Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3615: Clean up the portal?

The sudden roar was low and majestic.

Not only Tao Rongxing and Tao Yuxing stopped fleeing, but Ji Tianxing, Bai Feng and others stopped chasing after them.

Even the dozens of gluttonous people who were armed with swords and prepared to intercept Ji Tianxing and others stopped one after another.

The field suddenly became quiet.


A cold light flashed, and more than forty gluttonous people put away their swords, and put on a posture to watch the excitement.

Ji Tianxing glanced at the palace not far away, quietly opened the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, and collected Baifeng, Chaoqingyu and Yanke in.

He was the only one left in the field, with dozens of gluttonous people in front of him, and dilapidated ruins behind him.

At this moment, a dazzling blood light lit up in the most sacred and solemn palace.


With a flash of blood, a man in purple armor with a height of three feet tall and strong like a hill appeared in front of everyone.

This is a gluttonous man who looks very cumbersome and bloated. He is covered with dark red scales and his curly hair is red as fire.

Wearing a heavy purple armor, he stood in the field like a mountain, giving people an extremely strong sense of oppression.

Many gluttonous people did not dare to look at him, and they lowered their heads and saluted respectfully.

"See Lord Patriarch!"

There is no doubt that this small mountain-like gluttonous man is the gluttonous patriarch, Tao Yongsheng!

The field is very quiet.

Tao Yongsheng looked at Ji Tianxing expressionlessly, looked at the ruins behind him, and then turned to look at the seriously injured Tao Rongxing and Tao Yuxing.

Ji Tianxing stood indifferently on the spot, also looking at Tao Yongsheng.

He only knew the name of the gluttonous patriarch, but didn't understand his nature.

Therefore, he could not predict what would happen next.

At the same time, in the two nearby palaces, a few more rays of blood light up.

Six or seven gluttonous experts from the Divine King Realm came to the field one after another.

Among these people, in addition to the high priest of the gluttonous tribe, there are several elders.

They are not making noise, nor yelling.

After arriving, they stood quietly behind Tao Yongsheng, watching Ji Tianxing silently.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing is a dragon clan, and seeing the ruins behind him, and the embarrassed Tao Rongxing two, the elders all showed a trace of surprise.

After a moment of silence, Tao Yongsheng took the lead and asked in a low tone: "Who can tell me what is going on?"

He had been practicing in retreat before, and he didn't know what happened.

The movement of people fighting and fighting just now was so loud that it disturbed his cultivation.

Therefore, he was full of anger and his face was very gloomy.

The villain Tao Rongxing first filed a complaint, and he couldn't wait to say: "Chairman Qi, the young dragon from the dragon clan is called Long Tian, ​​and we kindly invited him to visit Star Devouring Cave.

Unexpectedly, he even coveted our clan's resources and treasures and slaughtered in Wangchuan Palace..."

Tao Yuxing also shouted in grief and indignation: "The patriarch, the deacons Wangchuan and Changji have already lost his life.

Twenty guards were also killed by him and his companions.

Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise we would also be killed by his sword! "

The words of the two were extremely provocative. When dozens of gluttonous people around listened to it, they were filled with righteous indignation and the same enemy, staring at Ji Tianxing.

But this kind of nonsense will only be believed by the gluttonous people.

The high priest and several elders didn't react, their expressions were indifferent.

Tao Yongsheng was noncommittal, looking at Ji Tianxing, and asked, "Young man, what do you want to say?"

Hearing his words, Tao Rongxing and Tao Yuxing suddenly changed their faces.

The patriarch clearly didn't believe their rhetoric and gave Ji Tianxing a chance to defend.

Ji Tianxing also raised his eyebrows, and a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Before this king thought that the gluttonous people were greedy, cunning and vicious people.

Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji showed great enthusiasm and kind invitation to the king. When the king came to the Star Devouring Cave, they secretly colluded with the two elders to murder the king and his guards.

This made this king very disappointed and hated the gluttonous clan!

Now it seems that this king has wronged you. I didn’t expect that the patriarch of Taotie understood righteousness and distinguished right from wrong..."

What Ji Tianxing was most worried about before was that the patriarch Taotie and several elders, like Tao Rongxing and Tao Yuxing, did not care about benevolence, justice and morality at all, so they would tear their faces and fight when they met.

In that case, it would be very difficult for him to escape from the Star Devouring Cave.

But things were not as bad as he had expected. The gluttonous patriarch, high priest and several elders could still maintain their rationality and restraint for the time being.

This allows things to turn around.

Of course, Ji Tianxing just said so.

In fact, in his heart, he would never trust anyone from the gluttonous clan at all!

Tao Yongsheng grinned and smiled, nodding slightly, "Young man, you are also a reasonable person, I appreciate it!

Yes, our gluttonous people have always been hospitable, kind and generous.

For thousands of years since this seat has been in charge of the gluttonous clan, the number of alien races who have come to bite the stars and caves in the sky is not ten thousand but eight thousand.

But when have you heard that our gluttonous people will murder the lives of guests?

This is simply nonsense!

Even if there is some rumors from the outside world, it is also a rumor that is chasing after the wind, pure nonsense! "

After finishing talking, Tao Yongsheng pointed to Tao Rongxing and Tao Yuxing again, and said with indignation: "I really didn't expect this constellation. Normally, this constellation is so strictly disciplined and still fails to restrain these tribesmen.

Two scums actually appeared in the clan now, doing such an infuriating thing.

Don't worry, Long Tian, ​​this seat will definitely investigate the truth of the matter, severely punish and punish them to warn the tribe.

In addition, this incident was just an accident. It was the confusion of those two scums, and it definitely cannot represent the entire gluttonous clan..."

In front of everyone, Tao Yongsheng reprimanded Tao Rongxing and Tao Yuxing as scum, which brought shame to the gluttonous people.

The two elders were scolded with incomplete body and face, and they were ashamed and inexplicable.

But they couldn't refute ~www.ltnovel.com~ but they could only lower their heads, endure the humiliation, and put on a posture of admitting mistakes.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing smiled on his face, agreed with Tao Yongsheng's handling, and expressed satisfaction with his attitude.

But in fact, the more Tao Yongsheng explained and apologized to him, the colder his eyes became worse.

Because he had already seen it, Tao Yongsheng was a postponement.

I am afraid that Tao Yongsheng also moved to kill.

It's just that he didn't know the situation before him, so he tolerated it for the time being, and just played on the scene.

Ji Tianxing knew everything well.

After Tao Yongsheng apologized, he tentatively said: "Tao clan grows up to be selfless, upright and majestic, which really impresses this king.

Since Patriarch Tao wants to investigate the truth and clean up the door, the king will not bother him, so let’s say goodbye..."

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