Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3679: Dragon Emperor Beiming

"The new Dragon Emperor enters the main shrine?"

Ji Tianxing frowned immediately, his eyes became cold, and a murderous intent flashed through his eyes.

"Who stole Master's hard work and foundation?

When the master was reigning, only a few of the hundreds of domain masters reached the eighth level of the Divine King Realm.

In the entire Tianlong Continent, there are only three top forces, with nine-level **** kings.

The new Dragon Emperor must come from among them! "

God King Luohu knelt on the ground and said with a heavy tone: "The young master is right, the new Dragon Emperor is indeed one of the top three powers.

He is the lord of the Beihai Dragon King Palace, the Dragon King Bei Ming. "

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing sneered, and said bitterly: "It turned out to be him! I think back then, the master treated him like a nephew and cared for him.

When the Master was reigning, the Beihai Dragon King Palace also had good relations with the shrine, and he was very submissive.

Unexpectedly, after Master disappeared, he actually took away Master's hard work and foundation!

Sooner or later this king will chop him down for such an ambitious bastard! "

"Young master calm down!" Seeing Ji Tianxing's murderous aura was exposed, God King Luohu quickly dissuaded him, saying: "Young master misunderstood! The news of the old master's disappearance back then shocked the world.

The old friends of the old master, those dragon emperors all personally went to the shrine to express condolences and condolences.

The entire Beihai Dragon King Palace also wore linen and filial piety for three years, and the Dragon King Bei Ming was dressed in plain white filial filial piety and kept filial piety in the shrines of the shrine for ten years.

In the next hundred years, the Tianlong Continent had no owner, and the people were in panic. Rumors arose from various regions and empires.

At that time, many heroes and heroes came together and gathered momentum to exert force, and disasters continued to occur in hundreds of domains.

There are even more powerful and top forces from all over the world, all eyeing them, intending to enter the Heavenly Dragon Continent and disturb the wind and rain.

With the old slaves and old masters, it is impossible to suppress all kinds of rebellions and foreign enemies, and the Tianlong Continent is about to go into chaos.

In the end, it was the three Dragon Emperors who personally went to the Tianlong Shrine to inform the world and choose a new emperor for the Tianlong Continent.

After all, the Heavenly Dragon Continent cannot be left alone, and the hundreds of millions of creatures cannot be plunged into dire straits and suffer from war.

That was a situation that the old master didn't want to see.

Therefore, under the supervision and witness of the three dragon emperors, the dragon clan powerhouses of the Tianlong Continent, after being screened and repeatedly tested by the three dragon emperors, finally won by the dragon king Beiming and succeeded as the new emperor. "

After listening to God King Luohu's explanation, Ji Tianxing was silent.

After a long time, he nodded slightly and smiled bitterly: "Master has always been compassionate and compassionate. He is the last one to see life smashed, wars, and swordsman killing.

The three dragon emperors are his friends, and they understand his nature and mind.

Since the Tianlong Continent is about to be in chaos, it is reasonable for the three dragon emperors to select the new emperor.

The new emperor cannot belong to other continents, but can only be a citizen of the Tianlong Continent, and it must be a dragon.

Now that Bei Ming passed the test of the three dragon emperors and was recognized by the public... then he was a legitimate successor, not a snatch. "

God King Luohu also smiled bitterly: "Yes! Even if the old slave witnessed the whole process, there was no reason or qualification to stop him, and he could only wish Bei Ming his succession to the throne.

Unfortunately, Young Master left the Dragon Realm and went to the God Realm a few hundred years ago.

If the young master stays, the emperor is definitely yours, and no one can get involved! "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said, "Finally, hundreds of years have passed, so it is useless.

By the way, after Bei Ming succeeded to the throne, how did he act?

Did he liquidate his old officials and exclude dissidents?

Have you kept in mind Master’s teachings, sheltered hundreds of millions of beings, and ensured peace and tranquility? "

God King Luohu shook his head, and said solemnly: "Bei Ming probably also knows that his throne is hard-won, and a slight difference will be criticized by the world's strong.

Therefore, since he took the throne, he has been working diligently to maintain the peace and tranquility of the Tianlong Continent.

Everyone in the world said that the other four dragon emperors retreat all year round and do not care about world affairs, but the North Ming Dragon emperor is the busiest.

Bei Ming took good care of the old officials and did not rule out dissidents.

He also tried his best to keep old slaves in the shrine, to serve him and to work for the welfare of the common people.

But the old master has disappeared, and the old slave has nothing to love in this life. The rest of his life has only one goal, and that is to find the trace of the old master! "

Speaking of this, God King Rahu bowed his head towards the northern sky, and said with tears: "The snake man was originally a snake in the mountains and forests and under the soil. He should have died as early as 20,000 years ago.

If it weren't for the old master's help and advice, how could the snake husband have such longevity and supernatural powers.

The old master recreated the snake husband, and the snake husband’s life is the old master’s! "

When Ji Tianxing heard this, he was also a little sad, and quickly calmed the God King Luohu and made him stand up and speak.

After a while, when God King Luohu's mood calmed down, Ji Tianxing continued to ask: "I understand your mood, and I know that you just want to find the trace and whereabouts of Master.

But why did you change your face to come to Star Source Continent and create this alliance of ten thousand demons? "

God King Luohu bowed his hand and replied: "Among the five continents, the strong on the four continents know the old slaves.

Only this Star Origin Continent was relatively unfamiliar, and the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor and the old master had no friendship.

The old slave just wanted to find the trace of the old master, and didn’t want to be disturbed by other things, so he changed his face~www.ltnovel.com~ But the old slave was alone, and ultimately powerless, so he created the Ten Thousand Demons League and used the Ten Thousand Demons to help the old slaves collect News and intelligence. "

Ji Tianxing nodded his head to express his understanding, "Indeed, you are Master's old servant. Back then, you traveled all over the continents and seas with Master, visiting the dragon emperors and top forces.

Those people recognize you, whether they are good to you or bad, they will be entangled.

It is indeed the best choice to make a facelift and settle in an unfamiliar Star Source Continent.

Snake husband, what clues has your Ten Thousand Demons League investigated in the past few hundred years? "

God King Luohu nodded and explained: "The entire dragon world has been searched, and the five continents, the four seas and countless forbidden places and secret realms have also been investigated.

It is certain that the old master is indeed not in the dragon world, and must be outside the sky.

But the sky is vast, and the six star regions are so vast that it is difficult to find them one by one.

Therefore, the body of the old slave was searched in the outer starry sky, and the ten thousand monster alliance created by the old slave stayed in the dragon world to investigate the news.

The old slave thought that if he wanted to investigate the old master's trace, he had to start from the root cause.

The old master said before he left that he was going to make atonement.

Therefore, the old slave has investigated the word "atonement" for hundreds of years, and he has indeed found a lot of secrets. "

Ji Tianxing suddenly became interested, staring at God King Luohu with scorching eyes, and asked, "What secret?"

God King Luohu replied: "Although, now the Dragon Realm is peaceful in all seas, and all races live in peace.

However, the old slave found that before ancient times, there was no peace between the various races.

Moreover, many races are sinners condemned by God!

For example, the dragon, the phoenix, the unicorn, the fox, the Qiongqi, the gluttonous, etc...

The old slave guessed that the atonement mentioned by the old master was probably related to the sinner's affairs! "


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