sorry for not being able to spread this extremely important news.

But he doesn't care too much, let alone lose it.

In his opinion, after jointly killing Ji Tianxing, he can still report the news to the Supreme Lord.

By then, his credit will be greater.

This time I went to the depths of the void to see the Supreme Lord, maybe it was his chance and good fortune!

Thinking of this, the Tianyang Domain Lord felt much calmer and waved his hand to give an offensive order.

"Everyone, go together and kill him at any cost!"

Upon receiving the order, the guards and **** kings who had long been murderous and gearing up, immediately issued tiger roars and roars, brandishing weapons to kill Ji Tianxing.

Everyone tried their best to use the most violent magical skills, in order to kill Ji Tianxing in the shortest possible time, so as to avoid extra branches.

However, when everyone attacked, the power of the Primal Chaos Bell suddenly broke out.

An invisible force that is full of imperial resistance, suppressed from the top of everyone's head, suppressed everyone and couldn't raise their heads and straighten up.

The surging divine power in the crowd suddenly stopped.

The magical skills they displayed are also greatly reduced.

Even the Heavenly Sun Domain Lord, the false peak **** king, was weakened by 30%.

Those six high-ranking **** kings and more than two hundred **** kings were even weakened by half their combat effectiveness.



Hundreds of supernatural powers, lights, swords, swords and lights all overwhelmed Ji Tianxing.

But Ji Tianxing turned a blind eye and blocked all attacks with the dim golden light on his body.

He was unscathed, from the shadow of the sword and sword in the sky, rushing out like a rainbow, brandishing the sword to kill.

"Shi Fang Juying!"

As he snorted, the whole body burst into white light, and nine identical figures appeared immediately around him.

Suddenly, ten "Ji Tian Xing" shot at the same time, killing the gods and kings in all directions.

"One sword reaches the sky!"

"Broken Sun Sword!"

"Sky Burial Sword!"

"Seven Star Sword!"

"Broken Moon Sword!"

Ji Tianxing and Jiu Dao avatars simultaneously used different swordsmanship, swaying thousands of sword lights, and drowning many gods.

Only heard the muffled sound of ‘bang bang bang’ burst out one after another, and countless blood flowers bloomed in the crowd, splashing out all over the sky with bits of meat.

A scream of screams came out from the sky full of sword light, especially stern.

The Tianyang domain master saw with his own eyes that at least nearly a hundred guards were killed in a flash when they met.

He was terrified in his heart, and even retreated.

As the pinnacle **** king, he certainly could see that Ji Tianxing was alone, but he used the technique of avatar to transform into nine avatars.

What's more terrifying is that each clone has half the strength of the body, and it is also equivalent to the pinnacle god!

what is this?

Ten peak **** kings besieged him and six **** kings, more than two hundred guards?

Just thinking about it, the Tianyang domain masters were all frightened, almost asphyxiated in fear.

Just as he was stunned, Ji Tianxing and Jiu Dao clone quickly killed a group of guards.

When the sun's domain lord returned to his senses and wielded the magic knife in anger and madness, he killed Ji Tianxing.

More than two hundred and twenty guards have died tragically, leaving only fifty guards and six **** kings, still fleeing in panic.


The Tianyang domain master brandished his magical sword and slashed at Ji Tianxing's body with all his strength.

However, before the light of the sword reached the top of Ji Tianxing's head, it was blocked by the avatar of Ji Tianxing on the side.

A thousand-zhang golden sword slashed, shook his magical sword away, and the light of the sword shattered.

The Heavenly Sun Domain Master had no success with a single blow, and immediately retreated.

However, Ji Tianxing's body suddenly teleported for hundreds of miles, appeared behind him, and stabbed with a sword.

"Daylight sword!"

The sword pierced out, and a dazzling cold light appeared first.

Immediately afterwards, Han Mang instantly expanded hundreds of millions of times, engulfing the figure of the Heavenly Sun Domain Lord.

Before he could escape, he could only condense the divine light shield with all his strength to resist the power of this sword.

The result is beyond doubt

^0^Remember in one second【】


Even the true Peak God King couldn't stop the sword of Ji Tianxing, how could a pseudo Peak God King stop?


With a crisp breaking sound, the Heavenly Sun Domain Lord's divine light shield collapsed on the spot, and the divine body was also torn apart.

The fragments of the residual limbs and the blood of the gods, accompanied by the sword light, spilled into the void.

A fist-sized colorful godhead flew out in a panic and fled to the edge of the battlefield.

As a result, not only the Tianyang Domain Lord himself was stunned, even dozens of surviving guards and six **** kings were also dumbfounded on the spot.

No one thought that the guards hadn't died yet, and the six high-ranking **** kings were still alive, but the Heavenly Sun Domain Lord was killed first!

Although he did not really die, the godhead survived.

But his divine body was destroyed, and the surrounding 50,000 li were sealed, and his divine personality could not escape.

"Isn't Domain Master the Peak God King? How could he be so weak?

The opponent is also the Peak God King, why can't the domain master even be able to stop the opponent? "

This idea flashed through the minds of many guards and six **** kings at the same time.

Even if they saw it with their own eyes~www.ltnovel.com~, they couldn't believe it, let alone accept this result.

For a long time, the Heavenly Sun Domain Lord has a high position in their hearts and is also their spiritual pillar.

But until now, they discovered that this pillar is not as strong as they thought, but too weak!

Of course, no one cares what these guards and kings think.

Because, within the next ten breaths, Ji Tianxing and Jiu Dao clone killed everyone.

Whether it was the guards of dozens of high-ranking gods, or the six high-ranking gods, they couldn't stop him and the clone.

No matter who is hit, it is an instant kill, and there is no survival!

After ten breaths, the void returned to silence.

Only the godhead of the Tianyang Territory Lord fled to the edge of the void, blocked by the wall of the Primal Chaos Clock, and was crashing into the wall in despair.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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