Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3867: Let Long Xiang go!

The emperor had planned everything and mobilized twenty-four **** generals and nearly ten thousand elite soldiers.

Everything was ready, and it ended up in the Longxiang Palace.

Long Tian mysteriously disappeared, and he couldn't find it after searching for Taixuan Dongtian.

When the emperor was angry, he wanted to turn his anger on Long Xiang, ready to find a cause to punish him.

Unexpectedly, Long Xiang had been hiding in the secret room to heal his injuries, and he did not show up at all, making the emperor unable to start.

He can't forcefully break Longxiang Palace, capture Longxiang arbitrarily, and then announce the charges?

This method is too clumsy and too low-handed, and Bei Ming will never agree.

The emperor can only suppress his anger, write down this account, and settle accounts with Long Xiang later.

The twenty-four **** generals and tens of thousands of elite soldiers rushed back to Taixuan Dongtian by the order of the emperor, and could not leave for too long.

In just seven days, Bei Ming could still ignore it.

If they continue to stay in Taixuan Dongtian, Bei Ming will be punished for the crime of leaving their posts without authorization.

Therefore, the emperor can only let them go and return to their posts.

And he did not have the time and energy to continue searching for the whereabouts of Long Tian.

He can only think with resentment that Long Tian is so strong that he has escaped from Taixuan Dongtian without knowing it.

That night, the transmission guard suddenly notified the emperor and a few generals of Zhengnan to go to the study to discuss military affairs.

The emperor can only put aside the siege of Longtian and go to the Longdi study with the six generals Zhengnan.


In the study, the lights are bright and the atmosphere is solemn.

Bei Ming sat behind the book table, with a jade slip and a memorial in front of him.

The emperor and six Zhengnan generals stood in the study, respectful and cautious.

Of course, there is no Long Xiang among the six Zhengnan generals, and he is still in a closed room for healing.

"Everyone, tonight, this emperor received an urgent report from the three southeast regions. The Sea Clan, who had retired not long ago, is again gathering heavy troops to attack the three regions separately.

This time, the army assembled by the Sea Clan may exceed 80,000.

Therefore, this attack on the three domains will definitely be more tragic than ever! "

Bei Ming looked at everyone with solemn expression, explaining the cause of the matter.

The six Zhengnan generals suddenly became nervous, all showing expressions of indignation.

The emperor frowned for a while, and said in a deep voice: "In the past three years, Long Xiang and the other two generals of Zhengnan have been investigating and resisting the harassment of the Sea Clan in the three southeast regions.

After Long Xiang lost, he fled back to the palace.

Therefore, the Sea Clan called the power of the Southeastern Three Regions empty, and this has made a comeback and gathered more elites.

Speaking of which, General Long Xiang can't escape the blame! "

As long as there is a chance, the emperor will not forget to pour dirty water on Long Xiang.

Of the other six Zhengnan generals, four were bought by the emperor, and only two remained neutral.

Hearing the emperor's slander against Long Xiang, the two frowned, but they were unable to refute.

Bei Ming said in a calm tone: "But General Long Xiang has gone through treacherous things, and he has also made great contributions.

The results of his investigation were basically correct, and the news from the three southeastern regions also confirmed that those sea tribes belonged to the Trench Department. "

Seeing Beiming's words to defend Long Xiang, the emperor snorted and said nothing more.

Bei Ming said in a majestic tone: "This emperor calls you to come, just to give you an important task.

The emperor decided to mobilize one hundred thousand elite soldiers to rush to the three southeast regions to snipe the enemy!

This time, we must beat the Sea Race to the ground, beat them to pain, and teach them a lesson they will never forget!

Only in this way can they be honest and can shock the other three.

After all, the Haigou Department has repeatedly harassed the emperor’s territory, but has not been severely punished, and it is bound to make the other three also ready to move...

Do you guys have any objections? "

The six generals of Zhengnan naturally had no objections. They bowed and saluted and said neatly: "I will obey your majesty's order. I will be on standby at any time. I am willing to charge and fight in blood!"

Bei Ming nodded with satisfaction, and said, "This emperor has confidence in your leadership.

However, the task this time is very arduous and should not be missed.

Therefore, the emperor decided to send an emperor to take command of the army to control the 100,000 army. "

Speaking of this, Bei Ming looked at the emperor and asked, "Is the emperor willing to set off for the emperor and share the worries for the emperor?"

The emperor was stunned for a moment, frowned and said nothing.

He has been staying in Taixuan Cave, at most, he went to various areas to inspect, basically only in charge of government affairs, and never led a war.

He didn't expect that Dragon Emperor would suddenly let him go out in command!

Moreover, attacking the sea clan in the southeast!

This is really unexpected!

After stunned for a moment, the emperor suddenly thought of something, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Then, he bowed and saluted Bei Ming, and said solemnly: "Although the old man has never led the war, his majesty has ordered the old man to do his best!

It’s okay for the old man to go out in command, but... Which generals did your majesty decide to send? "

Bei Ming pointed to the six generals in the south and said: "Naturally it is them six, otherwise why did the emperor call them here?"

The emperor glanced at the six generals, shook his head, and said, "Your Majesty, the old man thought that General Sun Yan had not led troops for more than 120 years, and had never been to the three southeast regions before.

This time, we vowed to win and win beautifully.

So, please ask General Sun Yan to stay in the shrine on standby. "

When these words came out, everyone in the study focused on a dark-skinned middle-aged general.

This sturdy, loyal general was suddenly embarrassed, his complexion was dark red, and his eyes flashed with shame and anger.

He is a zealous and heroic general, and he can be an excellent leader.

But he has an upright character and has spoken loyally and bluntly many times, and he has long since formed a bridge with the Emperor.

It was because of the deliberate suppression of the emperor that he lost the right to lead soldiers and stayed idle for more than 120 years in Taixuan Cave.

General Sun Yan thought that His Majesty Dragon Emperor's urgent call tonight was his chance to recover.

Unexpectedly, after seeing a little hope, he was extinguished by the emperor!

Of course Bei Ming understands the twists and turns here, but doesn't want to refute the emperor's face because of this trivial matter.

So ~www.ltnovel.com~ he asked blankly: "The emperor thought that which general should replace General Sun Yan?"

The emperor replied without hesitation: "The old man believes that General Long Xiang should be replaced by General Long Xiang.

First, Long Xiang made a mistake before, and his majesty was kind and did not punish too much, but he should redeem his merits to serve his majesty's respect and cultivation.

Second, the old man is not clear about the actual situation of the three southeast regions, and Long Xiang had been active there for three years before, and he knew the actual situation well.

Sending Longxiang to lead the battle is more beneficial to us.

Please make a decision! "

Although Bei Ming knew that the emperor was dissatisfied with Long Xiang, he was deliberately suppressing it.

But the two points raised by the emperor were indeed reasonable, and he could not refute them.

After pondering for a moment, Bei Ming nodded and agreed.

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