Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3824: Teleportation

"Asshole, actually changed the structure of the big formation and added nine more changes?"

The old man with antlers showed cold eyes, staring at the large array of Jiuqu Tianhe, murmured darkly.

"The big formation that I thought was broken last time is already the peak state of this **** formation.

Unexpectedly, he only made some slight adjustments to the big formation, which resulted in nine changes, and his power increased by 30%!

This son's savvy and attainments are truly terrifying! "

The big formation is still that big formation, but the previous cracking method is no longer useful, and it has to be observed and cracked again.

The half-day period given by the Dragon Emperor Jinyuan is absolutely impossible to achieve.

Therefore, the old man with antlers can only report truthfully and ask Jinyuan Longdi for instructions.

Emperor Jinyuan Long was very angry, but he was helpless. He could only suppress his anger, cast spells and observe the great formation himself, thinking about the solution.

After an hour, Jinyuan Longdi finally came up with a solution.

He personally presided over the overall situation, commanded the antler old man and sixty **** kings, and cooperated with him to break the **** formation.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

As the dazzling divine light penetrated into the large array of Jiuqu Tianhe, the shallow marks of the nine Tianhe flashed with silver light, bursting out strong divine power fluctuations.

The work of cracking the big array began to proceed in an orderly manner.


Although, there is no guard at Tianhe Mountain.

However, within the mysterious cave sky, there are more than 30 guards in armor and swords at the entrance, guarding them day and night.

Since the young leader personally closed the entrance four days ago, they have stayed here and stayed there.

Of course, their task is not to stop the invading enemy, but to monitor the movement of the Jiuqu Tianhe Array.

Once the Great Array reacts abnormally, they must report to the Young Leader as soon as possible.

At this time, the door of the space with a radius of thousands of meters suddenly trembled, and it burst with white light.

The thirty-odd guards immediately became alert, and all looked at the door of space with vigilant eyes.

The captain of the guard did not hesitate to take out the jade slip and report the situation to the young leader.

Deep in the cave.

The ruins of the Jinlong Mountains, the ruined land, have been filled up by many craftsmen in the past few days.

On the restored level ground, there are countless woods and stones piled up, and there are many newly built palace walls.

More than two thousand craftsmen were ordered to build the shrine, and they were busy for a few days.

But just four days ago, the young leader issued an order to suspend the construction work.

Then, all the craftsmen were summoned together, went to the depths of Xuanji Cave, entered a palace under the mountains, and went to rest.

At this time, Ji Tianxing was in the deepest part of the mountains, on the top of a huge peak that reached ten feet high.

The mountain top was originally covered by jungle and piled up with rubbish, but now it has been shoveled.

The top of the mountain with a radius of 100 li, the ground is covered with huge bluestone, forming a wide square.

In the middle of the square is a tall altar with a radius of thousands of feet.

That altar that has gathered dozens of materials and consumed hundreds of billions of resources is actually a teleportation array!

In order to arrange this teleportation formation connecting the city of Ten Thousand Demons, Ji Tianxing and the nine powerful **** kings spent nine days and nine nights!

Of the nine powerful **** kings, five of them were brought by him from the Ten Thousand Demons League, including the **** king and two elders.

The other four are naturally Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Chao Qingyu and Bai Feng.

After arranging the teleportation array, Ji Tianxing and the nine **** kings returned to the world of warped time and space and the **** clock, and they went to adjust their breath.

At this time, Ji Tianxing sensed an abnormal movement in the Jiuqu Tianhe Great Array, and ended his Yungong practice and left the twisted time and space.


With a flash of white light, he appeared on the square on the top of the mountain, raised his hand and put away the nine-day ten-perfect tower.

He frowned, looked at the direction of the entrance to the cave sky, and felt the changes of the Jiuqu Tianhe Great Formation with his mind.

At this moment, a message of jade slip flew from the sky and landed in front of him.

He picked up the jade slip and read the message inside with his spiritual sense.

I heard a report from the guard leader in a respectful tone: "Enjoy the young leader, a strong one is attacking the Great Seal!"

Ji Tianxing carefully sensed the changes in the formation, had an answer in his heart, and said to himself: "It is not an attack, but a spell to break the formation.

After all, the Dragon Emperor Jin Yuan couldn't hold back, he still shot! "

Therefore, he used the jade slip to send an order to the guards to immediately withdraw to the Golden Dragon Mountain Ruins.

Immediately afterwards, he sent a message to God King Luohu, so that the elites of the Ten Thousand Demons League gathered and prepared to reach the mysterious cave sky by teleporting the gods.


It was sent that the jade Jane flew up to the sky and disappeared.

Ji Tianxing also left the top of the giant peak, and rushed to the entrance of the cave sky in a flash, to cast spells and manipulate the Jiuqu Tianhe Great Formation.

Although, Jinyuan Longdi brought dozens of god-king powerhouses, he would definitely be able to crack the big formation.

But he still wanted to stop him and buy more time for the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League.


As early as ten days ago, when Ji Tianxing left Ten Thousand Demons City, God King Luohu, Fox Xinyue and others began to prepare.

At this time, God King Luo Hu received the message from Ji Tianxing, and immediately stretched his brows, showing a relieved smile.

"Jin Yuan Longdi, this old treacherous fellow, can't help it after all!

The old man didn't guess wrong, he didn't dare to attack Ten Thousand Demons City in order to be stable, and as expected, he went to attack Xuanji Dongtian! "

God King Luohu sneered, put away the message jade slips, and hurriedly asked the left and right guardians to send orders, and summoned the elite soldiers to gather.

Soon, the rapid bell sounded in Ten Thousand Demons City, spreading to every corner of the city.

Thousands of masters of the gods, dozens of masters of the gods, have been reserving their energy in the city, waiting for orders.

Hearing the bell and the boss's command, everyone moved quickly to the square in the city and organized the team in an orderly manner.

Even though the city is large, thousands of people are scattered around the city, guarding different posts.

However, these elite soldiers still assembled within an hour.

Immediately afterwards, the elder Hu Xinyue personally led the soldiers into an underground palace deep in the divine palace.

In that wide but gloomy underground palace, there is a teleportation array that was only set up not long ago.

Under the leadership of the left and right guardians and the seven elders ~www.ltnovel.com~ more than three thousand soldiers stepped into the teleportation array and left the city of Ten Thousand Demons.

After the soldiers had left, the God King Luohu, the Chief of Internal Affairs and the Golden Five God King also rushed over.

On the edge of the teleportation formation, God King Luohu patted the head of the internal affairs on the shoulder, and said with earnest and earnest words: "Although this seat knows, you also want to fight with everyone.

But you should know that you must stay to protect the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

This time, 80% of the elite forces of this alliance will go to Xuanji Dongtian to participate in the war.

The defense of Ten Thousand Demons City was the most empty, and it was also the most dangerous moment.

This is our home and nest, and there must be no accidents.

Therefore, this difficult task can only be entrusted to you, and I can rest assured! "

"Subordinates will not humiliate their mission!" The chief of internal affairs had a complicated expression, bowed and saluted solemnly, and watched God King Luohu and King Five Gods, stepping into the teleportation array.


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