Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3865: Did you misunderstand him?

Bei Ming felt a little embarrassed.

After all, the acting skills of the Emperor are a bit clumsy.

Long Tian remained transparent, sitting on the window sill and watching coldly.

Bei Ming felt his cheeks hot, and guessed that his face must be red.

But he can't open it for the time being, he can only pretend to be, and said with joy: "It's fortunate that the Taixuan formation can be found!"

The emperor frowned and said in a low tone: "But your Majesty, the resources worth tens of billions have not been found!"

Bei Ming waved his hand and said disapprovingly: "It's just some training resources, it's not a big deal, just lose it."

As soon as the emperor saw him, he knew how to pretend to be confused, and showed that he would protect Longtian, and he was immediately angry.

"Your Majesty! This matter must be traced to the end! Do you know where you found those cultivation resources and the Taixuan formation?"

Bei Ming showed an expression of ‘I don’t want to know’ and picked up the royal brush to continue working.

The emperor pointed at the two forbidden army commanders and shouted angrily: "You two, tell your Majesty Dragon Emperor how and where you found the Taixuan formation!"

The two commanders of the Forbidden Army pretended to be horrified, looking at Bei Ming with embarrassment, and then at the emperor, in a posture that hesitated to say nothing.

Bei Ming had no expression on his face, thinking to himself: "These two guys are more real than you, Emperor Master!"

The emperor yelled again: "Hurry up! As long as you report truthfully, what's so terrible?"

Only then did the two commanders gritted their teeth and made up their minds, and reported the situation in turn: "Enjoy your majesty Dragon Emperor, our twelve commanders led 2,400 forbidden troops and searched for two hours.

This was found in a guest room in the residence of General Long Xiang. "

"We asked the guards of Longxiang Palace, and Longtian lives in that guest room.

This Taixuan formation disk was found by us from the hidden grid on the wall.

A small space formation was also arranged in that secret grid, in order to cover people's eyes. "

After the two of them finished speaking, the emperor showed a look of resentment, and said to Bei Ming: "Your Majesty, the truth has come to light, this is what Long Tian did!

The old man said long ago that Long Tian was unpredictable and wanted to get rid of you and regain the Tianlong Temple...

You didn't believe it before, but now that the evidence is solid, do you want to ignore it? "

Seeing that the emperor was so aggressive, Bei Ming could no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb, so he could only put down the imperial brush, waved back the two imperial army commanders.

When only he and the emperor were left in the study... the transparent man Ji Tianxing didn't count, he said earnestly: "Emperor, you are so aggressive and aggressive, what are you doing?

Do you have to do things so absolutely?

Have you ever thought about it, it’s really the last step, how do you end it? "

With this attitude, Bei Ming made it clear that he had seen through the conspiracy of the emperor teacher, and he did not want to let the emperor teacher continue.

But the emperor's anger was even worse, and his face was green and roared: "The old man is aggressive and aggressive?

Your Majesty, how did that animal torture and humiliate the old man that day in full view?

If you don't kill him here, how can the old man swallow this breath? "

Bei Ming shook his head, and said blankly: "Not to mention right and wrong, just talking about strength, you can't kill him.

Even many commanders, generals and imperial guards will bury you for your reckless decision.

Di Shi, you know that there are not many talents available under this emperor's command, so stop! "

At this point, it is almost equal to a showdown.

But the emperor is used to being arrogant and domineering, how can he swallow his anger and silence?

He had a dark face and sneered: "Your Majesty, it is because you have been so tolerant and want to calm down every time, so many people are dissatisfied.

If you insist on doing this, you will only be distracted by the monarch and his subjects, making the situation worse and worse!

What is the meaning of the existence of those commanders, generals, and imperial guards?

Isn't it just to protect the Tianlong Shrine and protect your majesty's foundation and majesty?

Even if they are sacrificed, they can get rid of the powerful enemy and eliminate the danger for your majesty. They die well! "

After the low-pitched roar, the emperor forced himself to calm down, bowed to Bei Ming, and said: "Your Majesty, you continue to handle government affairs, the old man will not bother you.

You can rest assured that the old man has prepared everything, and there will be results within a day at most.

In order to help you remove all obstacles, in order to help you manage this continent, the old man is willing to give everything.

No matter how much misunderstanding and stigma are on your back! "

At this moment, the emperor's body was straight and his tone became impassioned, full of no regrets and no regrets.

After leaving these words, he turned and stepped out of the study.

But Bei Ming stared at his back blankly, with a momentary loss of consciousness.

He thought to himself: "Is it because I was so mindful and misunderstood the emperor teacher?"

at the same time.

The emperor took the six powerful **** kings and rushed to Longxiang Palace with murderous aura.

At the same time, more than 2,000 imperial guards and more than 40 god-king powerhouses also quickly gathered to Longxiang Palace.

Before the emperor and the **** kings under his command, they also discussed and planned many detailed steps.

But now, many plans and details can be discarded.

Now that Longdi Beiming had already seen through and had made the words clear, the emperor had no scruples.

He just wanted to do his best to kill Longtian as soon as possible and end this matter.

Fifty **** kings and two thousand five hundred imperial guards are just the power to besiege Longxiang Palace.

Once Long Tian escaped from Longxiang Palace and fled in Taixuan Cave, the second batch of manpower he arranged would complete the encirclement.

The twenty-four **** generals, who have led tens of thousands of elite soldiers and powerful generals, are lurking in various places in the Great Profound Cavern Sky, always on standby.

In a short while, the emperor and many **** kings and guards left the Dragon Emperor Shrine and rushed to Longxiang Palace mightily.

At this time, in Bei Ming's study.


On the chair under the window sill, the transparent man Ji Tianxing reappeared.

He looked at Bei Ming with a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"If I don't come to you and sit here in advance, would you believe the Emperor's words?"

The emperor claimed that a few hours ago, Long Tian sneaked into the treasure house and stole tens of billions of resources and Taixuan formation.

But in fact, Ji Tianxing sat in the study room ~www.ltnovel.com~ a day ago.

Therefore, when the emperor acted in front of Bei Ming, Bei Ming felt so embarrassed and funny.

"Of course not!" Bei Ming said in a calm tone: "You will not be against me. Even if you want to **** the position of Dragon Emperor, you will not steal any formation.

The method that the emperor used this time was really perfunctory. "

Ji Tianxing sneered: "What about perfunctory? He just wanted to find an excuse to shoot at me."

After speaking, he took out four jade slips from the space ring and threw them in front of Bei Ming.

"I think you should take a look at what the emperor has done without you over the years."

Bei Ming picked up four jade slips, looked at it casually, and asked, "Is the evidence of the emperor's master? Where did you collect it in such a short time?

Or, is this provided to you by someone else? "

(End of this chapter)

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