Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3860: Unknown

"of course!"

Bei Ming did not hesitate and replied with a certain tone.

After speaking, he knelt on the futon again, and respectfully knocked his head three times in front of the Tianlong Emperor statue on the altar.

Ji Tianxing keenly discovered that where he kowtows, the extremely hard black slab also has a shallow depression.

That can't be formed in three to five years.

After Bei Ming bowed and bowed, he got up and returned to his original position, and made a please gesture to Ji Tianxing.

The two left the secret room, returned to the study, and each took their seats and started talking.

"Long Tian, ​​I apologize to you for what the emperor has done, and please don't mind."

Before the formal conversation, Bei Ming bowed to Ji Tianxing and apologized.

Ji Tianxing accepted it calmly, and asked indifferently: "If this matter was not instructed by you, why should you apologize?"

Bei Ming said with a solemn expression: "After Long Xiang reported your identity and intentions, I hadn't figured out how to face you, so the emperor led his troops to chase you down.

This matter really has nothing to do with me, whether you believe it or not. "

Ji Tianxing already had the answer in his heart, so he stopped worrying about the matter and said, "Since it was the decision of the Ice Dragon King, he has also received the punishment he deserves. I will not embarrass him anymore."

Bei Ming breathed a sigh of relief, sat back in his chair, and said with emotion: "I haven't seen it for more than a thousand years, and I don't know what chance you got. You have reached the peak from the fourth stage of the year.

And for more than a thousand years, I have made almost no progress, and I still haven't reached the peak. "

Ji Tianxing said in a flat tone: "The position of the Dragon Emperor is prominent and respected, but it is not so easy to sit on.

After becoming the Dragon Emperor, you have government affairs that you can't finish. How can there be time for meditation? "

"That's true." Bei Ming nodded in sympathy.

But after nodding his head, he realized that there was something in Ji Tianxing's words.

So, after considering it for a while, he tried to ask: "So, after you defeated the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor and became the Dragon Emperor of the Star Source Continent, you were not eager to control the overall situation. Instead, you came to me. Why?"

Ji Tianxing didn't go around the corners, and replied straightforwardly: "Controlling the Star Source Continent and managing the hundreds of millions of people in hundreds of domains is a laborious task. I don't have the leisure and time.

Professional things have to be left to professional people. I just want to do my own thing.

Come here to find you, one is to revisit the old place, looking for memories, and the other is to ask you for a favor. "

Although Bei Ming was mentally prepared, he guessed that Ji Tianxing's so-called important matter may have nothing to do with the position of the Dragon Emperor, let alone **** his position as the Dragon Emperor.

But Ji Tianxing said so bluntly, it still surprised him.

"Ask me for help?

With your current strength, what else can I help? "

Ji Tianxing shook his head and explained: "It has nothing to do with strength, just want you to help find someone."

"You said." Bei Ming nodded, and said sincerely: "As long as I can, I will definitely help."

Ji Tianxing explained: "I'm looking for a human teenager named Wuheng. He is my son and was rescued by a peak **** king more than ten years ago..."

He briefly recounted the characteristics of No Hate and the disappearance process.

Bei Ming wrote it down and nodded: "The boy you said has no hatred. I have never seen or heard of it.

However, I can use the power of the Heavenly Dragon Temple to search and investigate on the Heavenly Dragon Continent.

If you are sure that he was rescued by the Peak God King, then I will interrogate the Qingluan ancestor of Shangqing Dongtian.

I believe you also know that she is the pinnacle **** king in the entire Tianlong Continent. "

"Ancestor Qingluan?" Ji Tianxing frowned and thought for a while, and said, "Although this possibility is not ruled out, the chances of her saving Wuhen is not high.

First, she is not a dragon, and it seems that she is not very good at dragon magic.

Second, she has always lived in seclusion in Dongtian, Shangqing, and she doesn't care much about the world. "

Bei Ming nodded in agreement, and said, "Whether it is or not, I always have to interrogate to be at ease."

"Okay, thanks a lot." Ji Tianxing bowed his hand and thanked him.

Bei Ming did not pretend to be false, and took out a jade slip on the spot, and in front of Ji Tianxing, sent a message to the ancestor of Qingluan.

Although Qingluan's ancestors are high in generations and strong, they have not been in the world, and are very low-key.

However, Shangqing Dongtian is one of the three top forces in the Tianlong Continent, and Beiming, as the dragon emperor, will of course maintain contact with Shangqing Dongtian.

After sending the subpoena, the next step was to wait for the reply from the ancestor Qingluan.

If the ancestor Qingluan was practicing in retreat, he would not send a message back in a short time.

Both Ji Tianxing and Bei Ming knew this, and they would not wait aimlessly, and then talk about other issues.

"Although, you have inherited the position of Dragon Emperor, I am not interested in this position, and should not be nosy.

But this continent, after all, is the painstaking effort of Master guarding his whole life.

This Heavenly Dragon Palace was also the cave where the Master lived all his life, and it was also my home. "

Ji Tianxing looked at Bei Ming, and said calmly: "I don't want to see an incompetent person who occupies the position of Dragon Emperor, but can't even hold the master's foundation."

Bei Ming was judged as an incompetent person, frowning a little displeased, but not angry.

He stared at Ji Tianxing and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Ji Tianxing said blankly: "Although, I haven't deliberately investigated anything shortly after returning to Tianlong Continent.

But I can find a few people to inquire, and then I can know the current situation of the Tianlong Continent and your current situation.

It is conceivable that the problem between you and Tianlong Continent has reached to what extent?

It is an exaggeration to say that everyone knows everything, but the disappointment and criticism of the people towards you is an indisputable fact! "

Bei Ming's expression was a little sad, and after a moment of silence ~www.ltnovel.com~ he said in a low tone: "You are right, what I did is really unqualified.

But you can rest assured that this is only temporary, and I will continue to work hard to protect Senior Tianlong's efforts and foundation. "

Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said in a calm and dignified tone: "No, it's not that you are unqualified, nor that you are not working hard enough.

Since your ascension to the throne, you have been working hard and working hard. This is an achievement that everyone sees and cannot be denied.

You are not the pinnacle **** king, and you do not have the deterrent power of a master. This is also human nature, but it is not the main reason for the deterioration of the situation.

The real problem is... you have no knowledge of people, and even more useless knowledge!

Presumably you also understand in your heart that as long as the Ice Dragon King is still in a high position, he will point fingers at you, and he will often take his place...

Then you will never be able to govern this continent!

Unless he gets rid of this treacherous nephew, the Heavenly Dragon Temple will not be peaceful, and the entire continent will not be able to live and work in peace! "

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