Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3611: Uncovered

If it were before, Ji Tianxing would have to retreat for at least several decades before he would consume so many divine fruits, divine pills and source stones.

The total value of these things exceeds tens of billions.

But now, Ji Tianxing wants to swallow all of them and refine them in just a few days.

Not to improve strength, but to restore injury and strength as soon as possible.

Because he knew that there was not much time left for him.

As long as a few days or as short as a few hours, Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji will definitely take action.

Even if he could delay the time, it would only be a day or two.

Fortunately, he owns nine heavenly towers.

The flow of time in warped space-time is fifty times that of the outside world.

If he can postpone one day, he will be able to retreat in twisted time and space for fifty days.

Thinking about it this way, he still hopes to recover his injuries and strength.


Ji Tianxing sat cross-legged under the sacred tree of blood flames, urging the power of the dzi beads with both hands to create two whirlpools of white light.

The hundreds of divine fruits and king-level divine pills in front of him were instantly swallowed by two whirlpools of white light, turned into endless divine power, and entered his body.

With the help of the Tianzhu, the majestic and mighty divine power and medicinal power filled his limbs and corpses, rushing violently against his divine body.

Healing injuries is a long and gentle process, and it has to moisten things silently like a spring rain.

Only in this way can the injury be healed without damaging the foundation of Shinto.

Like Ji Tianxing, such violent and rapid treatment of his injuries caused great trauma to the body.

Although, his injury is healing quickly, being repaired by divine power and medicine.

But he always endured great pain, and it was also a great test of willpower.

Changing to be an ordinary God King would have long been unable to bear it.

But Ji Tianxing clenched his teeth and persisted without saying a word.

Time passed quietly.

He was pale and bulged, as if there were countless precious orbs rolling in flesh and blood.

The unspeakable pain caused him to sweat, and his hair and white robe were soaked.

As day after day passed, his internal and external injuries were quickly repaired.

After the trauma, bone and meridian injuries recovered, the internal organs began to heal.

Ten days later, the injuries of the internal organs recovered, and the godhead began to receive the washing of the divine power and the medicinal power, and gradually recovered.

At this time, the two whirlpools of white light in Ji Tianxing's palm began to frantically devour the mountain of source rocks.

In just five days, a full eight million source stones were swallowed by him.

His spirit injury recovered 80%, and his spirit became intact.

He did not continue to heal his wounds, but refining the remaining divine power to restore his own strength.

50%, 60%, 70%...

Twenty-five days later, the power of the **** fruit, **** pill, and source stone was all consumed.

Ji Tianxing's strength also recovered to 80%.

At this time, he seemed to be cured on the surface, no different from the peak period.

At least, no one could see that he was injured.

Originally, Ji Tianxing wanted to continue devouring cultivation resources and restore his skill to ten percent.

But it is a pity that Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji did not give him this opportunity.


Ji Tianxing recuperated in the twisted time and space for twenty-five days, and only half a day passed from the outside world.

That is six hours.

Of course, the sky in the Star Devouring Cave will always look the same, without day and night.

Under normal circumstances, this is actually one night.

"Boom boom boom!"

The stone door of the secret room was smashed and trembling, making a dull sound.

Apparently, someone knocked outside the secret room.

After more than ten muffled noises, seeing no response in the secret room, and Ji Tianxing has not yet appeared, the people outside the door shouted: "Dragon Lord, come out soon, we have important things to tell you!"

Ji Tianxing was awakened.

He had to leave the twisted time and space and return to the secret room.

Then, he put away the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers and opened the door of the secret room.

They saw Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji.

On both sides of the door of the secret room are two guards in red armor.

Behind Tao Wangchuan, Pengfei frowned and stood blankly.

Obviously, he was awakened by Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji first.

"What's the matter?"

Ji Tianxing looked at Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji, and asked with an unhappy expression.

Since he guessed that the other party was unpredictable, he didn't have a good face.

But Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji still pretended to be hospitable, with kind smiles on their faces.

"Young Master Long, you guys have a day off too.

Yesterday we reported this incident to the elders of the clan.

The two elders welcome your arrival, they have come to Wangchuan Palace, and want to visit you personally! "

Tao Wangchuan explained with a smile on his face.

Ji Tianxing frowned and asked knowingly: "Did you not say yesterday that you want to report the situation to the patriarch?"

Tao Changji quickly explained: "Oh...it's a pity that we didn't come back when the patriarch was practicing in retreat, so it's not convenient for us to bother.

But Lord Long, don't worry, the two elders receive you in the same way.

After the patriarch's retreat is over, we must report it as soon as possible. "

Ji Tianxing no longer pursues it, and slightly nodded, "Where are the two elders? Let's go and take a look."

Tao Wangchuan quickly reached out and made a'please' gesture, and said with a smile: "The two elders have been here long ago and are waiting for you in the living room."

After all, he and Tao Changji took Ji Tianxing and Pengfei to the palace living room.

On the way, Ji Tianxing was silent on the surface, and secretly used his spiritual knowledge to observe the situation.

I saw two middle-aged men from the gluttonous tribe, Zheng Da Ma Jindao sitting in the living room, secretly talking and laughing.

In addition, there are eight more guards of the gods in Wangchuan Palace.

The number of red armor guards has reached twenty!

Most importantly, Ji Tianxing vaguely noticed that Wangchuan Palace was shrouded by an invisible divine formation.

That king-level high-grade **** array sealed Wangchuan Palace, covering everything in the palace.

No matter the sound, sight or divine power fluctuations in the palace, they will not be noticed by people outside.

That's...it's wrong!

It can even be said that this is too obvious!

Ji Tianxing immediately realized that his guess was correct.

Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji hid the knives in their smiles, absolutely not at ease.

Today, it should be the time to see the poor.

After a while ~www.ltnovel.com~ everyone entered the spacious, brightly lit living room.

The two elders wearing purple robes still sat in the first place casually, condescendingly looking at Ji Tianxing and Pengfei.

Although their faces were smiling, their eyes were a little weird.

It seems to be a bit bright, hot, and vaguely revealing the meaning of greed.

"The three elders and the fourth elders, these two are Lord Long, and his guard Pengfei."

As soon as he entered the living room, Tao Wangchuan took the initiative to introduce the two elders.

The two elders nodded with a smile, ignoring Pengfei, and focused on Ji Tianxing.

"Haha... it really is the blood of the dragon clan, and it's so young to be so good!"

"Our time has arrived, hehehe..."

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