Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3845: Leave

The words of God King Luohu made Ji Tianxing stunned.

Although, he had told God King Luohu before that he had no interest in the position of Dragon Emperor.

However, God King Luohu is stubborn and always believes that only he inherits the position of Dragon Emperor is orthodox and inheritance.

Ji Tianxing still wanted to explain and persuade a few more words, but seeing the firm eyes of God King Luohu, he could only swallow the words back into his stomach.

Because he knew that even if he said it was useless, he still couldn't change God King Luohu's thoughts and decisions.

So, he patted God King Luohu on the shoulder and smiled and said: "Let's not talk about this. In the next few decades, you will have to work harder and take more care."

The two chatted a few more words, and Ji Tianxing confessed some trivial matters before leaving the study.

God King Luohu continued to handle government affairs, and Ji Tianxing returned to the secret room and entered the twisted time and space to continue practicing.


Time flies, and the years pass silently.

One year passed quickly.

During this year, God King Luohu, in accordance with Ji Tianxing's instructions, adopted both soft and hard methods for each domain, gradually conquering one domain after another.

For those forces and domain masters who are swaying from side to side and have a weak stand, the Ten Thousand Demons League adopts the strategy of wooing and empathizing, supplemented by general momentum and coercion, and basically succeed.

But for a few firm stance, a few diehard supporters of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, the Ten Thousand Demons League resorted to various methods to be ineffective, and then decisively used thunder means to kill chickens and monkeys.

It really worked.

Killing a small number of strong and masters, annihilating individual forces, and very effective deterring other domains, without causing public outrage and resistance.

Under the command of God King Luohu, the elders and hall masters of the Ten Thousand Demons League did their best to take over eleven domains within a year.

Through this year's actions and measures, the Ten Thousand Demon League also expressed its position and attitude, allowing other domains to see the determination of the Ten Thousand Demon League.

This has greatly promoted the subsequent compilation and takeover work.

At least, the remaining sixty-one domains understood the determination of the Ten Thousand Demons League and knew that the general trend was irreversible, only obedience and submission.

And what they can do, the final struggle is nothing more than wrangling and negotiating with the Ten Thousand Demons League, and striving for more favorable conditions.

at the same time.

Ji Tianxing, who hasn't appeared for a year, and has been in retreat in twisted time and space for fifty years, finally left the customs and showed up.

It is a pity that he has been in retreat in Twisted Time and Space for fifty years and has not been able to reach the Ninth Level of the God King Realm.

With his current strength, every level of advancement is extremely difficult.

Other high-ranking **** kings often need thousands or tens of thousands of years to improve their realm.

No matter how enchanting he is, without major opportunities, it will be difficult to reach the Ninth Stage in a few decades.

Ji Tianxing was not disappointed about this, and he was psychologically prepared accordingly.

Of course, although he didn't break through to the Ninth Stage, the foundation of Divine Dao became more and more stable, and his skill doubled.

With his current combat power, it is enough to walk sideways in the dragon world without fearing anyone.

After leaving the customs, Ji Tianxing awakened Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Bai Long, Qian Yue and others.

He told everyone about the next plan.

"The situation in the Star Source Continent has stabilized, and it is a certainty that the Ten Thousand Demon League controls this continent.

I decided to leave and go to four other continents, to search for all the pinnacle kings, and explore the whereabouts of Wuhen.

Do you have anything to say? "

Of course Yun Yao, Ji Ke and Wushuang nodded in agreement.

Bailong, Zhenhong, Chaoqingyu, Yanke, and Baifeng also had no objection.

Ji Tianxing looked at Qianyue again and said, "By the way, Qianyue, as today there are only a few members of the Fox Clan, and Fox Xinyue is the strongest.

You can practice with her as soon as possible, so it is better to stay in the Ten Thousand Demons League and follow her..."

Before he could finish talking, Qianyue even shook her head and said, "Lao Ji, Hu Xinyue has indeed taught me, and I am very grateful to her.

But I have already broken through the Divine King Realm, and have mastered the inheritance mind and magic skills of the Sky Fox Clan, so there is no point in staying.

Of course I will follow you and help you find Wuhate's whereabouts!

Don't you want to leave me, we have depended on each other for so many years, we can't be separated! "

"Depending on each other????" Ji Tianxing couldn't help frowning, a little dumbfounded.

This word is too exaggerated.

But he also knew that Qian Yue was very stubborn and resolutely refused to stay, so he stopped persuading.

"Since everyone has no objections, it is so decided. You can do whatever you want."

Under the Blood Flame God Tree, Ji Tianxing waved his hand to signal everyone to disband.

Everyone left and went back to meditate and practice under the blood flame **** tree.

Only Yanke and Baifeng's reaction looked a little weird.

Yanke stayed and said to Ji Tianxing that he wanted to go to the sword world and live with the Turin tribe.

Ji Tianxing nodded and agreed, sending him into the sword world.

Bai Feng left the blood flame sacred tree and stopped in the twisted time and space thousands of miles away.

He began to use magical techniques to create mountains, forests, rivers, and waterfalls, and then built a shrine on the top of the mountain as a cave and residence.

Ji Tianxing observed for several hours and found that the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains he had created were exactly the same as those previously built on the third floor of the sacred tower.

"Haha... I didn't expect this guy to have such a hobby, and still have requirements for residence and the illusion of Dongfu?"

Ji Tianxing smiled, said to himself, turned and left the twisted time and space.

Before leaving, he found King Luohu and bid him farewell.

Although, God King Luo Hu had long known that there would be this day.

But when this day really came, he was still a little sad and unwilling.

He and Ji Tianxing had a close conversation in the study for an hour.

The main content of the conversation was still in the body of Jinyuan Longdi.

Both the master and the servant knew that the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor's vitality was severely injured, and it was impossible to recover if he did not recuperate for two to three hundred years.

In other words, within nearly three hundred years, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor would not be able to return to the Dragon Realm and avenge the Ten Thousand Demons League.

But Ji Tianxing still needs to know, in which star domain is the power of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor in the outer starry sky?

God King Luohu knew about this, so he spoke of the "Sirius Star Territory" and briefly introduced the situation in the Sirius Star Territory~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Tianxing said that he knew well that he would go to the Sirius Star Territory to cut the roots if he had the opportunity in the future. future trouble.

An hour later, God King Luohu followed Ji Tianxing and left the study.

Later, in the square outside the temple, God King Luohu and many elders and kings saluteed Ji Tianxing in a uniform manner.

Ji Tianxing waved goodbye to everyone, turned around and set foot on the sky, his dashing figure disappeared into the sky soon.

God King Luohu and others looked at the direction he was leaving, and stood there for a long time. Only then did they clear their minds and continue to be busy.

Everyone knew that looking at the entire Dragon Realm, no one could threaten Young Master.

They are not worried about the safety of the young master.

They had only one thing to do, and that was to take over the Star Source Continent as soon as possible and not let Young Master down.

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