Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3641: Never die

"this is too scary!"

"This person's strength is so terrifying?"

It was a long time before the high priest and Tao Yuxing recovered, their expressions were very ugly.

The atmosphere is very heavy and depressing.

Although it was not the gluttonous people who died, none of the three of them had the intention of gloating at misfortune, and they felt a great deal of pressure.

Tao Yongsheng added another low tone.

"However, that kid killed everyone and suffered heavy injuries himself. He is fleeing with injuries."

The high priest frowned, and said thoughtfully: "Even so, Long Tian's strength is very terrifying, even not under this seat.

Before in Star Devouring Cave, he might be eager to escape because he was worried that we would be siege by the clan.

It's hard to imagine, if he broke the cauldron and went to a decisive battle with us in the Star Devouring Cave, what trauma would it bring to our race? "

Tao Yuxing hesitated for a moment, then plucked up the courage to ask: "Patriarch, high priest, then we have to continue... continue to hunt him down?"

Seeing that they both turned their heads and looked at them with sharp eyes, he suddenly shrank his neck and explained: "I'm not afraid, but I just don't think we need to make any sacrifices.

Even if we stop him and fight another battle, we can kill him to avenge the people.

However, we are bound to die a few more elders...

At that time, even if he is dead, we will be hit hard, and it will be difficult to recover our vitality for thousands of years! "

The sharp eyes of the high priest suddenly became much softer.

After thinking for a while, he also nodded in agreement.

"Patriarch, our loss is big enough, please think twice."

Tao Yongsheng was silent for a moment before he grinned and sneered: "The matter has reached this point, let me stop now?

The tribe has died, the mineral veins have been taken away, and the face of the gluttonous tribe has been lost.

You let me give up now?

Ha ha ha ha... Then what face does my race have?

How to convince the public in the future? How to deter surrounding domains? "

The high priest and Tao Yuxing were silent immediately.

Tao Yongsheng continued: "Qingqi tribe has also died a guardian, three elders, now I give up chasing after killing, will the **** death promise?

Do you want to break the alliance between the two races and let the blood fall against my race? "

"This..." the high priest was speechless.

Tao Yuxing waved his hand quickly, condemning him with ashamed expression: "Subordinates are convicted, please calm down the patriarch's anger."

At this moment, in the sky not far away, two divine lights flew from the city.

Tao Yongsheng raised his head and glanced, and said blankly: "The two elders are here, we should leave.

First go to the battlefield on the border to check the situation, and then meet with Xue Shang, and join forces to intercept Long Tian! "

The high priest was stunned for a moment, and asked in disbelief, "Blood mortal actually did it himself?"

Tao Yongsheng nodded and said blankly: "Yes! He wants to avenge the dead guardian and elder.

However, he attached two conditions.

One is that the previously negotiated conditions are doubled, and the other is... he wants Long Tian's body and Godhead. "

Tao Yuxing frowned fiercely, and said angrily: "The blood of the Dragon Clan of Long Tian, ​​isn't it bloody?"

Tao Yongsheng said solemnly: "The dragon blood belongs to him, and the Feng and Jinpeng people belong to this seat."

The high priest and Tao Yuxing were silent immediately.

Although, no matter how you look at this transaction, it is a big loss.

But this is also no way. For the dignity of the gluttonous people, we must do it anyway.


The Sky Burial Sword has been flying continuously all day.

But Ji Tianxing had been practicing in retreat for fifty days in the twisted time and space.

The fragments of the godheads of the eight gods were all swallowed and refined by him.

Before, he thought that it takes some chance and life crisis to stimulate his potential and break through to the sixth layer of the God King Realm.

Unexpectedly, after refining eight fragments of the godhead and depriving forty laws of the gods, he successfully broke through.

After all, the strength of the eight **** kings is not bad, and the quality of the godhead fragments is extremely high.

There are not only five middle **** kings, but also three upper **** kings.

The most important thing is that there is a left guard who has a profound strength and has practiced for more than 20,000 years. He is the **** king of the eighth realm!

Now, Ji Tianxing has not only reached the sixth level of the Divine King Realm, but his strength has increased more than six times.

The laws of the gods he mastered have reached five hundred and eighty ways!

Even if he is able to fight against the powerful **** king of the Ninth Stage, he can fight more calmly.

After finishing his practice, Ji Tianxing opened his eyes, and a gratifying smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I thought that to break through the Sixth Level of the God King, I would also need the Nine Turns Star Rhythm Pill. I didn't expect it to be so smooth.

This is also thanks to the few **** kings, especially the Zuo Hufa of the Qiongqi tribe.

His skill alone is worth four domain masters. "

Ji Tianxing planned to keep the Nine Turns Star Rhyme Pill, and then use it when he hits the upper **** king.

After all, there must be a huge bottleneck from the sixth stage to the seventh stage of the **** king.

Without major opportunities, it will be difficult to break through!

According to the previous plan, after Ji Tianxing's retreat is over, he will open the furnace to refine the nine-turn star rhyme pill.

But he remembered a very important thing.

So he left Twisted Time and Space and went to the third floor of the tower.


With a flash of white light, Ji Tianxing appeared on the cold and gloomy wasteland.

Divine consciousness spread, covering a radius of 70,000 li.

Soon, he found Bai Feng.

It is the very center of the wasteland. There is an oasis with a radius of thousands of miles. There are mountains and waters, and the scenery is very pleasant.

Right above the oasis, there are nine divine beads suspended in the sky, bright and dazzling golden light, illuminating the entire oasis.

In the depths of the oasis, a magnificent golden palace was built on a towering mountain peak as high as three thousand feet.

The palace is surrounded by divine light and white clouds, as well as colorful birds and beasts.

Even among them, there are not only spirit cranes, but also various rare spirit birds.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing was a little surprised, and immediately understood something, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He flew through the sky for tens of thousands of miles and appeared outside the magnificent palace.

Not long after, in a secret room of the palace, he saw Bai Feng who was healing his injuries.

"You made these?"

Ji Tianxing looked at him ~www.ltnovel.com~ and asked with a smile.

Bai Feng was a little wary, and quickly explained, "This space is too dark and desolate, and it's totally unsuitable for cultivation and healing.

Therefore, I moved a part of the landscape and creatures of the inner world.

Only by living in such a place can I practice with peace of mind and steadfastness. "

Obviously, he was worried that Ji Tianxing would blame him and let him remove these landscapes and palaces.

He was really reluctant to continue sitting on the cold and dark wasteland.

That feeling, like being imprisoned or exiled, is too shabby!

Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing did not criticize him, he just smiled and said: "You have also cultivated the inner world? Unexpectedly, you also mastered the magical powers of belief and nurtured the people of a world?"

"Uh..." Bai Feng's expression was a bit awkward, and he could only nod his head without explaining more.

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