Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3617: Starry Cliff

Tao Yongsheng said to Ji Tianxing that after ascertaining the truth of the matter, Tao Rongxing and Tao Yuxing will be punished severely.

But his punishment to the two elders was so... slight.

Except for the warning and shock, it did not cause any substantial damage to the two elders.

Anyway, their salaries as elders are not high, and only a few hundred million sacred stones have been accumulated over thousands of years.

Like them, who is not a rich man with hundreds of billions of wealth?

Their source of wealth does not depend on the salaries of the gluttonous people.

Therefore, Tao Rongxing and Tao Yuxing were full of joy and hurriedly bowed in salute to thank them.

"The decision of the patriarch, we are convinced!"

"Thank you to the patriarch for his extra-lawful kindness, we must bear in mind your teachings and will never make the same mistake again!"

After the two elders bowed their gratitude, Tao Yongsheng waved his hand and continued: "The punishment is also punished. Now you tell me, what is the origin of the dragon sky?

And you said that he seems to have a guard?

What is going on here? "

Tao Rongxing hurriedly replied: "Patriarch Qi, that Long Tian was scammed by Wang Chuan and Chang Ji who met by chance in the Yiyue Mountains.

At that time, there was a guard beside Long Tian, ​​it was a golden-winged roc of the upper gods...

Although Long Tian and the Jinpeng were both seriously injured, Wang Chuan realized that Long Tian was very strong, so he came to us in private and asked us to help.

And when we entered Wangchuan Palace and attacked Longtian, we discovered that his strength was really strong, comparable to the upper gods!

Moreover, he also took three guards from the Divine King Realm with him.

Those three guards seemed to be all gods, there was a high-ranking **** king of the Phoenix bloodline, and the other two were both middle-ranking **** kings. "

After listening to Tao Rongxing's explanation, Tao Yongsheng frowned, his eyes sparkling with scorching light.

"It's no wonder that Wangchuan Palace was destroyed, Wangchuan, the leader and twenty guards were killed, and you two were also seriously injured.

Unexpectedly, he seemed to be alone, but he actually took four guards with him?

Moreover, among the four guards, there is actually the blood of Jin Peng and Feng clan? "

Speaking of this, Tao Yongsheng's mouth evoked a bloodthirsty sneer, and his eyes licked the corner of his mouth greedily.

"He is the top dragon bloodline, and the guards around him are Jinpeng and Feng bloodlines.

Ha ha ha... Although Wang Chuan and Chang Ji died, I have to say that the luck of these two guys is really incredible!

They are the lucky stars of our family! "

The high priest hurriedly nodded in agreement, and said with a gloomy sneer: "Regardless of the blood of the Dragon, Phoenix, or Jinpeng tribe, they are all stronger than the blood of our Gourmet tribe.

It happened that the patriarch had been practicing in retreat, but stopped at the Ninth Level of the Divine King Realm, and could not reach the peak.

It's really time for these aliens to come, and the great opportunity of the patriarch has finally arrived! "

Tao Rongxing and Tao Yuxing understood instantly that the patriarch would not let Long Tian and his guards go.

Those three noble bloodlines must be swallowed by the patriarch to strengthen his bloodlines and enhance his strength!

In other words, the two of them tossed this for nothing, but they couldn't even get the root hair.

Not only was he severely injured, he was also fined by the patriarch for a thousand years of salary.

It's really a steal!

Both of them are a little depressed thinking about it.

However, the patriarch has been very kind to them.

They can't ask for anything, let alone express their dissatisfaction.

After a moment of silence, Tao Yuxing asked, "Patriarch, now the situation is clear, when will you make the move?"

"No hurry." Tao Yongsheng waved his hand, showing a confident smile, and said: "The cooked duck can't fly!

Moreover, you have already failed once, and things will definitely spread all over the Devouring Star Cave and be known to the people of the tribe.

We must take a long-term plan and plan carefully before we make a move, and we must not fail! "

The high priest nodded slightly and agreed: "That's right! The patriarch can only succeed if he takes a shot, and there must be no mistakes.

Otherwise, it will damage the majesty of the patriarch.

In addition, this matter cannot be resolved here, it will arouse criticism from the people.

I propose to put it on Starry Cliff..."

The Starry Cliff is a cliff with a height of ten thousand feet and close to the space barrier.

It is just north of the Taotie camp, ninety thousand miles away.

In other words, that is the northern edge of Star Devouring Cave Sky, off the beaten track.

But it is close to the space barrier, you can enjoy the vast starry sky without any obstruction, and bathe in the brilliance of billions of stars.

Therefore, the stars of the Starry Cliff are extremely abundant, and they have become a treasure and scenic spot in the Starry Cave.

On weekdays, Fanxing Cliff is blocked by the gods and only the patriarch, elders and deacons can enter.

Hearing the high priest's proposal, Tao Rongxing and Tao Yuxing both brightened their eyes and nodded in agreement.

"That's right! It is the safest place in Starry Cliff. No matter what happens there, the people will not know."

"The high priest is still thoughtful! Even if the time comes to fight and make a huge noise, it will not be passed on here."

Tao Yongsheng frowned and weighed it for a moment before he nodded and agreed to the proposal.

"Okay, then do as the high priest said!"

Subsequently, he began to give orders and arrange a series of tasks for everyone.

"Pass the order to the Great Elder, let him and the other four elders, keep a close watch on Long Tian, ​​and never allow him to leave Wuxian Palace for half a step.

Rong Xing, Yu Xing, you immediately enter the ancestral altar to treat your injuries as soon as possible.

High priest, you take twenty elite masters, and follow this constellation to Starry Cliff.

This constellation has to go to the Starry Cliff to arrange it and prepare in advance to ensure that it is foolproof. "

The high priest and the two elders all said and obeyed, bowed and resigned, and went on their mission.

After a quarter of an hour, the high priest quietly summoned twenty elite masters, followed Tao Yongsheng to Fanxing Cliff, and arranged traps in advance.


There is already an undercurrent surging in the camp of the gluttonous people.

In the past two days, thousands of gluttonous people have been discussing one thing.

In the camp, a young dragon clan fought with two elders, destroyed Wangchuan Palace and killed 20 guards.

In the end, the dragon youth was safe and sound, and the patriarch severely punished the two elders.

Just because the two elders were not right in their minds~www.ltnovel.com~, they conspired to kill the dragon young man and wanted to seize his dragon bloodline.

Thousands of gluttonous people are feeling, and they are more and more in awe and admiration for the patriarch.

"The patriarch usually teaches us that if we are not strong enough, we must keep a low profile and forbearance, and never provoke strong enemies.

Those two elders were also confused, and even dared to provoke the Dragon God King. Isn't this setting up a strong enemy for our clan? "

"Yeah! Fortunately, the patriarch came forward in time to stabilize the young dragon clan, and this matter did not cause a big deal.

If the news spreads, or spreads to the dragon clan, not only will our clan’s reputation be damaged, but the dragon clan’s revenge will also be met! "

"The patriarch took great pains for our peace and tranquility."

"I heard that in order to quell this incident, the patriarch severely reprimanded and punished the two elders, just to give the dragon king a satisfactory explanation..."

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