Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3850: Weak for a long time

  Long Xiang's words made Ji Tianxing's brows even higher.

   He asked in a low tone: "Only the empires of each domain will establish this position. When will the Tianlong Temple have the position of emperor?"

   Long Xiang smiled, and patiently explained: "Senior didn't know it, but Tianlong Shrine did not have this position before.

   However, after His Majesty Dragon Emperor became the throne a thousand years ago, he issued an order to set up this position, and he appointed his uncle as the emperor..."

   After listening to his explanation, Ji Tianxing realized that the position of emperor was established by Beiming's order.

   In the Beihai Dragon King Hall, Bei Ming was the lord of the palace, and his uncle, the Ice Dragon King, always supported him.

   Later, with the help of his uncle, he inherited the position of Dragon Emperor and took control of the Tianlong Continent.

   Beiming respected the Ice Dragon King very much, so he set up the post of Emperor to show his respect for the Ice Dragon King.

   Since Bei Ming has become the Dragon Emperor, how to set up positions is his freedom.

   Even if it was different from the former Tianlong Temple, Ji Tianxing had nothing to say.

   So, he stopped struggling with this question, and asked instead: "You said before that the troubles of the Sea Clan have been plagued by the Tianlong Continent for many years, and have been repeatedly banned and helpless?"

   Long Xiang nodded, and said angrily: "Since the Dragon Emperor became the throne, the Sea Clan has begun to make trouble.

   For nearly a thousand years, there have been many forces of the Sea Clan, divided into countless teams, frequently attacking the borders of the mainland.

   They burn, kill, looting, do no evil, and are scheming and flexible, making the domain masters of all domains helpless and miserable. "

  Ji Tianxing frowned, "But thousands of years ago, the Sea Clan had been staying in the sea of ​​heaven honestly and orderly, and didn't dare to make any trouble!

   Why did the Sea Clan become so rampant after Beiming succeeded the Dragon Emperor? "

   Regarding this question, Long Xiang had only a wry smile and explained: "A thousand years ago, Emperor Feng Tianlong was in charge of the mainland and the world was overwhelming. Who would dare to invade the Tianlong Continent?

   And our Beiming Dragon Emperor, after all, is not the Peak God King, his deterrence is greatly reduced..."

  Longxiang is General Zhengnan, a general under Beiming Dragon Emperor, of course he dare not speak ill of Beiming.

   Actually, Ji Tianxing can guess the reason without having to explain more.

   One is that Bei Ming's strength is not strong enough, there is not much deterrent power, the Sea Clan is not in awe.

   The second is that Beiming has been on the throne for a short time, and he is too gentle and forgiving, not decisive enough to kill, and the Sea Clan even despises it.

   "Unexpectedly, this heir to Master would have failed so much."

   Ji Tianxing was a little disappointed, and muttered in his heart.

   There is nothing to do, and he talked to Long Xiang about the past.

   "The southeast border has suffered heavy losses, among which the long sea area is the most. In the past ten years, more than 10 million people have been killed and injured...

   Have you investigated which force of the Sea Clan actually did it? "

   Long Xiang nodded, and said angrily: "The Tianhai near the southeast border has four marine forces, each with trillions of people, and countless elite soldiers and powerful generals.

  Although, I don’t have any conclusive and critical evidence yet.

   But through the clues I found before, I can basically confirm that it was the Trench Department!

   Among the four forces, the Trench Department ranks first and has the strongest background.

   Its leader is Jiguang Mother, who is said to be the **** king of the Ninth Stage.

   There are more than 100 **** kings and strong under his command, nearly 20,000 gods and masters, and nearly 10 million elite soldiers..."

   Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, "So, when you return to the Heavenly Dragon Shrine this time, you have to return to the North Ming Dragon Emperor and ask to send troops to attack the Trench Department?"

   Long Xiang's eyes were a little sad, and he shook his head and said: "I am only responsible for investigating clues and reporting the results to His Majesty Dragon Emperor.

   As for how your Majesty decides, it is beyond my imagination.

   Of course, your Majesty has always been diligent in politics and loving the people. He is very angry at the repeated attacks of the Hai Clan and is very concerned about the situation of the people of the Li people. He should be...

   This depends on the meaning of the emperor, and the result of his negotiation with the Dragon Emperor.

  I hope I can lead my troops out and take revenge on the Trench Department! "

   Ji Tianxing heard some clues and frowned and asked: "Do you mean that Beiming not only respects the emperor, but also relies heavily on government affairs?

   What decision will Bei Ming make, what order will it give, and will he discuss it with the emperor? "

   "Uh..." Long Xiang shut up quickly, begging with a wry smile: "Senior Tianxing, this is not what I said, so don't talk about it anymore.

   As a courtier, how can I dare to argue with your majesty and emperor teacher? "

   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, knowing that he was a little overstepped in discussing this issue, so he no longer embarrassed him.

   Next, he chatted with Long Xiang again and asked about some conditions in the Tianlong Continent.

   Of course, the conversations are all seemingly insignificant things, at least not involving Tianlong Temple, Longdi Beiming and Emperor Shi.

   Long Xiang was happy to answer this, and he didn't hide anything.

   The two chatted all the way, and the atmosphere became more and more harmonious.

   In addition to being grateful to Ji Tianxing, Long Xiang also felt a little more trusting and close.

   And Ji Tianxing also used scattered information to figure out the current situation of the Tianlong Continent.

   Today’s Tianlong Temple can be described by the words ‘weak for a long time’.

   The deterrence and influence of the Shrine on the Tianlong Continent is far from comparable to that of a thousand years ago.

   Not only the surrounding sea people act rampantly, they have no respect for the shrine.

   Even many domain masters and top powers lack fear of shrines and act casually.

   The reverence for the Dragon Emperor Beiming from various parts of the people is also quite weak.

   Even ~www.ltnovel.com~ The people in many places are a little disappointed with him, and they have a lot of criticism.

   Beiming also knows the current situation, but is unable to change it. He only hopes to love the people generously and imperceptibly.

   His own strength and prestige are not enough, and the power team of Tianlong Divine Palace is not strong enough.

   Therefore, he can't go to war and control the Heavenly Dragon Continent strongly, but can only slowly figure it out and be gentle.

   In addition, Ji Tianxing also inferred a conclusion from the scattered news.

   Bei Ming respected the emperor too much.

   In other words, the status of the emperor is too high, the authority is too heavy, and he has interfered too much in government affairs.

   If the emperor was really a sage, or a talented military commander, this would be acceptable.

   At least with his assistance, Bei Ming can grow rapidly and gradually control the Tianlong Continent.

   But the actual situation is not so.

   The character and talents of the emperor's teacher are also somewhat difficult to describe.

   Ji Tianxing can analyze these, but he doesn't care about it.

   After all, he was only here to find his son's whereabouts, by the way, revisiting the old place and looking for memories of the year.

  Isn't he here to fight for power and gain the position of Dragon Emperor?

   Unconsciously, half a month passed.

   Longxiang’s divine ship safely sailed out of the sky and returned to the long sea area on the southeast border.

   After arriving in the long sea area, everyone will part ways. .

   More than eight hundred monsters and soldiers, all under the command of the Lord of the Long Sea, they want to return to the Lord’s Mansion.

   And Long Xiang and the two lieutenants will continue to go north and return to the Tianlong Shrine.

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