Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3658: God pill is out


"Finally escaped! That **** bastard, one day, this seat will thwart him!"

Xueshang and Tao Yongsheng, who had just escaped from the Zhutian Sword Formation, stood above Yongyang Lake, panting violently.

It was okay for the blood to fall, so he quickly took out the **** pill to suppress the poison in the body and quickly restore his supernatural power.

But Tao Yongsheng turned his head to look at the Heaven-Zhuking Sword Formation over the lake, still cursing with anger.

Xueshang glanced at him, and said indifferently, "Why do you remember the four words: bones and ashes? In the past nine days, I have listened to it more than a hundred times, and my ears have become calluses.

Old Tao, can you change the word? "

Tao Yongsheng did not speak, but gave him a black face.

Xueshang continued, "Furthermore, neither you nor the tribe can deal with him.

Even if you want to kill Longtian, that's the powerhouse of the various domain masters and the Ten Thousand Monster League.

Do you want to crush him by yourself?

This heart is dying! "

Tao Yongsheng said blankly, "This seat has already agreed with the great elder Fox Xinyue, whoever kills Longtian will be thwarted."

"Really? Hu Xinyue is so easy to talk?" Xue Shang gave him a surprised look.

Tao Yongsheng's face twitched, and gritted his teeth, "The condition is that the reward is increased by 5 billion!"

"..." Xueshang couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said, "Your old man is rich, you can play slowly.

I have to go back to exercise and cure poison and help the right guardian to cure the poison. "

After speaking, he saluted Tao Yongsheng farewell and prepared to leave.

Tao Yongsheng frowned, his face gloomy and asked, "Blood! Are you really not joining hands with this seat? Are you leaving in a hurry?"

Xue Shang spread his hand and said, "Anyway, we can't make a move. You also issued a reward. Naturally someone will kill him. Why do you stay here?"

Tao Yongsheng glanced at him coldly, and sneered, "Are you afraid of being beaten by him? Afraid, you dare not retaliate?

Don’t you care about the loss suffered by the poor and the face lost?

Ha ha ha ha...Can you still raise your head to be a human being? "

Xueshang curled his lips disapprovingly and said, "Whatever you say, I won't be involved in this matter anyway.

You have pitted this seat once, how can this seat make you pit a second time?

If you can go back in time, I would rather not want your money and conditions than sacrifice Zuo Hufa and the three elders! "

As far as Xue Shang is concerned, the Zuo Dharma and the three elders are his right-hand men, and they are the powerful kings who cannot be exchanged for two trillion wealth.

Tao Yongsheng stared at him sharply, and sneered, "Hehe, very good! Blood, you are shameless, you have no spine, but I want it!

Let's wait and see! "

After speaking, he walked away.

Xue Shang looked at his back and shouted, "Don't forget the money you owe this seat, and those conditions, none of them can be less!"

"Humph!" Tao Yongsheng just gave a cold snort and left without looking back.

A sneer flashed across Xueshang's eyes, and he thought to himself, "Old fellow, let you be proud of it for a few days. When this seat takes over the sky, let's see what your expression is!"

Following that, he also turned and left, and returned to Nebula Cave.


The northwestern part of Xingyuan Continent is remote and not as prosperous as the central part of the mainland.

Since the strong rise of the Ten Thousand Demons League, this area has been quiet for hundreds of years.

The domain masters of more than 30 domains, many first-class forces, and strong men are all in awe of the Ten Thousand Demons League, and they dare not cause any trouble.

However, in recent days, the northwestern regions that have been quiet for hundreds of years have become lively.

It was because the Ten Thousand Demons League issued a reward order to thirty-two domains in the northwest.

The Ten Thousand Demons League offered a reward for two high-grade artifacts of the king level, plus 50 billion sacred stones, to punish a dragon **** king named Longtian.

This person has the strength of the upper **** king, and is extremely difficult to deal with because of his insidiousness and scheming.

It is recommended that the powerhouses of the middle **** king and above can accept this task.

Anyone who completes the task and thwarts the dragon sky to ashes will add another five billion sacred stones.

When this reward order was spread in the thirty-two domains, it immediately caused an uproar, and caused discussions among hundreds of millions of monster clan masters and strong men.

Countless people are asking, what is the origin and identity of that dragon king?

How could he forge enmity with the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance?

Where is this person now?

Suddenly, countless first-rate forces and powerful **** kings were discussing this matter.

A reward order worth more than 100 billion yuan has appeared for the first time in recent hundreds of years, and it has provoked countless gods and powerful people around the corner.

Even those high-ranking **** kings with a net worth of hundreds of billions are very excited and longing.

After all, this reward is too generous and too attractive.

Among the rewards issued by the Wan Yao League, there is a portrait of Long Tian and a brief introduction of him.

Anyone who has seen the reward order will remember it firmly.

After all, the second half of the reward order said that if anyone can provide the traces and news of Long Tian, ​​if it is confirmed that it is true, it can also be worth hundreds of millions to billions of rewards.

Killing Longtian is a matter for the middle and upper **** kings.

But to provide news and clues, there is no threshold, anyone can do it.

For a time, the Northwestern Thirty-two Regions were surging. I don't know how many gods, kings, and forces moved after hearing the wind, searching and investigating the traces of Longtian.

And the name ‘Dragon Heaven’ soon became widely known and chanted.

During this period of time, the demons of countless empires would see one force after another, searching for something all over the world.

And when they meet each other, they often don't leave the word'Dragon Heaven' in three sentences.

Suddenly, many demons of the empire began to hear rumors.

Everyone believes that the **** king named Long Tian is a treacherous, cruel and murderous man, and the Ten Thousand Demons League wants to act for the heavens and help justice...

Are there hundreds of surnames praying and looking forward to the success of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance as soon as possible to punish the demon Dragon Heaven!


Twelve days after the battle of Yongyang Lake.

The Sky Burial Sword has been flying continuously, has crossed two domains, and entered the cold pine domain.

This place is located in the north of the mainland, and is separated from the Jiuxuan Dongtian of the Jinpeng Clan and four regions.

To put it simply ~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Tianxing's journey to Jiuxuandongtian has already passed halfway.

At this time, he had been in the distortion of time and space, focusing on alchemy for a whole year!

After more than three hundred and sixty days of refining, the Nine Turns Star Rhyme Pill was finally released!


When the Nine Heavens Divine Cauldron was opened, nine divine lights of red, green and dark gold rose into the sky.

Inside the divine cauldron, there was the roar of dragons and phoenixes.

In the sky, the sun and the moon are rotating, and billions of stars appear and disappear.

The incomparably magnificent, mighty momentum, flourishes from the gods.

The surging aura of divine power also radiated from the divine cauldron, rolling up colorful waves in the twisted time and space.

Under such a vision of heaven and earth, a thumb-sized pill with shining stars rose slowly.


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