Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3660: Sunset Sect

It's a pity that the Sky Burial Sword is only a mid-level king.

And that majestic, dark golden divine ship, is actually a king-class high-grade artifact.

In contrast, the speed of the Sky Burial Sword was significantly slower.

The two sides chased thousands of miles away, and the Heaven Burying Sword was overtaken by the Divine Ship.

Funeral Sky originally wanted to go to war directly, no matter who the person in the divine ship was, he would cut him a few swords first.

However, Ji Tianxing used his divine thoughts to spread the sound, so that the funeral sky stopped in the sky and watched the changes.

Sure enough, the divine ship intercepted in front of the Heaven Burying Sword and stopped.


A burst of divine light flashed, and more than 30 monsters of different forms flew out of the divine ship.

Most of these gods have obvious ethnic characteristics. They are all holding knives, guns, swords, halberds and various weapons, and they quickly dispersed and surrounded the Buried Heaven Swords.

Immediately afterwards, the divine ship was put away, and four powerful and majestic divine king masters appeared.


Surrounded by purple thunder, the Kui Niu tribe man who is more than ten feet tall and has a burly body is the head of several gods.

This person was wearing a dark armor and carrying a large dark purple hammer behind him, exuding a strong and domineering aura.

His realm of strength has already reached the upper **** king, possessing the sevenfold strength of the **** king realm!

The other three powerful **** kings, namely the bear tribe, the wolf tribe, and the tiger tribe, are different in body shape and appearance.

But their realm of strength is comparable, and they are all the middle **** kings of the sixth stage.

Such a force, anywhere in the Star Source Continent, is a top and powerful force.

Even if it is a general domain owner, it may not be comparable.

But Ji Tianxing looked at it secretly for a while, neither knew the four **** king powerhouses, nor could he see their identities and origins.

The Heaven Burial Sword was suspended quietly in the air, motionless.

More than 30 gods besieged all around, as if they were facing a major enemy, they were on guard.

The four powerful **** kings stared at the Heaven Burying Sword carefully for a long time before they showed a smug sneer.

I saw the Tiger God King with the blood pattern on his forehead, sneered while stroking his beard, "Sect Master, it is still our luck!

Before in Hansong Imperial City, those guys were still arrogant, and all of them vowed to find Long Tian first.

Unexpectedly, the heavens took care of our Sunken Sun Sect, but let us find it first! "

Another wolf clan **** king, with a pair of dark green eyes full of pride, said in a gloomy tone: "Our suzerain is a person of great luck, and God naturally prefers it.

This kid had exhausted his organs, escaped the encirclement and interception of countless forces and strong men, and finally fell into our hands.

Perhaps this is his fate! "

The bear clan **** king, who is sturdy and heavy, grinned and sneered, and said with an stern voice: "It's not useless that we use the entire sect's manpower and spend hundreds of millions of resources to buy this key news, and we will see the return immediately. !"

Obviously, these three gods are all the elders of the'Remnant Sun Sect'.

And their leader, the Protoss man in black armor with a hammer on his back, is the Sect Master of the Sun Sect.

Sect Master of the Setting Sun heard the discussion and flattery of the three people, but did not show complacency.

He carefully looked at the Heaven Burying Sword for a moment, and then said in a low tone: "The appearance, details and breath of this sword are consistent with the description in the reward order, and it should be Longtian's sword.

That Longtian should be hiding in the saber!

Unexpectedly, this son is as arrogant as the rumors.

Offended the Ten Thousand Demons League, the saber had already been revealed, but he didn't hide it, and he used it to drive on the road...I am so confident! "

When the three gods heard this, they would ridicule and banter.

The Sect Master of the Setting Sun said with a solemn expression: "It can be seen from this that the strength and methods of this Long Tian must be good.

What's more, anyone who dares to offend the Ten Thousand Demons League must be a top powerhouse.

You can't take it lightly and treat me with caution! "

The three **** kings quickly put away their jokes, bowed their hands together, and said to obey orders.

But at this time, Ji Tianxing, who was staying in the world of swords, also heard the conversation between the Sect Master of the Setting Sun and the three gods clearly.

He frowned suddenly, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Sunset Sect? Ten Thousand Demons League? Reward?"

He naturally understood the meaning of the three words ‘reward order’.

However, he had never heard of the "Remnant Sun School" and the "Ten Thousand Demon League".

Therefore, he quickly contacted Pengfei, who was healed by Yun Gong in the sacred tower, and asked about the origin and background of the "Ten Thousand Demons League".

Peng Fei was concentrating on his exercises and recuperation, when he suddenly heard his voice transmission, and heard the words ‘Ten Thousand Demons League’ again, suddenly a Ji Ling woke up.

"Senior, aren't we enmity with the Qiongqi and Gourmet clans?

Why is it related to the Ten Thousand Demon League?

When did you offend the Ten Thousand Demons League?

The Ten Thousand Demon League is one of the top superpowers in the Star Source Continent, and there is a pinnacle **** king! "

Pengfei's tone was quite surprised, and he also revealed deep anxiety.

Obviously, the prestige of the Ten Thousand Demon League is so great that even the nobles in the demon like Nine Profound Caverns, Nebula Caverns, and Star Devouring Caverns cannot provoke them.

Ji Tianxing was also quite puzzled, and asked Pengfei to briefly introduce him the situation of the Ten Thousand Demon League.

After Pengfei explained, he knew how much the Ten Thousand Demons League existed.

At this moment, the Sect Master of the Setting Sun and the three **** kings exhausted their patience, and when they were waiting anxiously, they shouted.

"Long Tian! This seat is the lord of the Remnant Sun Sect. I am here to take your life with a reward from the Ten Thousand Demons League. Are you planning to keep hiding in the sword and not showing up?"

Sect Master of the Setting Sun stared at the Heaven Burying Sword expressionlessly, and asked in a cold tone.

The wolf clan **** king sneered and said: "Now more than 30 regions in the northwest of the mainland are praising your fame and deeds.

It is said that you have killed many people of the Qiongqi and Gourmet tribes, and you have forged a deep hatred with the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance.

Since you are so arrogant and domineering, how can you be a turtle at this moment? "

The tiger **** king stroked his beard and sneered contemptuously: "It must be the supreme power of our suzerain, did you scare you stupid?

Ha ha ha... Or ~www.ltnovel.com~ You are now seriously injured and you are hiding in the sword to heal your wounds, so you dare not show up? "

The sneers of the two of them echoed in the sky.

Sect Master of the Setting Sun winks secretly to him, and the sound transmission instructs: "Long Tian is arrogant and domineering, cruel and bloodthirsty. He is definitely not a forbearer.

If he has been hiding in the sword without showing up, he must be seriously injured and weak.

With such a great opportunity, we destroyed his saber and forced him to show up.

Then we joined forces to kill him, thwarted him, and brought his godhead and relics back to the Ten Thousand Demons League to receive the reward!

Three elders, you remember to use the photo crystal later to record the scene of us slaying Longtian and thwarting him.

Only when they take the evidence to find the Ten Thousand Demons League can they pay the money happily. "

A sneer appeared at the corner of the wolf clan **** king's mouth, leaning slightly, and the voice transmission replied: "Follow the order of the lord!"

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