Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3842: Really poisonous

"Me? Toxic??"

Ji Tianxing looked at the wide-nosed square face with a particularly wonderful expression. 【】

If he didn't know the nature of the Black Dragon Emperor, he would not believe that this dragon general with thick eyebrows and eyes would say such things!

"Old Black Dragon, you have to give me a reasonable explanation today, why am I poisonous?

We haven't seen each other for more than a thousand years, and this is the first time we have met, so tell me this? "

Ji Tianxing stared at the incarnation of the dragon general with an angry expression on his face.

The incarnation of the Dragon General rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily: "You have only returned to the Dragon Realm for two months, and you have provoked the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, and in less than two years, you have wiped out Xuanji Dongtian.

The left and right arms and confidantes of Emperor Jinyuan Longdi were all killed by you, and he was seriously injured by you, far away from the starry sky.

You said, are you poisonous?

The emperor dare not get too close to you so as not to be implicated by you. I don't know what trouble you are going to cause again! "

"..." Ji Tianxing was speechless, thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was not unreasonable.

He was not convinced, and then asked, "Then what is going on when you say I am evil?"

The dragon general incarnates arms around him, looks at him condescendingly, and asks with a smile: "You refined the rhyme of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, right?"

"??" Ji Tianxing was stunned for a moment, wondering how do you know?

But he immediately reacted and asked subconsciously: "So you have been hiding in the dark to watch the battle?"

The avatar of the dragon general smiled and continued: "It seems that you are acquiescing, and the emperor wants to ask you, how did your kid do it?

Do you know that Dao Yun is the most mysterious thing, even the Peak God King can't figure it out?

Throughout the ages, there have been no more than twenty Peak God Kings who can condense Dao Yun.

As for the **** king who learns, imitates and comprehends the rhyme of others, there is not even one!

What are you?

create a miracle? Break the rules? Against the sky? "

"..." Ji Tianxing was speechless.

After all, he still hasn't figured out what is going on in that mysterious dream.

He himself couldn't believe it, he actually absorbed the rhyme of Jinyuan Longdi.

He would not even tell the Black Dragon Emperor that he was actually only the eighth layer of the God King Realm, and he had not yet become the Peak God King!

"You said, are you very evil?" The Long Jiang incarnation looked at him vigilantly, and said in a serious tone: "The emperor is seriously suspicious, you are a freak!"

Ji Tianxing curled his lips, thought about it seriously, and said, "Maybe I am really too good!"

"..." The dragon incarnation rolled his eyes again.

"Okay, this emperor doesn't want to ask you how to refine his Daoyun...

Even if you tell this emperor, this emperor can't do it, after all, it's not a little monster like you!

The emperor just wanted to say that this time to help you secretly, he already risked being condemned by heaven.

If there is nothing important, let's just don't live there, don't meet in a hundred years! "

The dragon avatar waved his hand, and turned around to leave.

Ji Tianxing showed a teasing smile and asked: "This is not like your character! You haven't been so persuaded before, why are you so afraid of the will and cause and effect of heaven?

Are you afraid that I will hurt you?

But the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor has already been severely injured and can't threaten you at all. "

The incarnation of Long Jiang glanced at him, and said depressed: "Boy, things are not as simple as you think!

The emperor thought was too simple before. I knew that you were a freak, so he would not help you! "

The fact is true, the relationship between the Black Dragon Emperor and Long Tian has always been very good.

Although the two of them are elders and juniors, they are like brothers and sisters who have met each other in their new year.

Therefore, the Black Dragon Emperor had no scruples in front of Ji Tianxing, and would say whatever he thought, and would not deliberately conceal it.

For some unspeakable reasons, he hid some secrets that he couldn't disclose.

Of course, there are corresponding questions that have troubled him for thousands of years.

Now that he saw Ji Tianxing's enchanting performance, the black dragon emperor had more guesses and deeper fears.

Seeing the Black Dragon Emperor reacting like this, Ji Tianxing realized that there was a problem and quickly asked: "Old Black Dragon, do you know any secrets?

Tell me, what is the secret? Is it related to the disappearance of my master? "

The dragon general incarnation narrowed his eyes, and a strange light flashed through his eyes.

But he didn't admit it, but instead asked, "Do you think this emperor will answer your question?

If the emperor asked you, what have you experienced over the past thousand years, would you answer truthfully? "

The answer is naturally no, so Ji Tianxing was silent.

The avatar of the Dragon General said nothing more, and said: "The emperor has something to do. Let's go one step ahead. See you in a hundred years."

He has too many doubts in his heart, and he needs to return to the Black Dragon Continent as soon as possible, and calm down to analyze, investigate and figure out.

At the same time, it will take a hundred years for the Ten Thousand Demons League to sit firmly and fully control the Star Source Continent.

Ji Tianxing hurriedly stretched out his hand, shouted the dragon general incarnation, and said, "Wait! I can promise you that I will find you in a hundred years.

But I have something very important and I need your help. "

The incarnation of the dragon turned his head to look at him, and said, "Say it, this emperor does his best."

Ji Tianxing explained: "Maybe the snake husband also told you that I returned to the Dragon Realm to find my son Wuhen.

He was captured by a pinnacle **** king, and that strong man was probably a dragon.

Of course, it is also possible that it is not the dragon, but proficient in dragon magic..."

After he finished speaking, the dragon general incarnation waved his hand without hesitation: "Snakeman has said about this. The emperor has no knowledge of this, and has never seen a human teenager named Wuhen."

Ji Tianxing showed a disappointed look in his eyes, and said sincerely: "Even if you haven't seen it, I want you to help me and ask the other dragon emperors and the peak **** kings."

The dragon general incarnate thought for a moment, and said: "The other dragon emperors are not necessarily in the dragon world in recent years.

As for the peak **** kings...except for the peak **** kings of other continents on the Black Dragon Continent ~www.ltnovel.com~, this emperor is not familiar with them either. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "Okay, anyway, if you try to help ask, I will also inquire and find it myself.

Leave a few pieces of jade slips for you, and let me know if there is news. "

After speaking, he waved a golden light, wrapped a few pieces of jade slips, and sent it to the incarnation of the dragon general.

The incarnation of the dragon took the jade slip of the message, and said in a smooth way: "The Ten Thousand Demons League still has a lot of trouble for you to work on. The Supreme Overlord is not so good.

You'd better control the Star Source Continent first, and then investigate this matter after the situation is stabilized. "

Ji Tianxing smiled and waved his hand, and said, "Just leave these trivial matters to the snake husband. I have no interest in being the overlord."

"Huh?" The dragon general avatar was stunned for a moment, and said with a look of surprise: "This emperor didn't hear it wrong, did you? You have tossed so many troubles, but you don't want to be the overlord? What do you want?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "I just want to have a place to stay in the Dragon Realm. No matter what happens in the future, this place can be the last fortress and home.

It happened that the snake husband created the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance and developed into the second largest power in the Star Source Continent, and I was forced to have an enmity with Xuanji Dongtian.

Then you can only push the boat along the water, take precautions, destroy the mysterious sky and support the Ten Thousand Demons League. "

"Just to have a place to stay, so you destroyed Xuanji Dongtian and overthrew the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor?"

The dragon general turned into a weird expression on his face, Chao Ji Tianxing gave a thumbs up, and exclaimed sincerely: "Your kid is really poisonous!"

After speaking, the dragon general incarnate didn't wait for a moment, turned around and flew away without hesitation, and left Xuanji Dongtian before long. [First published in this chapter. Love. Have. sound. Novel network, please remember the URL]

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