Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3812: Wait for him to come back to die

Finally, at the end of the one-day period, the Jiuqu Tianhe Great Array was broken open by many strong men.

   The nine shallow traces of Tianhe wrapped around the'Ming Moon', all disappeared.

   With a crisp sound of "click", the Jiuqu Tianhe Array was torn open by a gap and expanded to a radius of three feet.

   The antler old man and many **** kings joined forces to cast spells to strengthen the gap and make it impossible to heal.

   Then, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor took the old man with antlers and many gods through the gap of the big array and stepped into the bright ‘bright moon’.


   The white light flashed, and everyone's figures were gradually engulfed.

   In the next instant, everyone entered the mysterious cave sky one by one, and followed the Dragon Emperor Jinyuan to fly forward.

   Jinyuan Dragon Emperor did not fly fast. When he flew through the sky, his eyes and spiritual sense swept around to observe the situation in the cave.

   The millpan sacred stone at the entrance has long been destroyed, and it has become ruins for tens of thousands of miles, and there are still gullies and pits on the ground.

   Even after a year has passed, I can still feel the chaos of supernatural power on the ruins.

  In some deep pits and ruins, you can still see the armor and weapon fragments of the Golden Dragon Guard.

   Although the surrounding area is empty, it is very quiet.

   But Jinyuan Dragon Emperor saw the ruins and traces on the ground, and he could still imagine the tragic scene of the war at that time.

   His complexion became more and more gloomy, his eyes became colder, and there was anger and murderous intent burning in his chest.

   The antler old man and more than fifty **** kings all sensed the anger and murderous intent of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, and their hearts became heavy.

   The crowd flew across the sky mightily, without concealing their own breath, and went straight to the depths of the cave.

   What I saw along the way was all fragmented ground and messy ruins.

   The huge ditches, deep pits, seemed to tell everyone that the number of people who participated in the battle was so tragic.

   Even the old antlers and more than fifty **** kings have never lived in Xuanji Dongtian, let alone those Golden Dragon Guards.

   But they still feel heavy, depressed, and angry.

   As for the master of Xuanji Dongtian, Jinyuan Longdi, his eyes became blood-red with grief and anger.

   Finally, half an hour later, everyone stopped above a ruin with a radius of 100,000 miles.

   The ruins are extraordinarily messy, and the remaining divine aura is extraordinarily strong.

  The deep pits, gullies and yellow sand all over the ground show that this is the main battlefield of the war.

  , the silent Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, could no longer contain the grief and anger in his heart, and roared to the sky: "Dragon Heaven! Ten Thousand Demons League!!

   The emperor will surely smash your corpses into thousands of pieces, thwart your bones and ash! ! "

   The roar like a Hong Zhong echoed between the sky and the earth, and everyone's eardrums hurt.

   But everyone can understand the feelings of the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor, and they can guess that this ruin was where the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor's shrine was.

as predicted.

   Jinyuan Dragon Emperor pointed to the ruins of one hundred thousand li, and said to the **** kings beside him: "There used to be a mountain range here, called the Golden Dragon Mountain Range.

   It is a super divine vein that the emperor spent years gathering thousands of mountains and refined with his heart.

   It is majestic and majestic, sacred and domineering, and can gather the divine power of the entire cave, it is the world's first-class cultivation holy ground.

  On this Golden Dragon Mountain Range, the soldiers and craftsmen under the emperor spent hundreds of years to build thousands of palaces, buildings and houses.

[UU看书00kxs]    There are the most magnificent shrines, the most hidden and strong chambers, the most elegant scenery, beautiful buildings and gardens...

   And now, the beasts of the Ten Thousand Demons League have destroyed everything! "

   Jinyuan Longdi's tone was low and his complexion was painful and terrifying.

   Everyone can feel how angry and sad he is, and how he hates the Ten Thousand Demons League.

   The old man with antlers nodded slightly, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the rebels of the Ten Thousand Demons League will be condemned by God for such a rebellious act!"

   The meaning in this sentence undoubtedly praised the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor as the sky, and designated the Ten Thousand Demons League as a chaotic courtier.

   Jinyuan Dragon Emperor's mood was much calmer, but he gritted his teeth and shouted, "No! The Emperor wants to thwart them before they are condemned by the heavens!"

  Another high-ranking **** king hurriedly bowed and saluted, saying: "We will definitely do our best to make the Dragon Emperor get what we want!"

   Jinyuan Dragon Emperor stopped venting his emotions, waved his big hand, and ordered: "Divide into six teams, search the entire Xuanji Dongtian, and find Longtian!"

  The old man with antlers quickly set about making arrangements, dividing the fifty-nine **** kings into six teams and sending them to search from different directions.

   After the six teams left, the old man with antlers stayed to accompany the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

   There is no one beside him, only the old man with antlers leaning on his confidant, Jinyuan Longdi sighed and said: "Although the homeland is destroyed under the war, it is inevitable.

   But the beast Longtian is still too vicious.

   actually destroyed the shrine carefully built by the emperor!

   Even if the emperor destroys the Ten Thousand Demons League and retakes the mysterious cave sky, it will take hundreds of years to restore the grand scene of the year. "

   The old man with antlers leaned slightly and comforted: "Your Majesty Dragon Emperor, don't worry, when you regain control of the Star Source Continent, I don't know how many skilled craftsmen will voluntarily rebuild the temple for you.

   Moreover, you have been in charge of the mainland for more than 20,000 years before the anomaly of the Ten Thousand Demons League appeared. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

   After this incident, in the next tens of thousands of years, there will definitely be no power to challenge your majesty.

   No matter how powerful and arrogant the forces, the fate of the Ten Thousand Demons League is the best example! "

   All these words were in the heart of Emperor Jinyuan Longdi, and his mood was calmed down a lot.

   After that, the two chatted about some chores and talked about future reconstruction plans.

  Unconsciously, one day passed.

   The six teams of **** kings who searched for Ji Tianxing also returned to Jinyuan Longdi one after another, reporting the results of the search.

   "Enlighten Your Majesty Dragon Emperor, but failed to find the trace of Long Tian!"

   "Enlighten Dragon Emperor, the area we are responsible for, nothing is gained."


  Six teams are in charge of different areas, and they searched Xuanji Dongtian in one day.

   But it's a pity that they got the same result, and they didn't find Longtian.

   Jinyuan Dragon Emperor frowned, his face gloomy and asked: "Long Tian is not in Xuanji Cave Heaven? Is the news you inquired about before is fake?"

   A high-ranking king nodded quickly, and took the opportunity to flatter his head, "The Dragon Emperor's crown makes sense! Long Tian is such a thing, how dare you stay here alone, waiting for the Dragon Emperor's crown to return?

   From his subordinates, he must have deliberately released false news to confuse the people.

   In fact, he had already escaped from the mysterious cave sky and hid back to the Ten Thousand Demons City. "

   The old man with antlers pondered for a moment, but shook his head and said, "The news may not be false. The strength of Long Tian is quite good. Even if he leaves the mysterious cave sky quietly, no one knows."

   "Leave temporarily?" Jinyuan Longdi raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Then we will stay here and wait for him to come back and die!"

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