Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3790: Ideal and reality

   Although, the battlefield between the King of War Whale and Ji Tianxing is eighty thousand miles away from everyone.

   The two have been fighting for nearly an hour, and they have not been able to tell the outcome.

   But the situation of the thousands of troops, both of them were watching secretly, and they were anxious about it.

   At the beginning, the Ten Thousand Demons League was at a disadvantage, Ji Tianxing was full of worries, but the King of War Whales was calm.

   Later, the Chief of Internal Affairs brought more than 30 kings to the battlefield, and the situation began to reverse.

   Ji Tianxing's mentality became much more relaxed, while the King of War Whales began to worry and anxious.

   Now that the matter has happened, the two of them have seen the defeat of Xuanji Dongtian, and the people of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance are besieging them with all their strength, and their mentality has changed again.

   Ji Tianxing is determined in his heart, and while he is sure of winning, he is also planning how to defeat the king of war whales.

   After all, this is the first peak **** king he has ever played against in his life.

   If I can't defeat it, I will regret it.

  While the King of War Whale saw the defeat of Xuanji Dongtian's army, even Xueshang began to flee, his expression suddenly turned sad.

   Of course he could see that the general trend of Xuanji Dongtian is gone, and today's battle is doomed to defeat.

   In his capacity, it is neither necessary nor possible to bury Xuanji Dongtian.

   But others can run away regardless of their image, but he cannot.

   After all, he is the Peak God King, one of the most powerful people on this continent.

  If he also flees like a **** man, wouldn’t he lose face and become a laughingstock?

   From now on, he is the pinnacle **** king, how can there be majesty and glory?

   But the King of War Whales knew better that the matter had come to this point, and he was too alone and unable to recover.

   So, he can only think silently...

   How can I withdraw from this battle without losing face?

   This question is really difficult. The King of Whales thought of several ways, but after considering it for a while, he could only give up.

   Acknowledging that Long Tian’s strength is very strong, and there is no point in continuing to fight. Why not go back to each other and let it go?

   This will definitely weaken the spirit of the pinnacle **** king, and appear guilty and timid.

   said, "This king suddenly remembered that there is still a very important thing that I haven't done, let's go ahead"?

   This is too naive, even a fool would not believe it.

   Moreover, this way of exiting is almost the same as running away in embarrassment.

   Could it be that Xuanji Dongtian’s ending is doomed, and this king is not a vassal of Xuanji Dongtian, he has tried his best to do it.

  Since the situation is irreversible, this king doesn't want to forge a feud with the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, so leave now?

   If this spreads, it will definitely cause an uproar on the mainland.

   When the time comes, not only will you be spurned by the public, but you will also offend the Golden Dragon Emperor.

   This method is also undesirable!

   The king of war whales thought for a while, and suddenly remembered the excuse Jinpeng ancestor left.

  "Xuanji Dongtian was originally the master of this continent, but now he is about to die at the hands of the Ten Thousand Demons League. Is this God's will?

   Alas... God’s will is really unfathomable, the king’s upper body, Tianxin, dare not rebel against God’s will.

   That's all, there are definite numbers in the world, and this king retreats, and it is considered obedience to God's will. "

   When this thought flashed in his mind, the eyes of the King of War Whales brightened, and he felt that this method seemed feasible.

   Anyway, Jin Peng ancestor used this trick, but he didn't feel embarrassed.

   Then he borrowed it, there should be no problem, right?

   It's just that the King of War Whales considered it again and again, and decided to use this method as an alternative.

   What he desires most in his heart, and thinks that the most perfect and reasonable plan, should be Long Tian taking the initiative to speak.

   "The King of Whales! Look, the mysterious sky has gone, everyone has escaped, why don't you retreat?

  Although, everyone knows that you are anxious for justice and good faith, and this king also admires you for being so affectionate and righteous, and strong.

   But if you and I continue to fight, it is meaningless.

   It's not as good as you and I will stop fighting here, please leave the mysterious cave sky and stop intervening in this matter, just as my Ten Thousand Demons League owes you a favor..."

   Long Tian looked at him sincerely, said in a sincere tone, and bowed to express his plea after he finished speaking.

   Then, he pretended to have a sad and helpless expression, and sighed a few times before he reluctantly agreed.

   This is a reasonable and perfect solution!

  Even, the King of War Whales thought to himself that even if the Ten Thousand Demons League did not owe him a favor, he could still agree!

   But it’s a pity, things are counterproductive, the real situation is like this...

   Seeing the defeat of the soldiers of Xuanji Dongtian, Xueshang also flees desperately, and Longtian showed a biting sneer.

   He no longer worries and anxious, concentrates on dealing with the king of war whales, using all his strength, not to mention, but also used the hole card stunt that has not been used!

   "Tianlong Overlord Body!"

   Long Tian yelled angrily, his whole body flickered with golden light, and he suddenly turned into a giant with a golden armour as high as a thousand feet.

   Not only has his body become extremely large, his combat power has also increased seven times, like a giant god.

   The Primitive Chaos Bell flew up to the sky, and quickly expanded to a radius of 30,000 miles. The suppression was overwhelmingly suppressed, and the King of Whales was suppressed here.

   At the same time, Long Tian also held the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, and slashed out a sword that was brilliant and opened up the world.

   "The sword of destruction!"

   There is no doubt that this is Ji Tianxing's strongest state and the strongest killer move.

   In order to defeat the King of Whales, he has no reservations.

   The King of War Whales immediately changed his face, and was suppressed by the Primal Chaos Clock, his body rickety, his strength weakened, and his speed sluggish.

   Seeing that the world-opening sword was cut down, he couldn't escape.


   The sword of utter destruction, which is as long as ten thousand feet, blatantly smashed through the space barrier of Xuanji Dongtian, breaking a huge void in the sky.

   Beyond the cracks in the void, the dark and icy void and the dense clusters of stars are clearly visible.

   The King of Whales knew that he could not avoid that sword. If he resisted hard, he would definitely be injured.

   At a critical moment, he made a calm and decisive decision.


   Seeing its huge tail stroked, it opened a void in the sky.

   Then ~www.ltnovel.com~ It turned its head through the crack in the void and got into the void outside the domain.

   This seemingly simple move requires extremely powerful divine power, and the control and comprehension of the laws of the gods has reached an extremely high level.

   If it were not for the Peak God King, it would be impossible to do it, and would never escape the suppression of the Primal Chaos Clock!

   As soon as he entered the dark and icy void, the King of War Whale felt his pressure plummet, and his whole body became much lighter.

   It does not stay, like a fish in the water, flying to the depths of the void like an aurora.

   As the pinnacle **** king, he usually wanders in the void.

   So, it fled into the void outside the domain, there is no danger at all.


  The golden sword of exterminating the world, which was ten thousand feet long, fell to the ground on the spot.

   Coincidentally, below the peak of the Golden Dragon Mountain Range, it was cut into a ravine by the giant sword, and half of the mountain range was turned into ruins.

   The terrifying power of the law burst out, destroying all 50,000 li, turning it into a pitch-black void.

  Xuanji Dongtian was broken!

   Countless void storms and turbulence, through the dense gaps in space, poured into the mysterious cave within days, raging freely.



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