Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3873: The proof is like a mountain

Long Xiang stood beside Ji Tianxing, watching this scene with wide-eyed eyes.

Within a hundred feet of the two of them, they would never be patronized by the Star Giant Sword.

And on the sea in all directions, countless sea clan soldiers were bombarded and killed, turning into a rain of blood scattered in the sea.

After the Star Giant Sword blasted the sea races, it blasted into the sea severely, splashing a huge wave of thousands of feet high.

This sea area was completely chaotic and turned into a world of silver sword light, mixed with the blood of the sky.

The deafening loud noise completely concealed the tragic howl of the Marine Clan soldiers when they were bombarded and killed.

Long Xiang watched this scene helplessly, watching countless sea people's body and bones, blood rushing before his eyes, and his heart was already shocked and numb.

He has never dared to imagine that someone could be an enemy to ten thousand!

There is such a strong man in the world, who can kill 20,000 Sea Clan soldiers with one move, leaving the opponent without the power to fight back!

This simply shouldn't be an existence in reality, but an invincible **** king in fantasy.

Long Xiang was very sure that neither the emperor teacher nor the dragon emperor had such a terrible means.

"So, is this the true strength of the Peak God King?

As expected, he is the supreme powerhouse who can defeat the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor and control the Star Origin Continent! "

Long Xiang was amazed in his heart, and his awe of Ji Tianxing reached its peak.

"Senior Longtian, such a powerful person, is extremely lucky to be rescued by him once.

And I was rescued by him twice when I was in desperate situation and was about to die.

I'm so lucky!

Such a bad luck, if you say it, you will be jealous! "

Long Xiang looked at the sky full of sword light and blood with confused eyes, these thoughts flashed in his mind, quite emotional.

After a while, the sky full of stars and giant swords fell into the sea and gradually dissipated.

The heaven and the earth tend to be calm, only the sea is still surging.

More than 30,000 Marine Clan soldiers, 20,000 have been killed by the Star Giant Sword, turned into **** and fell into the sea.

Even the seabirds that obscured the sky have been slaughtered by tens of thousands, becoming sparse.

The surviving tens of thousands of Marine Clan soldiers were all frightened and panicked to the extreme.

There was no need to order from the marine generals and kings, they had already retreated in a panic, turned and fled to the depths of the sea.

This time, Ji Tianxing was no longer so kind.

Holding the Sky Burial Sword, he pursued and killed the generals of the Sea Clan.

Ordinary sea clan soldiers and various sea beasts, he could ignore them.

However, he would not let the tigers return to the mountains and give them a chance to avenge the dozens of sea clan powerhouses in the Divine King Realm.

"Tianlong Palm!"

"Daylight sword!"

"Tianlong proudly cut!"

"The Blade of Time and Space!"

Ji Tianxing's figure teleported in the night sky, and no one could escape his pursuit.

He constantly released magical skills with his left hand, and wielded a sword with his right hand to perform kendo skills, which can be described as opening the bow and killing vigorously.

Those generals of the sea clan of the lower **** king and the middle **** king realm, no one was his one-one enemy, and he was cut and killed in an instant.

After just thirty breaths, all fourteen sea clan **** kings were killed by him.

The broken corpses of the sea **** kings were scattered in the sea.

But Ji Tianxing waved his hand to make his debut and confiscated their space ring and godhead fragments.

After doing all this, he returned to the middle of the battlefield and appeared in front of Long Xiang.

At this time, the sea area was calm, Long Xiang was still in shock, his face was full of surprise.


Ji Tianxing returned to him, put away the Heaven Burial Sword, frowned and asked, "What are you in a daze? Don't you want to explain the reason to this king?"

"Oh, yes, yes!" Long Xiang regained his senses, and nodded quickly: "Senior Longtian, don't blame, just now you chased and killed those sea kings, like cutting melons and vegetables, I was shocked."

Long Xiang calmed down for a while, and then began to explain the cause of the incident.

After a hundred breaths of time, he finished the story, bowed to Ji Tianxing again, and solemnly said: "Senior Longtian, fortunately, you took action in time to save us.

Otherwise, more than 3,000 soldiers and I will be buried here and the entire army will be wiped out!

General Mu Yu said before his death that I must survive anyway, go back to expose the truth, and avenge him and the soldiers..."

Ji Tianxing was not surprised at this, and asked calmly, "So, do you believe that the conspiracy this time is the collusion between the Emperor Master and the Haigou Department and deliberately set a trap to entrap you?"

Long Xiang nodded, and said with a certain tone: "The battle plan agreed upon by General Mu Yu and I can never be guessed by the Hai Clan. Only the Emperor Shi and the other four generals know.

Apart from the emperor, I really can't think of anyone who would leak the military aircraft and intentionally kill us.

Only he has the courage to use this method to eliminate dissidents. "

Ji Tianxing frowned and thought about it, and analyzed: "If the emperor colludes with the Haigou Clan, then it is definitely not a recent thing.

If this conclusion is true, it means that they have colluded long ago.

Even, let's boldly guess that the Sea Clan has frequently harassed the three Southeastern Regions in the past ten years, and I am afraid it is also related to the Emperor! "

Long Xiang didn't want to understand for a while, and asked doubtfully: "What is the motivation of the emperor to do this? What benefits can he get?"

Ji Tianxing sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said, "If the Tianlong Continent remains safe, how can he highlight his position and accumulate his own power?

Collaborating with the Sea Clan, allowing the Sea Clan to continue to harass the frontiers, he can not only gradually grasp the power, but also benefit from it, and even use the hands of the Sea Clan to eradicate dissidents! "

Hearing this, Long Xiang suddenly realized, his eyes widened.

"That's it! Senior Long Tian's opinion is that I am stupid!"

After understanding the imperial master's motives, Long Xiang gritted his teeth more and more resentfully, and couldn't help cursing: "In that case, the imperial **** is really wolfish ambition!

He used all means to achieve his goal. He was really cruel, vicious, and heinous!

When I go back this time, I must admonish His Majesty Dragon Emperor!

Even if you face the Emperor's swordsman, you must expose his sinful face! "

Ji Tianxing patted him on the shoulder, and calmly said, "Don’t worry, these are just our guesses and inferences~www.ltnovel.com~ Since the emperor is in collusion with the Sea Clan, then they must have a communication, waiting for the king to find it. Look."

So, he took out the space rings of a dozen of the sea clan **** kings, and searched for them with his spiritual sense.

Long Xiang looked forward to him quietly.

About half an hour later, Ji Tianxing searched for ten space rings, and found a few pieces of jade slips for communication.

In these specially-made jade slips for communication, there are some brief and obscure language exchanges.

But these are all messages sent by the emperor!

This is the iron proof of the collusion between the emperor and the sea clan!

Ji Tianxing handed a few pieces of jade slips for transmission to Long Xiang, and said with earnest and earnest words: "The truth has been revealed, these pieces of jade slips are evidence of crime.

You have to carefully consider and consider how to use these crimes to make Bei Ming determined to eradicate the emperor! "

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