Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3634: Kill one by one

The Six Elders only explained a few words for the sake of the face of the Qiongqi Clan.

But it's a pity that he didn't explain, and it was even more embarrassing for the Qiongqi tribe to explain.

Moreover, Zuo Hufa has always been a temperament that cherishes words like gold, and has always been ruthless.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and his eyes flashed at the sixth elder.

The Sixth Elder shivered in fright, and immediately shut up and looked away.

The four domain masters are certainly not fools. While understanding the truth of the matter, they also knew that the Qiongqi tribe was ashamed and Zuo Hufa was in anger.

As a result, they spread out very interestingly, using their magical powers to search for the traces of Ji Tianxing, and saying some words to resolve the embarrassment.

"That **** little beast, as Patriarch Tao said, is extremely sinister and cunning!"

"Yeah! It's because we underestimated the enemy so much that we let that guy hide."

"Ha ha ha... That kid is afraid of us after all, so he didn't dare to face him head-on, so he became a tortoise."

"Everyone will work together to get that kid out as soon as possible, and he must be broken into pieces!"

On the surface, it sounds like they are discussing tactics.

But in fact, they are also justifying the four kings of the Qiongqi tribe and alleviating the embarrassing atmosphere.

This action really worked, Zuo Hufa's gloomy expression eased a lot, and he closed his eyes and continued searching.

"Huh! Huh!"

Next, the eight powerful **** kings were scattered and carefully searched every inch of space in the world of 100,000 miles.

Not only the sky and the earth, they even searched the outer three-layer and outer three-layer space with space secret techniques.

But it is a pity that the people searched for a quarter of an hour and still no results.

They can all vaguely sense that there is a strange breath of divine power remaining between the heavens and the earth, which should belong to Longtian.

But no matter what method they use, they just can't find him.

Obviously, Ji Tianxing performed the same trick again, using the secret technique of the chaotic sky, and merged with the two hundred thousand miles of heaven and earth.

In other words, he is the world with a radius of 200,000 miles, and this world is him.

Eight **** kings are right in front of him, but no one can find him.

This should be the most brilliant concealment technique, right?

With Ji Tianxing's current realm of strength, coupled with the profound attainments of the Chaotic Sky Secret Technique, I am afraid that only the pinnacle **** king and the **** emperor can see the clues.

These eight powerful **** kings, even if they want to break their heads, can't guess the answer.

However, blindly hiding and avoiding is not the purpose of Ji Tianxing.

The reason why he hides it is because he is still not sure, how many strong **** kings intercepted him?

What status and strength are these powerful gods?

Now, half an hour has passed.

He secretly listened to the conversations of several **** kings, and probably figured out the identities of the eight **** kings.

At the same time, he also saw clearly the realm of strength of the eight gods.

Incarnate in the world, he thought silently in his mind: "There are only four domain masters, sub-domain masters, and four Qiongqi tribe **** kings? No other **** king ambushes here?"

He has turned into a world of 200,000 miles, and of course he can clearly detect that there are only these eight gods within 200,000 miles.

In addition, there are six elite blood killers, all ant-like characters, which he selectively ignored.

"If there are two **** kings of the Nine Stages, maybe I will have to take some thoughts to hunt down some **** kings and then try to escape.

Since there is only so little power, then I laughed at it, ha ha ha..."

Having mastered the almost perfect devouring supernatural power, these eight gods are no different from nourishment and supernatural power in Ji Tianxing's eyes.

Soon, he began a silent hunting operation.

The first one he stared at was the deputy domain master of the Gan Yang domain.

This guy is a middle-ranked **** king, with only the strength of the fifth level of the **** king realm.

He was in the east of the battlefield, exploring the surrounding 30,000 miles alone.

The nearest Ganyang domain lord and the eighth elder of the Qiongqi tribe were all 30,000 miles away.

With a thought, Ji Tianxing appeared behind him out of thin air, no more than a thousand feet apart.

He is focusing on releasing his spiritual consciousness with all his strength and exploring the alien space around him.

Ji Tianxing appeared suddenly, bringing up a very faint, almost imperceptible spatial fluctuation.

Because the distance was too close, he still noticed the abnormality, and subconsciously turned and swung his sword.

But unfortunately, his speed is still a step slower.

"call out!"

Ji Tianxing had already raised the Sky Burial Sword, piercing a little golden light and cold light, and then disappeared and returned to the world.

He is very confident about this sword.

This is one of his kendo magical powers, the daylight sword.

The deputy domain master of the Gan Yang domain only saw the cold light that was as big as sesame seeds, which instantly expanded ten million times before his eyes.

In the next instant, he was swallowed by the dazzling sword light.


In the deafening sound, the daylight sword, which resembled a scorching sun and meteor, blasted the sub-domain master of the Ganyang Region into shards, splashing out countless divine light fragments.

He was like ice and snow under the scorching sun, his divine body collapsed and quickly melted and disappeared.

Only the most tenacious godhead, without melting of ice and snow, was blasted into more than 20 pieces of debris, scattered from the sky.

The soft armor he wore, the divine sword in his hand, and the specially refined robes were all shattered and distorted by the blast, and countless fragments were scattered.

Only the space ring was the least damaged, and it was still well preserved, falling from the sky together.

Before the sky fragments landed, the Ganyang domain master and the eighth elder of the Qiongqi tribe, 30,000 miles away, noticed the abnormal situation and turned their heads to look at the place where the incident happened.

When the two of them saw the scene of the Ganyang Domain Deputy Domain Master exploding on the spot, their bodies were broken and their eyes widened and their faces were shocked.

"The **** thief, did a sneak attack? And it's still a spike?"

"Even if his strength is slightly lower, he is the fifth level of the Divine King Realm. He was killed by a single move before he could warn him and escape?"

These thoughts flashed in their minds at the same time, and they were all shocked.

In the next moment, the two **** kings reacted, and they felt scared and became very vigilant.

Now that the kid started sneak attack and killed a **** king, then it is likely that one of them will be next.

Almost when the two of them had this idea...

Behind the eight elders ~www.ltnovel.com~ a figure appeared silently.

White robe, tall and burly body, a dragon horn on the forehead, and golden dragon scales on the surface.

There is no doubt that it is Ji Tianxing.

The eighth elder was just a middle-level **** king of the sixth stage.

On the realm of strength, it is a little higher than Ji Tianxing.

In terms of real combat power, ten of them were not enough for Ji Tianxing to kill.

"call out!"

Ji Tianxing was shocked, another sword pierced out, and he quickly disappeared and returned to heaven and earth.

He was extremely confident in this sword, and did not give the Eighth Elder a chance to fight back or evade.

The reason why he appeared for an instant, after stabbing a sword, and hiding in the world, was that he didn't want to expose more information and let other **** kings see the flaws.

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