Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3682: plan

Everyone was practicing in retreat.

Suddenly they all ended their cultivation, gathered together to wait for him, there must be important questions and discussions.

Ji Tianxing could guess what was going on without thinking, and looked at Qianyue.

"You wake them up?"

Qianyue didn't hide it, nodded and said: "It's me! Old Ji, you have been back to the dragon world for a long time, and you have met an old friend. I guess you must have something to tell everyone, so just..."

Needless to say, everyone understands the rest.

Bai Long looked forward to it, and asked emotionally: "Master, is the old person you met under the crown of Shizu Longdi?

Master is the lord of the Heavenly Dragon Continent, and when we return to the Heavenly Dragon Continent, we will have the most powerful backing.

In the future, in this dragon world, we can wander freely again! "

Ji Ke also smiled and said expectantly: "In a flash, more than a thousand years have passed. I don't know if the Tianlong Shrine has changed?

His Majesty Longdi still loves to travel around the world, the snake-hub must be accompanied by his servants, and the sky will be yours to guard the palace alone. "

Even Yun Yao, who is the most gentle and dignified, said with full expectation: "If we really find the Dragon Emperor, we don't need to travel all over the dragon world to find Wuhen.

With the power under the Dragon Emperor's crown, Wu Hate will definitely be found soon, and our family will be reunited..."

Facing everyone's ardent expectations, Ji Tianxing was momentarily silent, unwilling to tell the truth, letting everyone down.

But he was silent for a long time, and decided to tell everyone the truth.

"I did meet an old person, but it was not Master Tianlongdi, but Master's old servant snakeman.

More than nine hundred years ago, the master left the dragon world and disappeared.

There have long been rumors in the Dragon Realm that the master has fallen and his lamp of destiny has long been extinguished.

Today's Tianlong Continent has long changed hands..."

After listening to Ji Tianxing's words, the smiles on everyone's faces froze when they learned the truth.

The excitement and expectation gradually turned into disappointment, heaviness and nostalgia, and the emotions were also a little lost.

After a long time, the people suppressed the sorrow and sentiment in their hearts and sighed.

"Oh...Master is the peak **** king of Shou and Tianqi, how could he fall?"

"Unexpectedly, so many things have happened in the past thousand years."

"The world is really unpredictable!"

Everyone sighed for a while, Yun Yao looked at Ji Tianxing calmly, and asked: "Tianxing, although the Tianlong Emperor is missing, it is suspected to have fallen.

But fortunately, you met the snakeman and he is still loyal.

Now that you live in Ten Thousand Demons City, what plans do you have in the future? "

Ji Tianxing frowned for a while and then said, "More than a thousand years have passed. I don't know exactly how many things happened during this period.

Although the snake husband is still loyal to me, it seems that there is no problem at present.

But the world is sinister and you can never trust others credulously.

Although I am 90% sure that he is still loyal, I still have to take precautions and observe for a few years to be sure. "

Yunyao, Ji Ke and others nodded in agreement.

Ji Tianxing went on to say: "Since I returned to the Dragon Realm, I have been running around toiling, and I don't have time to rest and practice.

Since I have lived in the City of Ten Thousand Demons, I will live for a few more years, practice hard, improve my strength, and prepare for future plans.

After I leave the customs, I will explain Wuhen's disappearance to the snake husband, and let the Ten Thousand Demons League try to find it.

The Ten Thousand Demons League is the top three superpower in the Star Source Continent. It should have a lot of eyes and ears, helping us find Wu Hate, and it can save a lot of time and trouble.

As for Qianyue, it's impossible for you to practice hard work like this.

Without the inheritance talents and techniques of the Tianhu clan, it is difficult for you to break through to the Divine King Realm.

Therefore, you need to stay in the City of Ten Thousand Demons and accept the guidance and instruction of Fox Xinyue.

There is also the white dragon. We will stay here in the future. You should also consult the snake husband and other dragon kings..."

After listening to Ji Tianxing's arrangement, everyone nodded.

Originally, he thought about living in Xuansong Palace as long as possible so that everyone could live in Xuansong Palace.

But everyone said that they would rather stay in the distorted time and space to practice in order to save time.

Anyway, Ji Tianxing was not sure for the time being, whether the snake husband was 100% loyal, and he didn't even think about what to do next.

Therefore, he did not force it, allowing everyone to stay in the twisted time and space.

"Okay, if you have nothing else, go back and practice in retreat.

I'm leaving the customs to meet the snake husband and discuss some things in detail. "

After pacifying everyone, Ji Tianxing left Twisted Time and Space.


With a flash of divine light, he returned to the study, waved his hand and put away the nine-day tower.

He first checked the divine formation before the retreat and found that the divine formation was not in the slightest abnormality or damage.

At the same time, during his retreat and practice, no one had ever touched this sacred formation, nor had anyone approached the secret room.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his heart was a little relieved, before he withdrew the sacred formation.

He retreats in twisted time and space for a year, but in fact it has only been seven days from the outside world.


When he opened the door of the secret room and walked out of the secret room, the guards guarding both sides of the door remained in the same posture as before.

Seeing him appear, the two guards hurriedly bowed and saluted ~www.ltnovel.com~ See the son! "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, motioned to the two of them to waive the ceremony, and asked: "This king has been in seclusion for seven days, but who has been here?"

One of the guards hurriedly reported: "Master Qi, the lord of the leader came to visit two days ago, and it seems that there is something important to discuss.

Seeing that the son was practicing in retreat, the leader did not bother him, leaving only a word. "

"What are you talking about?" Ji Tianxing raised his brows.

The guard quickly replied: "My lord, you can go to the study to look for him at any time after you leave the customs. He will report to you in person."

"Got it." Ji Tianxing nodded, stepped out of the secret room, and walked to the residence of King Luohu.


Although Ji Tianxing only showed up once after entering the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, only a few people knew him.

But the guards guarding the leader's study are not included in this list.

No one stopped him, and he successfully entered the leader's study room.

At this time, God King Luohu was sitting behind the desk, and there were two strong God Kings standing in the study.

One of them is the great elder Fox Xinyue, and the other **** king is a middle-aged man of the Golden Eagle tribe with a shady face.

When Ji Tianxing entered the study, the golden eagle man was bowing and saluting, reporting the news to God King Luohu.

After he finished speaking, God King Luohu frowned and fell into thought.

However, seeing Ji Tianxing coming, he quickly got up and saluted.

"Young... Young Master, see Young Master for your subordinates."

Hu Xinyue turned around abruptly, and saw Ji Tianxing, without hesitation, bowing and saluting, calling him son.

It was the golden eagle man who saw that God King Luohu and Fox Xinyue were so respectful. At the same time he was shocked, he was taken aback for a moment, and he bowed and saluted.


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