Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3989: Disaster strikes

The sudden good news made the hall silent.

The fourteen star masters were stunned, and their eyes widened in astonishment.

Everyone is still trying to figure out how the Tianyang Domain Lord will settle them.

Unexpectedly, their stars were actually preserved and not destroyed!

This is a great surprise, too unexpected!

Everyone was stunned for a few breaths, then recovered, and suddenly there was a burst of exclamation and cheers.

"Gosh! Is this true? It's incredible!"

"How could the meteor shower that ruined the world collapsed for no reason?"

"Our stars have not been destroyed? How is this possible?"

"Great! Our stars are still there, and our people and territories are still there!"

The fourteen star masters whispered and talked, and their excitement was beyond words.

Their hanging hearts can finally be let go.

Now, they don't need to think about how the domain owner will settle them, and they don't need to worry about the future and the future.

But as everyone calmed down, every star master's mind was filled with the same doubts.

"Domain Lord, this matter is not false, right? Did the envoys see it with their own eyes?"

"Yes, Master Domain, how can that meteor shower collapse out of thin air on a huge scale?"

"When we ran away, the meteor shower was only a few hundred million miles away from our stars, and it would hit it in two or three hours...how could it collapse out of thin air?"

"Even if there is a strong person to protect our stars, who in this world can resist that terrible catastrophe?"

Everyone looked at the Tianyang Domain Master with scorching eyes, waiting for his answer.

The Tianyang Domain Lord certainly didn't know what was going on, but he had already figured it out.

Facing everyone’s doubts, he pointed his finger at the sky above his head, revealing a mysterious smile, and said confidently: “Don’t forget, everyone, although this constellation is the domain master of the Tianyang star field, in fact, this constellation It is for the Supreme Lord.

And the mysterious Supreme Lord has been sheltering the entire Tianyang Star Region.

This seat has never seen the true face of the Supreme Lord, but the strength and means of the Supreme Lord have long been the same as God.

So, you should now know who is resisting the catastrophe and protecting the trillions of people, right? "

Hearing what he said, the fourteen star masters were stunned for an instant, and they all showed shocked and unbelievable looks.

"It's the Supreme Lord... who resolved that meteor shower and protected our stars?"

"It's incredible! What realm is the Supreme Lord, who has such terrifying strength and supernatural power?"

"If it is really done by the Supreme Lord, then it can really be compared with the heavens!"

"Yeah! In the face of that meteor shower, no one can save our stars and people except heaven.

So, is it that the mysterious Supreme Lord is God? "

Seeing all the star masters talking, they were all shocked and admired, and the Heavenly Sun Domain Master smiled with satisfaction and contentment.

However, hearing everyone's discussion was a bit off the track, he quickly reminded: "Everyone, the Supreme Lord is not God, but it is comparable to God, you have to figure it out!

After you return to your respective stars, you must also make it clear to your people.

It is they who worship the Supreme Master with piety and integrity, and the Supreme Master will take action to resolve the crisis and save everyone.

Don't talk about God... God has an ass? The Supreme Lord is our heaven! "

The fourteen star masters nodded quickly to express their understanding.

In this way, they returned to their respective stars and knew how to explain to the people.

Even, they will spare no effort to praise the Supreme Lord, and praise the Supreme Lord’s achievements.

After a while, the noisy meeting hall quieted down.

The Tianyang Domain Lord looked at everyone and ordered: "Well, that's the end of today's discussion.

Star masters go back to rest, and leave early tomorrow morning.

Remember, after returning to their respective stars, we must settle the chaos as soon as possible and win over the hearts of the people.

In the next fifty years, you still have to pay enough tribute according to the regulations! "

The fourteen star masters all smiled, nodded happily, and then left.

When everyone left, the Tianyang Domain Master sneered and turned and left the conference hall.

Ji Tianxing also left the hall, remained invisible, and continued to wander in the temple.

He is not wandering, but is exploring the terrain of the shrine, looking for the location of key formations and treasure houses.

Before coming to Lieyang Star, he only wanted to kill the Tianyang Domain Lord, cut off the wings of the Nine Sun God Emperor, and inquire about the master.

However, seeing the ugly state of the Heavenly Sun Domain Master and the star masters in the past two days, he was murderous in his heart.

Up to now, he is more than just killing the Tianyang domain master!


Early the next morning, the fourteen star masters left the shrine happily with their confidants and followers.

Ji Tianxing quietly followed them out of the Tianyang Secret Realm.

Afterwards, the fourteen star masters and confidant entourage offered their godships one after another.

Twenty-eight divine ships flew up to the sky, and soon entered the void outside the domain.

These people are back home, and the speed of the fleet is a little faster than when they first came.

Ji Tianxing has been hanging behind the fleet, following without arrogance or rashness.

It wasn't until two days later that the fleet flew 400 million miles away that he pained the killer.

This distance is actually not far from Lieyang Star.

But on this road, there is no **** king and strong to follow, even if Ji Tianxing destroys the entire fleet, he will not be discovered.


Ji Tianxing accelerated suddenly, flew to the top of the fleet, and sacrificed the primitive chaotic clock.


He shouted angrily and injected the majestic and mighty divine power into the divine clock.

Suddenly, the Primordial Chaos Clock expanded to a radius of 50,000 li, descending from the sky to suppress the entire fleet.

The star masters and **** kings in each of the gods were still immersed in excitement and joy, and they did not guard against a surprise attack.

When they realized it was not good, it was too late.

The entire fleet, twenty-eight divine ships, were shrouded in chaotic primitive bells.

The divine ship was plunged into absolute darkness, making everyone terrified and restless.

The fourteen star masters roared one after another, and sent their cronies and guards to check the situation outside the divine ship.

At this time, Ji Tianxing became a golden giant with a height of thousands of feet, holding the Heaven Burying Sword, and began to kill.


He was expressionless~www.ltnovel.com~ Holding the eight hundred zhang Tiantian Sword in both hands, he cut it down with all his strength.

There was a loud bang, and a high-grade king-class ship was split in half on the spot.

I don't know how many cultivation resources are pouring out and falling into the void.

There are also dozens of guards from the Divine King Realm, and several strong from the Divine King Realm.

Ji Tianxing ignored the panicked guards and **** kings, and swung his sword at other **** ships.




With a loud noise after another, the divine ship after another was split into two, splashing out countless debris.

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