Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3838: Unknown?

At this moment in the void, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor and the Golden Dragon Divine Sword are the most brilliant sun.

He was like the sun set in the west, evolving from dazzling golden light to dim, and gradually returning to silence.

When the golden light of his whole body converged, his body squatted, his head and long hair became pale, and the person instantly became old and weak.

And that thousand-foot-long Golden Dragon Divine Sword was infused with terrifying power, completely blurred and beamed.

It was like a sword light that opened up the world, and a crystal clear pillar of fire.

It contains the most violent sword intent, divine power, spiritual power, and more than two hundred kinds of law divine power.

Of course, there is also a trace of Taoism that is extremely hidden and cannot be noticed by ordinary people.

That is the strongest ultimate move of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

When the Golden Dragon Divine Sword slashed towards him, Ji Tianxing frowned, feeling the tremendous pressure and death threat, his eyes became extremely solemn.

But he did not hesitate, nor did he intend to retreat, and immediately manipulated the Primordial Chaos Clock to protect himself.

He wanted to rely on the super defense of the Primal Chaos Clock to forcibly pick up the trick of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

After all, the Golden Dragon God Sword locked his godhead, and it was impossible to escape.

He knew that this was a taboo magical power that Jinyuan Longdi paid a great price to display.

As long as this trick is taken, Jinyuan Longdi will not be worried, and he will soon be punishable.

At this time, the **** King Luohu, the guardian of the left and right sides, and the **** king Wanli were all shocked, and their eyes widened with fear and concern.

No one thought that the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor was so insidious and had such a great courage. He would rather sacrifice thousands of years of skill and kill Ji Tianxing.

Under the unparalleled worry and shock, everyone hardly hesitated, and rushed to the Golden Dragon Divine Sword desperately to help Ji Tianxing block the fatal blow.

At this moment, there is only one thought in everyone's mind.

That is, I would rather sacrifice myself than let the young master have something to do!

If he died here, the Ten Thousand Demons League would be business as usual without any change.

But if the young master dies, what is the point of all the efforts made by the Ten Thousand Demons League?

"Shoo! Shoo!"

God King Rahu and the left and right guardians, subconsciously burst out with all their strength, rushing towards the Golden Dragon Sword at the fastest speed.

Everyone burned with divine power and effort and turned into meteors.

But everyone's realm of strength is different, and the speed is also different.

Except for the God King Luohu and the left and right guardians, everyone else is destined to not catch up.

However, Ji Tianxing didn't mean to retreat or evade in the slightest, and greeted him indefinitely.


Under his manipulation, the Primal Chaos Clock changed its appearance and turned into a pitch-black armor, covering his whole body.

Holding the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, he used the Sword of Destruction and delivered the strongest blow to the Golden Dragon Divine Sword.

Seeing this scene, everyone understood his mind and decision.

He would rather fight the Golden Dragon God Sword himself than let God King Luohu and others die for him.

The God King Luohu, the left and right guardians and the others, their eyes were red, and their eyes were cracked anxiously.

However, no one can stop this.


In the next instant, the 10,000-meter-long Golden Sword of Destruction suddenly hit the Golden Dragon Divine Sword.

The two great swords collided fiercely, exploding with a loud noise, splashing out hundreds of millions of golden light fragments.

Without any doubt, the golden sword of extinguishing world was smashed to pieces by the golden dragon divine sword, and fell apart.

However, the Golden Dragon Sword was reduced by 50% due to this impact, and its power was also weakened by 40%!

Immediately afterwards, the shining golden dragon divine sword slammed into Ji Tianxing.


A loud noise that shook Jiuxiao suddenly exploded in the void and spread tens of thousands of miles.

After the huge sword and Ji Tianxing, which reached a height of thousands of meters, collided, the most splendid fire and light bloomed in the void.

The Golden Dragon Sword collapsed on the spot and turned into a flood of divine light, rising like a mushroom cloud.

Most of the torrent of divine light spread in all directions, sweeping the void.

But a small part of the torrent of divine light still wrapped Ji Tianxing in black armor and smashed into the depths of the void.

That's right, Ji Tianxing was smashed by the terrifying impact.

His body was rickety, his seven orifices spurted blood, and he rolled out tens of thousands of miles before his speed slowed down.

Although, the protection of the Primordial Chaos Clock helped him withstand most of the power of the Golden Dragon Sword.

With his own strength and divine clock, he also resolved the various powers contained in the Golden Dragon Divine Sword.

For example, the sword intent, the power of the soul, and the power of the law were all resolved by him.

However, the ray of Taoist rhyme hidden in the torrent of divine light inflicted heavy damage on him at the most critical moment.

Tao Yun is too mysterious.

It has long surpassed the scope of divine way and divine power, and is a trace of the power of heaven that the pinnacle **** king has realized the way of heaven, using countless efforts and time.

Even though Ji Tianxing is the eighth layer of the Divine King Realm, it is comparable to the Peak Divine King.

But after all, he is not the pinnacle **** king, he has not yet realized the way of heaven, let alone condensed the rhyme of Taoism.

Therefore, Jinyuan Longdi wanted to kill him, so he could only sacrifice a ray of Daoyun.

And now, Jinyuan Longdi succeeded.

Although Ji Tianxing was not killed, he was also seriously injured, floating in the void with a weak breath.

"Huh! Huh!"

Ji Tianxing wrapped in black armor, like a duckweed, floats to the depths in the void sea ~www.ltnovel.com~.

He could not move, only the black armor was constantly shining with a faint golden light, as if resisting something.

Obviously, the rhyme of Jinyuan Longdi's Taoist rhyme has not dissipated, it is still entwining him, still urging his soul, and eroding his godhead and consciousness.

Tens of thousands of miles away.

The weak and wilted Jinyuan Dragon Emperor looked at Ji Tianxing floating in the depths of the void with a successful sneer.

"Bah..." He spit out a mouthful of blood, and his blood-stained face showed a gloomy sneer.

"Little beast, want to fight this emperor? You are still too tender!

Today I will kill you first, and when the emperor returns to the Sirius Star Territory to replenish his energy, he will come back to kill Luo Hu in the future.

At that time, this emperor will still have the last laugh, and take control of the Star Source Continent again! "

On the other side, God King Luohu, left and right guardians and ten other people all looked at the depths of the void.

Seeing Ji Tianxing motionless, the divine light faintly drifted to the depths of the void, a look of life and death unknown, everyone was full of grief, and angry eyes were cracking.

"Ahhh! Golden Dragon Emperor, the old man swears to thwart you!!"

God King Luohu's eyes were bloodshot, his body was burning with blood flames, and he burst out with a murderous intent.

The guardians on the left and the right, the God King Wanli and others were also angry and mad, roaring and cursing.

But everyone ignored the weak Jinyuan Dragon Emperor and rushed to Ji Tianxing subconsciously.

Compared to killing the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor to avenge the young master, their first reaction was to save the young master first!

However, at this moment, Ji Tianxing, who was still floating in the void and motionless, suddenly appeared colorful brilliance. .

God King Luohu, the left and right guardians and the others, just rushed halfway, still thousands of miles away from him, a sound transmission suddenly rang in their minds.

"Don't get close to him, let alone touch him!"

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