Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3809: Return of the Dragon Emperor

The rhyme and scene of the twenty-two Qiongqi tribesmen swearing cannot be compared with the scene where the war whale king swears.

   Even the fluctuations of the power of the Heavenly Dao, and the sight of the rhyme of the Dao, seem weak and insignificant.

   Ji Tianxing guessed that this difference should be related to the strength of these people.

   For a pinnacle powerhouse like the King of War Whale, of course Heaven will pay more attention.

   And like these poor people in front of them, Heaven's Dao can give birth to a little sense, which is already a lot of face.

   If the vow template given by Ji Tianxing is rigorous and formal enough, I am afraid it would be difficult for these poor people to cause a reaction from Heaven.

   The sight of the first batch of Qiongqi people swearing, shocked more than four thousand Qiongqi people, and made everyone more in awe.

   Although the square is still quiet and dreary, it is obvious that everyone's resistance has become much lower.

   Next, the first batch of swearers returned to their original positions, and the second batch of Qiongqi tribes flew into the sky and read the oath of heaven in the jade slip.

   Ji Tianxing stood above the square, looking at all this indifferently.

   As time goes by, batch after batch of Qiongqi tribes have made vows to heaven, triggering colorful magic light and lingering rhyme.

   The heavenly power above the square is getting stronger and stronger, making many poor people more and more in awe.

   Today's way of heaven...a bit busy.

   Generally speaking, the Qiongqi people collectively swear that this matter went well.

   The vast majority of the Qiongqi tribe were shocked by the gods of Ji Tianxing, and could only swear honestly.

   But there are still a few Qiongqi people who can't think of it, and they stubbornly refuse to swear.

   These few people are either too young and passionate, or they are too old and respectable old people in the family, they can't hold back their face...

   In short, Ji Tianxing didn't have any unnecessary nonsense, and directly killed them in seconds.

   After these episodes, the next thing went smoother.

   Rao is so, after more than four thousand Qiongqi tribesmen have finished swearing one by one, it will be three hours later.

   Ji Tianxing monitored the whole process to make sure that no one was missed.

   After the eighteen deacons and four elders also swear, he turned and left.

   The rest is naturally left to the elders and deacons.

   The grievances of thousands of people are too great, and they still need to explain and appease them.

   Ji Tianxing did not leave the nebula cave sky, and searched the cave sky again.

   The six poor masters who ran away in advance and hid everywhere were also picked up by him and killed directly.

  After dealing with these things, he left the Nebula Cave.

   And after the disaster of Xingyun Dongtian, it is bound to be turbulent for a few days before it can be quiet.

   At the same time, the Qiongqi people lost their patriarch and a large number of elites, and will not be able to regain their vitality for thousands of years.

   With the bound of the oath of heaven, even if the Qiongqi tribe grows stronger in tens of thousands of years, it will not be disadvantageous to the Ten Thousand Monster League.

   Of course, the Qiongqi tribe is an ancient sin tribe, and it is difficult to say whether it can last tens of thousands of years.

   Even if the Ten Thousand Demons League is powerful now, it is still unknown whether it will survive tens of thousands of years.

   At least, in the last few thousand years, the Qiongqi Clan has not been able to turn the waves, nor can it threaten the Ten Thousand Demons League.


at the same time.

   The southernmost part of the Star Source Continent, on an island near the boundless sky.

   "Wh! Wah!"

   More than a dozen dazzling lights descended from the sky and landed on the rocky island.

After    the light was condensed, eighteen different gods of different races appeared.

   These eighteen gods with tyrannical strength and unfathomable aura are all powerful in the Divine King Realm.

   But they are not the monster race, but some alien races that the dragon world does not have.

   An alien with blue skin and long antennae on top of his head.

   has a vigorous body, a beautiful and noble alien like an elf.

   There is also an alien with a human upper body and a white Pegasus on the lower body.

   has a body like a cloud of black smoke, turbulent changes, strange alien appearance.

   All in all, the eighteen powerful gods can be divided into seven races.

   The eighteen **** kings gathered together, looked at each other, exchanged a few words through voice transmission, and flew to the rocky pile in the middle of the island together.

   The surface of this island looks deserted, and even sea beasts and birds will not stop.

   But in fact, as early as a month ago, they built a cave in the island, making it like a palace.

   And the entrance of the hidden palace is in the pile of rocks.

   Eighteen kings of gods came to the pile of rocks. Someone used magic skills to open the formation of the entrance.

   Soon, a white door appeared, and eighteen kings entered in file.

   After a while, they appeared inside the island, a thousand feet deep underground.

   Everyone passed through an artificially excavated passage and entered a brightly lit cave.

   Although the stone cave was temporarily excavated, it was laid out magnificently, with divine light shining.

   The widest stone cave in the middle is the meeting hall for them and their master.

   On the rock walls on both sides of the main hall, more than twenty stone caves have been excavated. These are the secret rooms needed by everyone for cultivation.

   When eighteen alien kings stepped into the hall, there were already seven stronger **** kings who were waiting in the discussion hall.

  The strongest among them is a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe and a luxurious crown.

   The figure is tall and burly, with a dignified appearance, and a golden horn on his forehead, exuding the majestic aura of a super strong man.

   Obviously, this is the pinnacle king of dragons.

   If there is a strong person from the Star Source Continent here~www.ltnovel.com~, you will be able to recognize it, this person is the Lord of the Continent, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor!

   Jinyuan Longdi sat on the throne of the **** of gold inlaid with jade, and the other six foreign **** kings stood under the steps in front of the throne.

   These six alien **** kings are stronger, and all of them are upper **** kings.

  Even, one of them, wearing a purple robe, with two antlers on top of his head, reached the Ninth Level of the Divine King Realm!

  Although these alien kings come from different races, and all of them are unruly.

   But they bowed their heads to Jinyuan Dragon Emperor, very respectful!

   "Subordinates, see Dragon Emperor!"

   Eighteen alien kings stepped into the hall, lined up and saluted neatly.

   Jinyuan Longdi has no expression on his face, deep in his eyes are hidden worries and anger.

   He nodded slightly to everyone: "Everyone, please let me talk about the result of this trip."

   Then, six of the eighteen alien kings walked out and reported the news one by one.

   "Enlighten the Dragon Emperor, we went to Anlan Region to investigate for a few days, only to find that Xuan Tianzong had been destroyed, and everyone was killed."

   "Enlighten the Dragon Emperor, the results of our investigation in Qizhiyu are the same. The Qi clan was annihilated half a year ago, and those who survived by chance also fled the Star Source Continent."

   "Enlighten the Dragon Emperor..."

   After the report of the six alien kings, the brows of Emperor Jinyuan Long frowned, and his face became more gloomy.

  "These six powers were all the confidants of the emperor that year, and they focused on training.

   The emperor didn't understand before that, when the emperor returned, he sent them a message, why they didn't respond at all.

   Unexpectedly, I was guessed by the emperor...

   The **** Ten Thousand Demons League, they have already been wiped out! "

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