Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3685: Seize money plan

For the next month, Ten Thousand Demons City was as calm as ever.

However, under the instruction of God King Luohu, the great elder Hu Xinyue explained the affairs of the young master to many elders, rudder masters and deacons.

Although, most people did not see Ji Tianxing.

But they already knew that Young Master Long Tian was in the Ten Thousand Demons Divine Palace, and he had to respect and support the Young Master as he treated the lord.

As for the true identity of Young Master Long Tian, ​​Hu Xinyue did not reveal too much to prevent the news from spreading.

After all, the snake husband changed his name to God King Rahu, just because he didn't want to attract attention.

The intelligence department in charge of the three elders, Ao Jinying, monitors the Star Source Continent on weekdays and grasps the information and intelligence of various parts of the mainland, which is quite busy.

In this month, the Intelligence Department became even busier.

Finding a boy who disappeared more than ten years ago, but who was not a monster race, became the primary task of the Intelligence Department.

The secret spies, spies, and eyeliners of the Ten Thousand Demons League planted in various regions of the mainland began to move around to this matter.

Of course, people in the intelligence department don't need to know who that young man is and why he is looking for him, and Ao Jinying also keeps it secret.

On the other side, Great Elder Fox Xinyue was not idle either.

Before Ji Tianxing practiced in retreat, he persuaded Qian Yue and gave it to Hu Xinyue to teach.

Regarding Ji Tianxing's entrustment, Hu Xinyue naturally did not shy away at all, and even accepted it with joy.

Not only because of Ji Tianxing's young master status, but also because Qianyue is a member of her clan, the fifth Tianhu in the world.

Without Ji Tianxing's advice, Hu Xinyue also took special care of Qianyue.

She spent some time with Qian Yue, she liked Qian Yue from the bottom of her heart, and she was especially patient and meticulous in teaching her.

Even, she did not hesitate to spend a lot of resources, many treasures, to help Qianyue cultivate the Tianhu tribe to inherit supernatural powers.

And Ji Tianxing has been staying in the distorted time and space, refining those godhead fragments, and constantly improving his strength.

In the past month outside, he has been in retreat for more than four years in twisted time and space.

In the past four years, he first swallowed thirty-nine fragments of the godhead, and then practiced Zhutian God Jue for two years.

One year was left to warm up the foundation of the divine Dao, practice and comprehend all kinds of magical powers and secrets, and refine the primitive chaotic clock.

After Tao Yongsheng's fall, the Primordial Chaos Clock became a thing of no one.

This is a king-level supreme artifact, the gluttonous **** of the town clan, of course he has to control it.

When he finished his retreat practice, his strength also increased by leaps and bounds, more than tripled.

He has reached the peak of the sixth level of the Divine King Realm, not far from the seventh level of the Divine King Realm.

However, there is only a line between the two realms, but there are shackles and obstacles, and it is not so easy to break through.

He considered it for a long time, but decided to settle for a while.

When the realm of strength and foundation are truly stabilized, take the Nine-turn Star Rhyme Pill to attack the Seventh Level of the Divine King Realm.

In addition, there is another reason why his strength has grown so rapidly.

Before practicing in retreat, he also took out several trillions of cultivation resources and injected them into the world of the Five Elements through the replenishment of dzi beads.

Before, he fought all the way, used the sword of destruction many times, and drew a lot of world power.

The Five Elements World has been slowly growing and growing. He has absorbed a lot of world power, and the growth rate will naturally slow down.

Now he has 20 trillion resources, and of course he has to allocate a part to cultivate the world of five elements.

He is one with the Five Elements World, and as the Five Elements World grows, his strength will also grow.

Those trillions of cultivation resources were transformed into pure divine power through the replenishing dzi beads and injected into the world of the five elements.

Over the years, the world of the Five Elements has changed tremendously.

Not only has the world expanded and all things flourished, there are often divine visions between the heavens and the earth, rain rains, and the eruption of heaven and earth auras.

The entire world of the Five Elements has become a holy place for cultivation, and countless races have multiplied and grown, and geniuses and strong men have emerged in large numbers.

And these are naturally the visions brought about by those trillions of resources.

After finishing his cultivation, Ji Tianxing's mind went to fill the dzi to explore the situation in the world of the five elements.

What made him feel gratified was that the five-element world had grown by 50% with the cultivation resources worth several trillions of dollars.

The world has grown bigger and the power of the world has become more powerful.

However, he fell into contemplation, worrying in his eyes.

"A whole eight trillion yuan of cultivation resources were smashed down, and the Five Elements World expanded by 50%.

If you want the Five Elements World to double and grow, wouldn't it consume 16 trillion resources?

If you want the world of the five elements to continue to grow and return to the eternal existence of the main world, won't it consume countless resources? "

Before that, Ji Tianxing felt that he had 20 trillion resources and was really too rich.

But after this incident, he suddenly realized that even if there were 20 trillion cultivation resources, it was not enough for the Five Elements World to consume.

He can't be complacent, and he has to find ways to search for more cultivation resources in order to continue to cultivate the Five Elements World.

"Now all the forces are afraid of my reputation and dare not come to assassinate me.

I stayed in the City of Ten Thousand Demons, and the forces of Xuanji Dongtian did not dare to attack.

Safe and sound, where can I search for training resources? "

Ji Tianxing frowned, thinking silently.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"By the way, the gluttonous clan's star-eater cave sky!

Tao Yongsheng was killed by me, and there were only two elders of the gluttonous clan, and most of the strong were killed and injured.

Today's gluttonous people have existed in name only, and their power is extremely weak.

It happens that the star-biting cave in the sky~www.ltnovel.com~ is extremely rich in mineral vein resources..."

Ji Tianxing's mind became active, and the idea of ​​rushing into the Star Devouring Cave Sky and robbing cultivation resources emerged.

Anyway, the gluttonous clan had a **** feud with him, so he didn't feel guilty when he went to **** the resources of Star Devouring Sky Cave.

"However, before heading to the Star Devouring Cave, I have to tell the snake husband.

A month has passed since the outside world, and I don't know what the situation is now?

Snake husband and Ao Jinying, have they inquired about Wu Hate? "

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing left the twisted time and space and returned to the secret room.

He walked out of the secret room, planning to go to the snakeman to inquire about the situation.


The central part of Xingyuan Continent is within the mysterious cave sky.

In the depths of the vast and magnificent Xuanji Cave, there is a group of magnificent and magnificent palaces, built on the hillside and magnificent.

This is where the Dongfu of Jinyuan Longdi and his generals is located.

On the top of the majestic mountain, there is one of the most majestic and magnificent golden shrines, which is the cave mansion of Emperor Jinyuan Long.

At this time, the majestic conference hall was filled with the aura of majestic killing.

A middle-aged dragon man wearing a scarlet robe and a luxurious crown is sitting on a large gilt throne.

This person is tall and burly, with a broad face and a wide forehead. There is a horn on the top of the head, a golden dragon beard grows on the lower jaw, and the whole body exudes a majestic and sacred atmosphere.

He is the master of Xingyuan Continent, the famous Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

Because the body is the Golden Dragon, many strong people secretly call him Golden Dragon Emperor.

In the neat and bright hall, there are 18 golden armor guards standing on both sides, all masters of the upper gods.

In the middle of the hall, there are five majestic and high-ranking gods, all of whom are the right arms and confidantes of Emperor Jinyuan Long.


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