Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3621: With the sword in my hand

It stands to reason that Tao Yongsheng hosted a banquet in honor of Ji Tianxing.

There should be not only guards but also maids in the palace.

But there was no guard inside or outside the palace, and there was not even a maid.

What's more, when everyone stepped into the hall of the palace, Ji Tianxing found that the hall was empty.

There is neither a dining table nor delicious food.

Only the cold crystal blue stone ground and eight black rock pillars.

Of course, there are several rock statues in the corners around the hall, which are also cold.

"Haha...Since you want to act, then do it to the end."

Standing at the entrance of the hall, Ji Tianxing looked around the hall and couldn't help but sneer: "Unexpectedly, Patriarch Tao was so impatient that he wouldn't even perform the most critical play for the last step?"

Tao Yongsheng and several elders frowned, and cold light and murderous intent flashed under their eyes.

Especially Tao Yongsheng, looking at Ji Tianxing with a sneer on his face, asked in a playful tone: "Young Master Long, what are you talking about? Why don't you understand me?"

The high priest and several elders were silent, and they all quietly dispersed, blocking the entrance of the hall to prevent Ji Tianxing and Pengfei from escaping.

Peng Fei realized that it was not good, and immediately frowned, looking at the elders vigilantly.

Ji Tianxing was still calm and calm, turned his head to look at Tao Yongsheng, and said with a sneer: "Patriarch Tao, it's all here, do you still have to pretend to be stupid?

The king has come here and stepped into the trap you laid.

Don't waste time, act quickly and make a quick decision. "

Ji Tianxing has said so clearly.

Tao Yongsheng and several gluttonous elders, unable to act anymore, tore off their disguise, revealing their true colors.

"I wanted to give you a surprise, but I didn't expect you to find out long ago.

Alas, this is so boring! "

Tao Yongsheng put away a sneer, shook his head and sighed.

The high priest and several elders were also surprised by Ji Tianxing's reaction.

"I thought I could cross the sea without telling the truth, but we all underestimated you!"

"Boy, what if you see through our conspiracy? You are already under siege and you will die!"

"Ha ha ha ha... the noble dragon bloodline will immediately belong to us.

No matter what means and background you have, it is all useless. Even if the Dragon Emperor comes today, it will not save you! "

While talking, several elders sacrificed their swords and sneered, and burst out with a terrifying murderous aura.

Tao Yongsheng also waved his hands, shot a dozen divine lights, and sank into the palace walls.

In the next instant, the "swishwww" lights around the palace soared to the sky, and a dim red light mask appeared in an instant.

The king-level superb seal sacred formation was activated, sealing the entire palace, releasing the invisible majestic power, suppressing Ji Tianxing and Pengfei.

Among the crowd, the two most excited were Tao Rongxing and Tao Yuxing.

Both of them were holding magic swords and grinning cruelly on their faces. They laughed very proudly, "Hahahaha...Long Tian, ​​you are in the middle!

Do you think the patriarch will uphold justice for you and punish both of us?

you are too naive!

If it wasn't for the overall situation, the patriarch would have killed you three days ago! "

"Ha ha ha ha... Even if you are noble and strong, what about it?

In the hands of our gluttonous people, you don't want to go out alive!

For nearly ten thousand years, I don't know how many dragon **** kings like you were killed by us in this way, and they couldn't look at them until they died. "

Three days ago, Tao Yongsheng reprimanded them in public and threatened to punish them severely.

This made them very wronged and ashamed in front of the gluttonous people.

For these three days, they both had been holding back their anger, patiently waiting for the moment of revenge.

Now, finally no longer need to pretend, they can kill the enemy with their own hands, they are more excited than anyone else.

Ji Tianxing's eyes swept across Tao Rongxing and Tao Yuxing coldly, and finally his eyes fell on Tao Yongsheng.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he said in a contemptuous tone: "In fact, as early as in Wangchuan Palace, when they joined hands to deal with this king, this king has already seen through the true face of the gluttonous clan.

As the saying goes, a dog can't change eating shit.

The gluttonous tribe is a greedy, cunning, bloodthirsty, and tyrannical, despicable race, how can it be possible to change from evil?

Therefore, Tao Yongsheng did not believe a word of what Tao Yongsheng said three days ago!

From then on, this king has anticipated that you will use a more detailed plan to gather the most powerful forces to kill this king with one blow. "

"Papa......" Tao Yongsheng couldn't help applauding Ji Tianxing, sneered and said, "What a long time ago!

In the past few thousand years, there are not one hundred and eighty dragon kings who have been killed by this seat.

But most of the dragon kings were deceived by this seat, and it was not until this seat raised the butcher knife that they begged for mercy in horror.

Only a handful of Dragon God Kings can see through the intentions of this seat.

But they were not calm enough, they all fled and resisted in panic.

They will reveal their background and backing, and I hope this seat can let them go.

Either it is to bring out all kinds of treasures and belongings, and hope this seat will spare them..."

At this point, Tao Yongsheng paused.

He stared at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, and said in a low tone: "Only you are the most special. You can not only see through the intention of this seat, but also keep calm and composed.

Even knowing that death is imminent, can still be so calm and confident.

People who don’t know thought that you designed to ambush us and want to catch us all!

I really want to know, where does your courage and confidence come from? "

Although Tao Yongsheng's tone was low and serious, the high priest and several elders couldn't help but want to laugh.

After all, this is too ironic and too funny.

Ji Tianxing put away his sneer and joking, staring at Tao Yongsheng blankly, a cold light flashed in his right hand, and he sacrificed the Heaven Burying Sword.

"With the sword in my hand!"

He shouted in a solemn and solemn tone, and instantly swung his sword towards Tao Yongsheng!

No one was guarded, Ji Tianxing, who was under a heavy siege and was bound to die, was so resolute and cruel.

He didn't wait for Tao Yongsheng and others to take action~www.ltnovel.com~ He dared to assassinate Tao Yongsheng first!

How confident and bold is this?

However, Tao Yongsheng, as the gluttonous patriarch, is also a powerhouse of the Ninth Level of the Divine King Realm.

He was prepared for Ji Tianxing's sudden attack, and he was not surprised at all.

When the dazzling sword light came straight to his door, he teleported a hundred feet without hesitation and appeared at the other end of the hall.


The dazzling sword light almost brushed Tao Yongsheng's shoulder, but he didn't hurt him at all, and he avoided it perfectly.

only. .

Tao Yongsheng was strong enough, he was prepared for a long time, and was able to avoid this sword.

The elders standing behind him had no time to escape.

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