Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3881: Dragon World Crisis

This is a problem. "

Ji Tianxing frowned and thought about it, and immediately got an idea.

"Why don't you, you and I shot at the same time to deal with the Jinwu chieftain and the Luwu chieftain separately."

More than a thousand years ago, Long Yan was able to defeat the Jinwu and Luwu patriarchs, and now it is even more difficult to deal with one of them.

It stands to reason that this should be a more feasible approach.

After Long Yan was silent for a moment, he said in a low tone: "Long Tian, ​​I think I should tell you something...

If you can, I hope you just defeat them instead of killing them.

Today's Dragon Realm is already very weak, and the few peak **** kings can never fall. "

Hearing that there was something in his words, Ji Tianxing asked suspiciously: "Do you know any secrets? Is there any danger in the dragon world?"

Long Yan nodded, "There are indeed some secrets that ordinary people don't know, but the dragon world is not dangerous for the time being, it can only be regarded as a crisis."

"How do you say?" Ji Tianxing guessed something vaguely, with some expectations in his heart.

"This is a long story, let me explain it to you slowly." Long Yan added a cup of tea to him and explained patiently.

"On the current Chilong Continent, the Jinwu and Luwu tribes pose the greatest threat to me.

The Jinwu tribe occupies a cave, with more than 4,000 tribesmen, countless vassal forces under their command, and they control more than 20 regions in the south.

They can gather seven to eight thousand gods, and there are hundreds of strong gods under their command.

The Luwu people in the north are stronger than the Jinwu people.

The Lu Wu clan also occupies a cave, with as many as 10,000 people, and more forces and domain owners under his command, occupying more than 30 domains in the north.

Under the command of the patriarch of Jinwu, there are nearly 10,000 gods and more than 150 gods.

In comparison, my background of influence is not as good as the patriarch Lu Wu!

Isn’t it ridiculous that the number and number of powerhouses in my dragon clan is not as good as the Lu Wu clan?

You know, they are both one of the seven nobles, why is there such a big difference in power? "

Ji Tianxing replied without hesitation: "Because the Jinwu tribe is a sin tribe, but the Luwu tribe is not?"

Long Yan glanced at him unexpectedly, "You already know it? I understand, it was the snake husband who told you, right?"

Ji Tianxing nodded, "The snake husband told me this secret. Since ancient times, the entire dragon realm has been condemned by the heavens, and in these 30,000 years, no one has surpassed the **** king realm.

There are many other races who have been condemned by heaven and become sinners.

The blood of the sin race will continue to wither, and the number will gradually decrease until it perishes.

For example, the Dragon, Phoenix, and Qilin tribes, as well as the Qiongqi, Gourmet, and Jinwu tribes, are all sin tribes. "

Long Yan nodded and said: "You are right! This is also the reason why our dragon clan keeps declining and getting weaker.

The Lu Wus are not sinners, so they are not affected, and their bloodline descendants reproduce normally.

However, they couldn't break through the shackles, and couldn't surpass the **** king realm.

The existence of Heavenly Scourge and Shackles was known to more and more Peak God Kings.

So everyone left the dragon world and went to the outer starry sky to practice.

For the past few hundred years, the snake husband has been active in the outer starry sky.

I also left the Dragon Realm and went to the nine star regions to find clues and opportunities to surpass the Divine King Realm...

It wasn't until a few decades ago that the Jinwu and Luwu clans were pressing harder and harder, and the situation in the mainland was critical, so I rushed back to preside over the overall situation. "

Ji Tianxing asked: "My master disappeared back then, is it related to these secrets?"

"It should be." Long Yan nodded and explained: "When Tianlong Shishu left the dragon world, he said that he was going to make atonement.

At that time, we all could not understand that Tianlong Shishu was highly respected and had always been the most kind and respected elder.

He did not commit any unforgivable sins, so how can he atone for his sins?

Under doubt, I, the snake husband, and the Uncle Black Dragon both started investigating, trying to figure out the reason.

Since then, we have only learned about God's Scourge and Sinner.

At the beginning, we still thought that Tianlong Shishu had been the pinnacle **** for too long, and there was no hope of breakthrough.

Perhaps, he left the dragon world because he wanted to go to the outer starry sky to seek a breakthrough.

But later, the life and soul lamp of Tianlong Shishu went out, and we knew that he had fallen.

I, the snake husband, and the Black Dragon World Uncle were all panicked, only then did I know that Tianlong World Uncle's atonement had another meaning.

As a result, the three of us also left the Dragon Realm one after another and went to the outer starry sky to investigate clues and find the truth.

Hundreds of years of searching and investigation have indeed given us many secrets and found many clues. "

Ji Tianxing's heart also picked up, and he couldn't help asking: "Then have you investigated, has my master fallen?

If he has fallen, why did he fall?

Will he encounter any danger in the outer starry sky, or be besieged and killed by a powerful enemy?

Also, have you found his remains and relics? "

Long Yan shook his head regretfully, "Uncle Tianlong should have fallen, but we don't know why he fell.

As for his relics and remains, they have never been found.

Thousands of years have passed, and the fall of Uncle Tianlong has also become a mystery that cannot be solved yet. "

Ji Tianxing frowned for a moment and asked in confusion, "But what does these things have to do with the crisis in the Dragon Realm? Why can't you kill Jin Wu and Lu Wu?"

"Oh, this matter has something to do with the God Realm." Long Yan realized that he was too far away, and quickly suppressed the heaviness and sadness of his heart, and explained: "When I was in the outer starry sky, I met the **** king powerhouse. "

"The God King of the God Realm?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, guessing that the Dragon Realm crisis mentioned by Long Yan was mostly related to the God Realm.

"I came back from the God Realm. As far as I know, there are five Peak God Kings in the God Realm who broke through the shackles a long time ago and reached the realm of God Emperor."

"Divine Emperor Realm?" Long Yan's eyes flashed, and he was quite surprised: "It turns out that above Divine King Realm is Divine Emperor Realm? What kind of realm is that?"

Ji Tianxing shook his head ~www.ltnovel.com~ expressionlessly: "I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I don't know the details."

Long Yan stopped questioning, and went on to say: "I have met many **** kings from the gods who are developing power in various star regions, seizing one world after another, looting resources frantically.

They used various methods to enslave the aborigines of those worlds, forcing them to dig and collect resources for their cultivation.

At that time, I thought it was strange that the God Realm has abundant cultivation resources, so why would it spend a lot of time to plunder the resources of the major star regions?

So I managed to get close to them and secretly investigated for many years.

In the end, I discovered a very surprising secret. "

"What's the secret?" Ji Tianxing became more and more interested in the God Realm.

Long Yan lowered his voice and said in a low tone: "Those **** kings are serving the more powerful, and the resources they plunder must be turned over to their leaders."

(End of this chapter)

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