Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3869: This is a trap!

The Heavenly Dragon Continent is on the upper left of the Dragon World map, while the Chilong Continent is on the lower left.

To go to the Chilong Continent, Ji Tianxing only needs to fly straight south.

It's just that the two continents are far apart.

Even at his speed, it might take two months to arrive.

Although the process of rushing was boring, he used the Heaven Burying Sword to drive, staying in the sword world, and entering the twisted time and space to practice.

Therefore, rushing does not prevent him from continuing to improve his strength.

Twenty days later, the Heaven Burying Sword crossed most of the Tianlong Continent and reached the southernmost sea area of ​​the continent.

After entering the scope of the sky, the Heaven Burying Sword did not slow down, and flew across the sky as before.

At this time, Ji Tianxing had been in a twisted time and space, practicing in retreat for 33 months.

Nearly three years of painstaking cultivation, made his strength even further, not far from the Ninth Layer of the Divine King Realm.

After a long time in retreat, he would feel boring, so he closed his eyes and rested for a few days.

Once he had his spare time and started thinking about problems, the first thought in his mind was: "It's been a few months, why hasn't the Black Dragon Emperor heard?

This guy has always been unreliable, will he never forget about me? "

Thinking of this problem, Ji Tianxing felt a headache, and couldn't help sending a message to the Black Dragon Emperor, urging him to inquire about the news as soon as possible.

However, the jade slip was sent for a long time, and the Black Dragon Emperor did not respond.

Ji Tianxing was a little angry, and thought to himself: "Old Black Dragon, although you are usually very unreliable, you know that this matter is very important to me, but it is still so loose.

I want you to look good when we meet next time! "

According to his itinerary, after leaving the Star Source Continent, the first stop is Tianlong Continent, and the second stop is Chilong Continent.

The third stop is the Holy Dragon Continent in the lower right corner of the Dragon World map, and the last stop is the Black Dragon Continent in the upper right corner of the map.

When he arrived in the Black Dragon Continent, if the Black Dragon Emperor hadn't heard from him, he would really be angry.


at the same time.

The depths of the sea in the south of the Tianlong Continent.

Long Xiang is leading 15,000 elite soldiers, driving fifteen divine ships, flying fast.

A month ago, under the leadership of the emperor's division, he and five generals from southeast China led one hundred thousand elite soldiers to the three regions in the southeast.

However, before reaching the three regions in the southeast, the emperor division let the army separate operations.

Six generals led more than 10,000 people to three regions along the coast.

Regarding the decision of the emperor, Long Xiang and the other two generals both expressed opposition.

One hundred thousand elite soldiers is a powerful lion force, if used properly, it will be invincible.

But according to the method of the emperor, dividing the 100,000 army into six teams will greatly reduce the combat effectiveness and deterrence.

This is a taboo of military strategists!

The previous work of the emperor was more inclined to civilian officials, and was not proficient in leading soldiers.

But he insisted on going his own way, suppressing the three of Long Xiang with his identity and military orders.

The three of them had no choice but to give in and follow the orders of the emperor.

Two generals Zhengnan were sent to Yanfeng area to the east, and the other two generals were sent to Changhai area in the middle.

The emperor was sitting in the Changhai area and looked after the two generals. After all, they had already taken refuge in the emperor and were his cronies.

And Long Xiang and another Zhengnan general, both had old grudges with the emperor, and were sent to the airspace.

Geographically speaking, although the airspace is in the southeast of the mainland, it is closer to the south.

Although, both General Long Xiang and Mu Yu felt that the emperor must have some conspiracy in doing so.

But the two could not see the clue, nor could they analyze the results.

When the war was urgent, the two put aside their distractions and focused on leading the war.

Before they thought about it, this was after all the elite soldiers appointed by His Majesty Dragon. The victory of this expedition was also related to the face of Dragon Emperor and the palace.

No matter how stupid and arbitrary the emperor was, he would not make a fuss about this matter.

Winning the victory as soon as possible and expelling the invading enemy of the Sea Clan is the outcome that benefits everyone.

General Long Xiang and Mu Yu rested in the airspace for two days, collected a large number of battle reports, and gained a clearer understanding of the military situation.

After analysis and discussion, the two decided to take the initiative to attack and kill the marine army assembled in the deep sea.

At this time, these fifteen divine ships carrying 15,000 elite soldiers are rushing to the depths of the sky and sea.

In the leading divine ship, Long Xiang and Mu Yu were in the meeting room, carefully considering and analyzing the information at hand, and deducing the next battle.

"There are three known gathering points for the marine army.

The first target is the city of Bolu in the Bolu Sea, which is the territory of the Trench Department.

Under the deep sea, the environment is very complicated and dark and cold.

We don't know much about the territories of the Sea Clan, and even the city of Polu only knows the approximate location, and we don't know the specific situation.

Therefore, we must act carefully and be vigilant. "

Holding a cup of hot tea, Long Xiang said solemnly.

Mu Yu frowned for a moment and nodded, "This is our disadvantage, but it may also be our advantage.

After all, the sea clan also knows that if our eyes are blackened, they will think that we dare not easily set foot in the deep sea, thus neglecting precautions.

As long as we use our troops properly, we can achieve unexpected results.

Speaking of which, General Long has been investigating the coastal areas for three years and has a good understanding of the Sea Clan, which is also one of our advantages. "

Long Xiang put down the tea cup, his face was a little worried, and he said in a low tone: "I don't know why, I always have a bad feeling in my heart."

Mu Yu raised her eyebrows, and comforted: "General Long, I can understand your feelings. After all, the emperor is a layman in leading the war, and I feel a little uneasy.

But we have to believe in our own abilities, no matter what happens, we just need to adapt to changes. "

Long Xiang stopped saying anything, and continued to check and analyze the information.

Unconsciously, another day passed.

Fifteen divine ships finally arrived in the sea area of ​​Bolu, one after another dived into the sea and sailed to the city of Bolu deep in the sea.

The depth of the sea here is more than ten thousand feet, the seabed is dark and dull, icy, and the pressure is terrifying.

Divine ships and soldiers are bound to be affected when they act on the seabed, and they are by no means as smooth as the sea clan.

After half a day, fifteen divine ships finally arrived in the city of Polu.

It is a city hidden in a wide trench ~www.ltnovel.com~ surrounded by a ring of reef mountains.

The city with a radius of hundreds of miles is basically made of pitch-black rocks, and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people from the sea.

However, Long Xiang and Mu Yu discovered that the city of Bolu, which was supposed to have stationed an army of 20,000 sea tribes, was unexpectedly quiet, and there was no light.

Both of them felt strange, so they sent hundreds of scouts to quietly approach and sneak into the city of Polu to investigate the reality.

Before long, the scouts returned one after another, reporting an amazing result to the two.

There was no one in the city of Bolu, and there was no marine army at all!

This result made Long Xiang and Mu Yu puzzled and unbelievable.

But Long Xiang quickly guessed something, and his face changed drastically.

"No, this is a trap, get out!"

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