Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3628: Big loss

It didn't take long for Tao Yongsheng to receive replies from various forces.

After reading the replies from all parties, his expression was a bit complicated.

Things are just as he guessed.

After the four domain masters received his subpoena, they all readily agreed.

Especially the clear sky domain masters and the Ganyang domain masters, without even asking about the rewards and conditions, they agreed.

After all, the sky is in the clear sky, and the Ganyang area is next door.

These two domain masters are more familiar with the gluttonous tribe, and they have to rely on the breath of the gluttonous and qiongqi tribes in order to be firmly in the position of domain master.

Tao Yongsheng personally sent a message and asked them to help. How dare they not agree?

The other two domain owners, although they mentioned the remuneration, asked about the basic situation of Long Tian.

But they didn't hesitate, so they agreed and gave Tao Yongsheng a lot of face.

Only the poor clan...very difficult.

The patriarch of the Qiongqi tribe neither agreed to Tao Yongsheng's request nor refused directly.

Rather, it's not tiresome to ask, who are you going to intercept?

What is the person's appearance, appearance and characteristics?

What is the state of strength? What blood race is it?

What artifact? What are the special supernatural powers and talents?

Why did that person become enemies with the gluttonous clan?

What happened before?

There are so many strong gluttonous people, how can someone help?

There must be something weird in this?

All in all, Patriarch Qiongqi was very suspicious and asked very detailed questions.

What he said revealed a message inside and out.

Have to add money!

Tao Yongsheng patiently explained the basic situation of Long Tian and what happened before.

Of course, those things that embarrassed and embarrassed the gluttonous clan, he had done it all in one stroke, so as not to be laughed at by the patriarch Qiongqi.

as predicted.

Patriarch Qiongqi deliberated and considered for a long time before giving him a reply.

This is a favor, you can help.

However, he offered a huge reward and attached two conditions that made Tao Yongsheng a headache.

First, Tao Yongsheng had to come up with ore worth 300 billion.

Secondly, every hundred years in the future, the gluttonous tribe will have to give the Qiongqi tribe a stellar vein.

Then, the gluttonous family's property in the Ganyang domain had to be revoked 50% to give the Qiongqi family a profit.

Sure enough, the lion opened his mouth!

After Tao Yongsheng read the jade slip of the communication, he smashed the slip of the communication angrily, almost swearing.

"Despicable bastard, why don't you grab it?"

Tao Yongsheng roared in anger, his angry face distorted.

The high priest and Tao Yuxing were very nervous, and after most of his anger dissipated, they cautiously asked why.

They were also full of resentment and cursing when they learned of the conditions offered by the patriarch of Qiongqi.

"Damn beast, when my tribe used to help the Qiongqi tribe, when did this seat be as ruthless as him?

This is a favor, even if he doesn't help! "

Tao Yongsheng cursed fiercely, and took out the jade slip to send a message to Patriarch Qiongqi in reply.

"Bloodshang Patriarch, our two clans are an alliance.

Originally, I had high hopes and trust in you.

But the conditions you put forward made me very disappointed.

Excuse me, just assume that I haven't said anything. "

Tao Yongsheng's reply was calm and indifferent.

But it didn't take long for Patriarch Xueshang to return a message to him.


The jade slip flew from the sky and landed in front of Tao Yongsheng.

He stretched out his hand to take the jade slip, and divine consciousness invaded it.

Suddenly, the hearty laughter of **** sorrow sounded in his mind.

"Hahahaha... Brother Tao calmed down his anger, I just made a joke with you just now.

Since we are a fraternal alliance, of course we must help each other to develop and grow and last forever.

Now that Brother Tao is in trouble, how could this seat stand by?

So, the second condition is ruled out. This constellation only needs 300 billion ore. From now on, Brother Tao will give this constellation a star vein..."

There is no doubt that the harsh conditions put forward by Patriarch Qiongqi were just to test Tao Yongsheng's bottom line.

Seeing Tao Yongsheng's decisive refusal, Patriarch Qiongqi lowered his remuneration and conditions.

Most of Tao Yongsheng's anger dissipated, and he patiently replied to Patriarch Qiongqi, and the two began to bargain.

After three subpoenas, the two finally reached a consensus.

The gluttonous tribe only needs to pay 300 billion worth of ore, and every two hundred years, give the Qiongqi tribe a star ore vein until ten ore veins are filled.

This result is acceptable to both patriarchs.

"Huh... this **** guy, finally negotiated!"

After the deal was concluded, Tao Yongsheng breathed a sigh of relief and cursed in a low voice.

Although the deal was negotiated, there was always a thorn in his heart.

No matter how he counts, he feels that he has lost a lot.

Before in Star Devouring Cave Sky, he not only failed to kill Long Tian, ​​but also caused him to severely inflict the gluttonous camp and wound the foundation of the gluttonous people.

Now, in order to ask the Qiongqi Clan for help, he has to bleed again.

Calculating carefully, Long Tian's life is worth more than three trillion!

With such a terrifying value, you are almost catching up with the son of the Dragon Emperor, right?

Thinking of this, Tao Yongsheng felt depressed and vomited blood, wishing to break Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji into pieces.

"Two idiots! Why did you provoke Longtian and bring him into the Star Devouring Cave Sky?"

The origin of all this lies in Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji.

If it weren't for the two of them seeking money and killing, the gluttonous clan would not be so embarrassed!

At this moment, the high priest on the side asked, "Patriarch, have you settled with Patriarch Qiongqi?"

"Yeah." Tao Yongsheng nodded slightly: "The conditions have been negotiated."

The high priest nodded to express his understanding, and asked, "Will he take the shot himself? How many people will he take?"

"Huh?" Tao Yongsheng was taken aback and frowned, "I didn't ask about this, I'll send you a question."

After finishing speaking, he took out the jade slip of the communication and sent it to the patriarch of Qiongqi, Bloodstain.

This time, it took half an hour for Xue Shang to reply to him.

When Tao Yongsheng saw the reply in the jade slip of the transmission, he was immediately furious and cocked his nose.

"Brother Tao, I am practicing magic in retreat. I really can't walk away. I can't do it myself.

However, this seat sent Zuo Hufa and three elders, plus hundreds of elites from the Blood Killing Hall, is that interesting? "

This is the original words of the patriarch of Qiongqi~www.ltnovel.com~ The tone reveals the meaning of "I do things, you can rest assured".

Tao Yong's angry face was blue, and he hurriedly sent a message to Xueshang, asking him to send more manpower and the upper **** king.

He emphatically reminded Xueshang that Long Tian, ​​the target to be intercepted this time, was not the upper **** king, but was better than the upper **** king.

However, the message that Xueshang returned to him revealed a nonchalant tone.

"It's nothing more than a young dragon clan who is not famous. Even with some means, where can he go?

Brother Tao, you also said that Long Tian is not your opponent.

In this case, the Zuo Hufa and the three elders of our clan are just helping you intercept Long Tian.

The one who really kills Longtian must be you, Brother Tao!

Don't you want to avenge yourself? "

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