Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3677: Black Sea and the City of Demons

He and Ji Tianxing both understood the reason for God King Luohu's words.

But Hu Xinyue didn't know what she meant, she couldn't help but frowned, thinking to herself.

Ji Tianxing glanced at her, and said calmly: "Okay, stop pretending, naive!"

Fox Xinyue's cheeks blushed, quite guilty.

But the situation was such that she could only open her eyes and stood up to confess the crime to God King Luohu.

"My lord, my subordinates have no intention of eavesdropping, please..."

God King Luohu nodded slightly, and said in a low and majestic tone: "This is the biggest secret of this seat, so you should understand how to do it."

Hu Xinyue hurriedly bowed to salute, and said respectfully: "My lord, please rest assured that your subordinates will be tight-lipped, and would rather die than leak a word!"

Only then did God King Luohu nod his head with satisfaction, and said: "Well, you take those two heavenly kings and return to the Ten Thousand Demon Palace first.

You can handle the rest as soon as possible. "

"Subordinates obey!" Hu Xinyue bowed again and was about to leave.

God King Luohu frowned, then shouted in a majestic manner: "Come back!"

Hu Xinyue stiffened, turned around and bowed to wait for orders.

God King Luohu frowned and said, "Apologize to the young master!"

Hu Xinyue did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly bowed to Ji Tianxing, and said respectfully: "Xinyue has eyes but no beads, and is more offensive to the young master. I also hope that the young master Haihan.

If Young Master had any punishment, Xinyue would never dare to complain. "

God King Luohu frowned again, his face was angry, and he reprimanded: "Damn! How can you call Young Master?"

"That..." Hu Xinyue was dumbfounded, and quickly turned her mind, thinking about what to call her.

"Xinyue pays respects to my husband, please my husband..."

"..." God King Luo Hu brows brows, his eyes are surging with anger, and he asks: "My husband????!"

Fox Xinyue was full of panic and could only bite the bullet and explained: "Leader, you are the lord of Xinyue, your young lord, shouldn't you be called the lord?"

"Ahem..." Ji Tianxing showed an awkward smile, pretending to cough to cover up.

Seeing that God King Luohu was about to get angry again, he reprimanded the frightened Fox Xinyue, he quickly broke the siege and chuckled: "Okay, it's just a title, don't have to be so entangled.

Of course, the husband really sounds awkward.

Fox Xinyue, you can just call this Prince. "

"This..." Hu Xinyue was even more frightened, not daring to agree.

God King Luohu was also a little anxious, and asked Ji Tianxing: "Young Master, this title is... disrespectful to you."

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said: "Just call it this, it won't make you suspicious.

By the way, if someone else is here in the future, don't call the young master, just call the son. "

God King Luohu felt that it made sense, so he nodded and agreed.

Fox Xinyue breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly saluted: "Thank you, old man...for your consideration, Xinyue is indebted.

If the son has no other instructions, Xinyue will retire first. "

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, waved her to leave.

Hu Xinyue bowed and retreated ten feet away, only then did she drop the boulder in her heart, and flew away as if fleeing.

Looking at her panicked back, Ji Tianxing's mouth curled up with a smile, which was quite funny.

"Such twists and turns, she must find it very exciting, right?"

God King Luohu looked at Fox Xinyue's back, took another glance at Ji Tianxing's expression, and said in a low voice, "Young Master, the life of that girl and her mother were saved by the old slave.

She is usually smart and clever, but also well-behaved.

If you don't dislike it, the old slave will make her own way and let her be your personal maid..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ji Tianxing turned his head to look at him, with a sneer on his face and said: "Maid? Still close-fitting? Snake husband, who are you the young master?"

God King Luohu hurriedly accompanied the smiling face, and said in a calm tone: "Young Master, you were cold like an iceberg back then, and you weren't close to the female sex, so the old master was very sorry.

Now that you have finally changed your temperament, if you can accept wives and concubines widely and believe that the old master is alive in the sky, you will definitely feel relieved. "

The smile on Ji Tianxing's face diminished, and he said with a serious face: "The young master has already married a wife and had children. The husband and wife are harmonious and the family is happy, so don't make trouble.

As for the master...

Snake husband, I went to Xuanji Cave and heard that the gatekeeper said, Master has already passed away?

what the **** is it?

Master is the lord of the Heavenly Dragon Continent, the peak **** king who has reached the sky in half a step, how could he pass away? "

After a pause, he asked again: "Also, why didn't you stay in the Heavenly Dragon God Palace, ran to the Star Source Continent, and changed your name to Luo Hu to establish this Ten Thousand Demons League?"

"Oh..." When talking about the Lord of Heavenly Dragon, God King Luohu sighed, sadly, and said in a low tone: "Young Master, this is a long story, not a few words can be said clearly.

This is not the place to talk, you follow the old slave back to the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, and the old slave will talk in detail. "

Ji Tianxing thought about it, the rudder of the Ten Thousand Demon League, the Ten Thousand Demon Palace, was outside the three northern regions.

Although it was far away, the snake husband always had a way to get back quickly.

So he nodded and agreed.

After all, he planned to return to the Heavenly Dragon Continent before to investigate the truth of Master's fall.

Now it was a blessing to meet Master's old servant, so he naturally had to cross-examine.


King Luohu took out a snake-shaped monster sword ~www.ltnovel.com~ and stabs it above the sky.

Suddenly, a gap was opened in the sky, bright white light lit up, and the divine power of space surged wildly.

"Young Master, please follow the old slave."

God King Luohu bowed and took Ji Tianxing into the space gap, and his figure disappeared.


In the next moment, the divine light flickered and the space was in a disorder. The two of them traveled through a million miles of space and appeared in a majestic city.

God King Luohu took Ji Tianxing into a palace in the city, and left the city through the underground teleportation array.

Next, the two crossed tens of millions of miles to reach the border of Qingxue Region.

The two flew over the border, and the God King Luo Hu used teleporting again to take Ji Tianxing into another city.

In this way, the two of them relied on teleportation and teleportation, crossing three domains within two hours, and returned to the Black Sea in the dark waters.

This is a black water area with a radius of 3 million miles. Because of its huge area, it is called the Black Sea.

This inland sea possesses special power and resources, as well as various visions and wonderful effects.

The headquarters of the Ten Thousand Demons League was established here.

The Shrine of Ten Thousand Demons, right in the center of the Black Sea, suppresses the entire Black Sea, gathering millions of miles of supernatural power.

Ji Tianxing followed God King Luohu, arrived in the middle of the Black Sea, and when he saw the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons, he also showed admiration.

I saw a cloud platform with a radius of thousands of miles suspended above the endless black sea.

Above the cloud platform, there is a black city full of pavilions, towers, and palaces.

This Ten Thousand Demons City is not big, only a few hundred miles in radius, but it has an extremely solemn, majestic, and solemn atmosphere.

Those who are eligible to live in this city are all senior and core figures of the Ten Thousand Demons League, as well as their dependents.


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