Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3801: Settle after Autumn

After a year, the shock and panic that the Ten Thousand Demons League captured Xuanji Dongtian has finally faded a lot.

   In this year, Star Source Continent seemed to be fairly calm, and the turbulent situation gradually subsided.

   However, there are many things that are not noticed by the people, which are changing secretly.

   Even the ideas of the hundreds of millions of Li people have been subtly affected.

   In everyone's perception, the Ten Thousand Demons League is equal to Xuanji Dongtian, and is qualified to control the Star Source Continent.

   The people of the Li people and many empires and forces are no longer so resistant and afraid of the Ten Thousand Demons League taking over the Star Source Continent.

   These intangible subtle changes, although they seem to have no effect.

   But in fact, this is destined that there will be no major problems when the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance takes over the Star Source Continent in the future.


   Within the Xuanji Cave, in the shrine among the mountains.

   Ji Tianxing left the twisted time and space and ended his forty-five years of retreat.

   That's right, in the past year, he has been in retreat in the tower for more than 40 years.

Hard work pays off.

   After this retreat, he consumed more than 200 billion cultivation resources and finally achieved his goal.

   He successfully broke through to the Eightfold God King Realm!

He also deduced and perfected the fifth-level exercises of   Zhutian Shenjue.

   His combat effectiveness has been increased several times, and the foundation of Shinto is very solid.

   Now, even if he is facing the Dragon Emperor Jinyuan, he is more confident.


   Leaving the shrine in the mountains, he set foot on the sky and hurried to the exit of Xuanji Cave.

   After spending a year in Xuanji Cave, he didn't see the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor appearing. After all, he was tired of waiting.

   Quietly thinking about moving, he wanted to go for a walk, and by the way find someone to settle the old account.

   Not long after, he passed the exit of the seal of the Jiuqu Tianhe Great Formation and left Xuanji Cave.

   Crossing the top of Tianhe Mountain, he flew north like an aurora, thinking in his heart: "It's been a year, and if that guy has already escaped from the Star Source Continent, let it go.

  If he stays and still wants to escape the catastrophe, he will be embarrassed..."

   After thinking about it for a moment, he took out a jade slip for transmission, intending to ask Ao Jinying about the situation.

   After all, Ao Jinying holds intelligence power and is relatively clear about various sources of news.

After    sent the message, Ji Tianxing continued on his way, rushing to the north in a flash.

   Soon, two quarters of an hour passed, and Ao Jinying also sent back a message.

   Ji Tianxing took a look at Yu Jian, frowned, and a sneer appeared on his face.

   "Hehe... I guessed it, but this guy is interesting."

   muttered to himself, he put away the jade slips and continued on his way.


   In the nebula cave sky, there is as always calm and tranquility.

   Despite the fact that the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance captured the mysterious cave sky, the Star Source Continent was turbulent for a year.

   In this year, the Nebula Cave Sky has always been closed, an attitude of isolation from the world.

   The patriarchs and elders of the Qiongqi clan neither contact with outside forces nor mix with the struggle between the Ten Thousand Demons League and Xuanji Dongtian.

   It seems that no matter who is in charge of Star Source Continent, it has nothing to do with the Qiongqi.

   The entrance and exit of Xingyun Dongtian have been closed, and the clansmen are not allowed to enter or exit.

  Even, when the patriarch returned from the **** death a year ago, he ordered the construction of two more divine formations to seal and strengthen the entrances and exits.

   More than four thousand people from the Qiongqi tribe thought that the patriarch of the bloodshang was determined, and wanted to avoid the turmoil of mundane affairs, and decided to retreat.

   This puzzled many people, and they discussed and complained privately.

   Many young masters believe that the chaotic situation in Xingyuan Continent is a good opportunity to take advantage of the chaos and make a fortune.

  Even if the patriarch of Bloodshang can use ingenious methods, he will be able to reap the source of the source and seek great benefits for the Qiongqi clan.

  Those young masters think so, so they preach and persuade them everywhere in the clan.

   After several months of incubation and development, nearly half of the people even agree with this view.

   They united and asked the patriarch to open the exit of Nebula Cave Sky, so that the Qiongqi Clan would join the chaos and take advantage of the situation.

   However, many people's proposals were ruthlessly rejected by the blood.

  More than that, Xue Shang was also furious, severely punishing several deacons and young masters who took the lead.

   After this turmoil, the people of the tribe knew the determination of the blood sorrow, no longer offered to take advantage of the opportunity to cause chaos, and stayed honestly in the Xingyun Cave to practice.

   Everyone thought that the patriarch had to take care of himself and watch the changes.

   Only a few elders know that, in fact, the patriarch of the blood is not waiting for the price, waiting for the end of the battle between the Ten Thousand Demons League and Xuanji Dongtian, before deciding a position.

   but... the blood sorrow patriarch is very anxious, worrying every day and having trouble sleeping and eating!

   Although he declared to his tribe, he has been practicing in closed rooms.

   But in fact, Xue Shang just recuperated and adjusted his breath for a month.

   Since his state returned to its peak, he has not practiced for a day.

   He couldn't calm down and practice, always frowning, worried about the future of the Qiongqi tribe.

   Under the doubts of several elders, they have repeatedly asked Bloodshou, what the **** is it, so worried?

   At first, the blood stalemate still faltered, and he kept on talking about other things and refused to disclose it.

   After two or three months of the incident, perhaps the blood cannot bear the pressure and mental torture ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ finally revealed the truth.

   It turned out that when the Ten Thousand Demon League attacked Xuanji Dongtian, he took refuge in Xuanji Dongtian without his clansmen, and forged an enmity with the Ten Thousand Demon League.

   Only then did the elders realize that the blood was afraid of revenge from the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance.

  Everyone is smart, and there are some truths that don’t need to be discussed, and they all know well.

   For example, after the Ten Thousand Demons League captured Xuanji Dongtian, it seemed to have done nothing, and did not expand its power with much fanfare to eradicate the opponent.

   But the Ten Thousand Demons League is to stabilize the people's minds, it does not mean that after the situation is stabilized, it will not liquidate the hostile forces.

   What he did to the Ten Thousand Demon League by his blood will definitely be settled by the Ten Thousand Demon League after Autumn.

   So, Xueshang stayed in the secret room with several elders, discussing countermeasures together.

   Someone suggested that Xueshang led the Qiongqi tribe to abandon Xingyun Cave and escape from the Star Source Continent.

   With the strength of the Qiongqi Clan, even if they go to other continents, they can make a world of space.

   But this proposal was rejected by Xue Shang and several elders.

   The Qiongqi tribe has occupied Xingyun Cave for more than 20,000 years, and has long regarded it as a home, and all forces and industries are located in several surrounding areas.

  Fleeing from home to other continents will inevitably be difficult and dangerous, and must start from scratch.

   Buzhixueshang and several elders were reluctant to give up on Xingyun Cave Sky, and the thousands of clansmen would certainly not agree.

   Soon, another elder made a suggestion to subdue to the Ten Thousand Demons League and apologize for the past, hoping to be forgiven by the Ten Thousand Demons League.

   Of course, this is just an expedient measure to resolve the grudges between the Qiongqi tribe and the Ten Thousand Demon League, and will not really take refuge in the Ten Thousand Demon League.

   Xueshang thought about it for a few days, and unexpectedly agreed to this proposal, and personally wrote a letter to send gifts, apologize, and beg for peace to the Ten Thousand Monster League.

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