Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3862: Collect evidence

There is no doubt that the white robe youth is just Ji Tianxing.

Before he tortured the emperor in public, and humiliated him.

The emperor was ashamed and mad, and he said ruthlessly in public, it was bound to redouble his revenge.

Ji Tianxing didn't care, but after a heart-to-heart conversation with Bei Ming, he changed his mind.

Bei Ming was very stubborn, resolutely refused to get rid of the emperor teacher, even refused to remove it.

But the emperor's authority is too heavy, and it is a character that Jacques will repay. Of course, Ji Tianxing must prevent him from using plots and tricks to retaliate.

Therefore, after leaving Bei Ming's study, he quietly rushed to the Divine Sword Peak to watch the emperor in the dark.

Facts proved that he was right, and the emperor really summoned his confidantes to discuss conspiracy and plans in the hall.

Ji Tianxing concealed his traces and breath, hid in the corner of the hall, and recorded all the events in the hall with a shadow ball.

Since he already knew the conspiracy plan of the emperor, naturally he would not be fooled again.

At the same time, he will not sit still.

"Let Long Xiang come to see this king, and discuss important matters." Ji Tianxing called the guard who was guarding the door of the secret room and ordered him.

The guard bowed to take the order and quickly turned and left.

After a while, Long Xiang hurried over.

After he entered the secret room and saluted, Ji Tianxing asked straightforwardly: "Does the emperor often suppress you and want to exclude you from the Tianlong Temple and transfer you to the edge area?"

"Huh?" Long Xiang was stunned for a moment, frowned and did not answer.

Ji Tianxing went on to say: "You should know that being so arbitrary and domineering like the emperor will only make the prestige of Tianlong Divine Palace weaker and weaker.

If things go on like this, the situation in the Tianlong Continent will become increasingly chaotic, which will eventually lead to catastrophe. "

Long Xiang knew this well, but he had never wanted to talk about it with Ji Tianxing.

But now, the other party and Dragon Emperor are old friends, and they have no malice towards the Tianlong Temple.

Long Xiang gradually relaxed his vigilance and no longer rejected discussing these things, so he asked, "Senior Long Tian, ​​what do you want to say?"

Ji Tianxing stared at him, and said solemnly: "You are very loyal to the Dragon Emperor, and you are unable to resist the oppression of the Emperor.

But this king believes that you are not a stupid person, you must have collected evidence of the imperial master long ago.

Even, not only you, but other generals and commanders are also dissatisfied with the emperor, right? "

Long Xiang frowned for a while before he smiled bitterly: "Senior Long Tian, ​​you are right. Several generals and commanders and I have long been dissatisfied with the actions of the emperor.

We have also collected evidence and even advised His Majesty.

But this is useless. His Majesty's attitude is very firm and will never be ungrateful and remove the emperor.

On the contrary, it was our advice, after being learned by the emperor, it made our situation worse. "

After a pause, he went on to say: "I can understand the feelings of the predecessors, and also know that you want to get rid of the emperor's teacher and eradicate this disaster.

But I want to advise you, this is futile, you should give up. "

"You don't need to worry about this." Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said: "You don't need to come forward this time, this king will handle this matter.

You only need to hand over the evidence of crimes you have, as well as the evidence in the hands of several other generals and commanders, to this king. "

Long Xiang's eyes lit up, a little moved, and he thought to himself: "We are slight words, not enough to persuade your Majesty that Senior Long Tian has a special identity, and may make your Majesty change his mind."

Thinking of this, he nodded and agreed, "Then please wait a moment, senior, I will contact you now to sort out the evidence."

Ji Tianxing exhorted: "The speed must be fast, and it must be completed within two days at the latest!"

"Ah? The time is so urgent?" Long Xiang frowned immediately, with a look of embarrassment, "I am fine to say that a lot of criminal evidence is in hand and will be handed over to you soon.

But several other generals and commanders, some were performing tasks outside, and some were transferred to remote areas. "

Ji Tianxing commanded: "If you are far away, use jade slips for transmission. You can collect as much evidence as possible."

"Okay, I will try my best!" Long Xiang nodded under pressure.

Before leaving, he couldn't help but ask, "I wonder why seniors are so anxious and time is so tight?"

Of course, Ji Tianxing would not tell him that the emperor had already begun to dispatch troops and would launch trouble within two or three days.

"This kind of thing, of course, the sooner the better, so as not to leak the wind and let the emperor be guarded."

Long Xiang accepted this explanation, so he stopped asking more and went to perform the task quickly.

Ji Tianxing stayed in the secret room to meditate and practice, releasing the invisible consciousness, covering the Tianlong Temple in secret, monitoring everyone's movements.


Time passed silently.

Long Xiang's work efficiency was very fast, and within just one day, he sent Ji Tianxing four criminal evidence.

One of them was evidence of crimes he had collected over the years, and the other three were from two generals in the south and a commander of the Imperial Army.

The two Zhengnan generals were the same as his status and status, and they were once invincible warriors who were young and powerful and used like gods.

However, their acting style is more straightforward and temperament is more popular, which offends the emperor even more miserably.

Now they have been trapped in the Heavenly Dragon God's Palace, and they have nothing to do for more than two hundred years, and they have long suffocated the horrible anger.

The sources of these four pieces of evidence are all within the Great Profound Cavern Sky, so the speed is very fast.

Ji Tianxing looked through the four pieces of evidence, and each piece of evidence was clearly organized and conclusive, and he kept it in the space ring.

And then, the generals and leaders that Long Xiang contacted were not in the sky of Taixuan Cave.

Those people will either perform tasks outside or be dispatched to remote areas, far away from the center of power.

Long Xiang suddenly gave them a message, not only to explain the cause and effect to them, but also to persuade them to send back the evidence as soon as possible.

This is really hard!

After all, those generals and commanders also need careful consideration and consideration before making a decision.

After they make a decision, it will take time to sort out the evidence of the emperor's master.

So ~www.ltnovel.com~ wants to get results in one day, which is a bit unrealistic.

Long Xiang was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, pacing back and forth in the study.

Every once in a while, he would also send messages to several generals and commanders, urging them to speed up.

But Ji Tianxing was quiet, sitting in the secret room, silently monitoring the movements in the Tianlong Temple.

He could clearly see that the divine king and powerful men under the emperor teacher were also busy, constantly sending and receiving jade slips.

Judging from the reactions of the gods, their conspiracy and plans are progressing quite smoothly.

Ji Tianxing calculated the time, and the twenty-four **** generals summoned by the emperor's master should have also reached the Supreme Profound Cave Heaven through the large teleportation arrays throughout the mainland.

It seems that the emperor will start to act in one day at most.

At the same time, some of the divine kings under the command of the emperor, and the guards of the divine monarch realm, also quietly mixed into the Longxiang Palace, and began to prepare for the framing.

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