Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3826: Dragon Emperor Fights Dragon Sky

Two hours later, the contest of the distance fighting method finally ended.

The result made Jinyuan Longdi feel gratified.

Because he eventually won Ji Tianxing and successfully cracked the Jiuqu Tianhe Great Array.

However, the antler old man and the surviving **** kings did not feel relieved, only a sense of relief.

Only because of the heavy casualties, only 39 of the sixty kings were left.

Of the other 21 people, twelve have fallen, and nine others have escaped with only the godhead.

Even the thirty-nine people who survived were mostly injured, and their faces were tired and tired.

Only the old man with antlers and a few high-ranking **** kings were safe and sound and preserved their strength.

With a loud bang burst out, the nine phantoms of the Tianhe River entwining the bright moon broke three on the spot.

In the bright moon, the seal formation revealed a three-foot-wide gap.

The people joined hands to release their mighty powers and confine the gap, lest Ji Tianxing repair the big formation and fill the gap.

Emperor Jinyuan Long shouted, carrying the Golden Dragon Sword, and rushed into the gap first.

The old man with antlers and the more than thirty **** kings, too, did not care about adjusting their breath, so they quickly sacrificed their swords and rushed towards the gap.



In the blink of an eye, everyone rushed into the mysterious sky cave and appeared in a dark sky.

The air in the mysterious cave sky is fresher than the dragon world, and its divine power is ten times stronger.

Everyone was shocked, tiredness swept away.

Holding a golden sword, Emperor Jinyuan Longdi looked across the sky like electricity, searching for the figure of Long Tian and the strongest of the Ten Thousand Demons League.

When he thought about it, the contest just now was extremely fierce, and it must have been Long Tian and many **** kings joining forces that caused the heavy casualties of his subordinates.

However, as far as he could see, the surroundings were empty.

After investigating with divine sense, he discovered that a figure in a white robe was 50,000 li away, flying to the depths of the cave.

Jinyuan Dragon Emperor is no stranger to that figure, and he immediately recognized that person is the **** Long Tian!

"Why is he alone? Is there no other **** king to help him?

With his own power, he manipulated that big formation, how could he have such a terrifying power? "

This thought flashed through Jinyuan Longdi's mind, and he felt unbelievable and shocked.

But he didn't delve into this issue deeply, and quickly led everyone across the sky, chasing into the depths of the cave.

"call out!"

The Dragon Emperor Jinyuan stepped across the sky, his whole body shone with white light, and one step out was thousands of miles away.

His divine sense locked Ji Tianxing and chased him at the fastest speed.

There was always 50,000 li between the two, unable to separate the distance.

The speed of the antler old man and the thirty-odd **** kings was a little slow, and of course they couldn't keep up with the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

But they follow the divine power left by the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, and they will not get lost.


After about a hundred breaths.

Jinyuan Longdi chased Ji Tianxing and flew millions of miles away.

Until then, Ji Tianxing stopped in the sky and turned to look at the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor who was chasing him.

Although he stood alone in the sky, he appeared calm, calm and confident.

Jinyuan Longdi was immediately alert, guessing that the opponent was confident, and most of it was ambushing heavy soldiers.

As a result, he also slowed down, and while flying towards Ji Tianxing, he released his spiritual sense to investigate the situation in all directions.

Fortunately, there are lofty mountains all around, and there are no magical formations or ambushes.

Only then did Emperor Jinyuan Long feel a little relieved, stepped across the sky, and gradually approached Ji Tianxing, shouting in a harsh tone: "Longtian! The emperor waited for this day for two full years!

No matter how many conspiracies and tricks you have, being trapped in the mysterious cave world today is a dead end!

You killed the emperor's courtiers, destroyed the emperor's shrine, and wanted to seize the eternal heritage of the emperor.

You said, if you don't crush you into dregs and thwart your bones, how can this emperor dispel the hatred in your heart? "

Although Jinyuan Longdi had a tough attitude, his tone was confident and domineering.

But he was very vigilant, and was secretly releasing his divine power and consciousness, silently condensing domains and seals in an area of ​​80,000 li.

He had already found out that Long Tian, ​​a hundred miles away, was a real body, not an incarnation.

No matter what conspiracy the other party has, he only needs to block the world and slay Long Tian at the fastest speed, and he can secure the victory!

Ji Tianxing was holding his left hand behind him, holding the Sky Burial Sword in his right hand, looking at Jinyuan Dragon Emperor with a calm expression, and said: "Golden Dragon Emperor, you still have a guilty conscience and fear after all.

Otherwise, if you attack directly, why do you need to be so careful? "

Jinyuan Dragon Emperor was not angry because of his irony, and sneered confidently: "Goshawk fights rabbits, and you still need to do your best. You thief has always been sinister and cunning. This emperor should be more cautious."

Ji Tianxing showed a sneer of contempt, and said in a disappointed tone: "This king has heard before that the Golden Dragon Emperor, one of the five dragon emperors, has always regarded himself as a descendant of the ancestor dragon, and has a high self-esteem.

Unexpectedly, you, the dragon emperor who claims to be an orthodox dragon descendant, are as timid as a mouse, without the domineering dragon emperor.

Let me tell you the truth, you don't need to repeatedly probe, there are only you and me within a hundred thousand miles around, and there is no third person. "

Jinyuan Longdi knew that Longtian was the only disciple of Tianlongdi, and it was normal to know these secrets.

But Long Tian was so confident that he felt uneasy.

"Long Tian, ​​there are no ambushes, no magical formations and traps around.

Do you think that if you bring this emperor here, you can punish him?

Ha ha ha ha... You are so naive, so ridiculous! "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "I won't know if this king can kill you or not.

However, even if this king can't kill you, it's okay to hold you for a few hours.

And within these few hours, you can only watch, the **** king and powerful men under your command were killed one by one by this alliance.

At that time, you will become a lonely family, and you will never escape death! "

While talking, Ji Tianxing also released the invisible heaven and earth supernatural power, covering an area of ​​80,000 li, condensing the invisible seal domain.

He locked onto the soul of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor ~www.ltnovel.com~ and burst into the sky, and the white robe was hunting and dancing.

Jin Yuan Longdi suddenly thought of something, his pupils suddenly shrank and his complexion became cold.

"Mr. Deer and the thirty-odd **** kings have not followed up until now... Could they be in an ambush and fall into a trap?"

Anxiously in his heart, he quickly released his spiritual consciousness and probed the situation behind.

But even if he is the Peak God King, the scope of his divine consciousness is only 90,000 li, which is the limit.

Within ninety thousand miles, there were no traces of the antler old man and others in the mountains.

He suddenly remembered that he had passed by the ruins of the Golden Dragon Mountain Range when he was chasing Long Tian before.

The ruins were just 300,000 miles behind, and the originally dilapidated ground had long been repaired and leveled.

Moreover, a lot of materials were piled up on that piece of land, and many palace walls were built.


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