Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3609: plot

Peng Fei showed great interest in Biting Star Cave Sky.

If it is not a newcomer, it is not convenient to wander around without the permission of the gluttonous clan.

He could not hold back his excitement a long time ago, and ran wildly in the sky of the Star-Biting Cave.

Ji Tianxing was rather calm and calm.

Although, he is also interested in the bitter star cave sky and the gluttonous tribe.

But he was more interested in Star Devourer, followed by mineral veins and divine stones everywhere.

As for the gluttonous people, they are actually behind.

"Okay, don't think about it, let's work hard to heal the injury first.

Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji want to report to the gluttonous patriarch. It is estimated that it will not be long before the gluttonous people will hold a banquet to welcome us.

After meeting with them, with their consent, it is not too late for us to visit the Star Devouring Cave. "

Ji Tianxing patted Pengfei on the shoulder, helping him to suppress his excitement and excitement.

Afterwards, the two entered their respective secret rooms and went to heal their injuries.

Their injuries are quite serious and it is difficult to recover in a short time.

Devastating Star Cave is relatively calm, and healers here will not be disturbed.

As for how long to stay here, whether to wait until the injury healed before leaving, Ji Tianxing is temporarily undecided.

Everything depends on the reaction of the gluttonous family before making a decision.


After Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji left the palace, they rushed to the innermost palace together.

Although, what they said to Ji Tianxing was to report the news to the patriarch.

But in fact, they knew that the patriarch was practicing in retreat, and they never even thought about reporting to the patriarch and the high priest.

Before long, the two entered a palace called Rong Xing.

All the Taotie people know that this is the residence of the third elder Tao Rongxing.

In the dimly lit room, Tao Rongxing, dressed in a purple robe with long red hair, was lying in the middle of the sacred formation practicing.

The gluttonous tribe’s method of cultivation is very special. They don’t meditate like other demons, but lie down to practice, which is more convenient for absorbing the power of heaven and earth.

Of course, the fastest way for the gluttonous tribe to increase their strength is to use their racial talents and supernatural powers to devour them.

Swallow all kinds of cultivation resources, rare heaven and earth treasures, powerful blood vessels and treasures, etc.

"See the Three Elders!"

Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji entered the secret room, stood side by side, and bowed to the three elders.

The third elder temporarily stopped practicing, opened his dark red eyes, and glanced at the two of them.

"Is your account done?" the third elder asked indifferently.

Chief Tao hurriedly replied: "Return to the third elders, it has been done, and it is done secretly.

The living mouths of that ancient town are all gone, the news will never be spread, and no one can guess that we did it. "

The third elder nodded slightly, and said in a majestic tone: "Remember from now on, you must be cautious and meticulous in doing things, and you must not leave troubles and handles..."

Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji hurriedly bowed to salute, and said in unison: "I will follow the teachings of the three elders."

The third elder closed his eyes, waved his claws, and said, "If there is nothing else to do, you can withdraw."

Tao Wangchuan hurriedly stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Three Elders, we have another good news to tell you!"

The third elder suddenly became interested, looked at him with scorching eyes, and asked: "What good news? Come and listen."

Tao Wangchuan smiled, and said in a playful tone: "On our way back to the Star Devouring Cave after we finished our work, we encountered a strange treasure from the heavens in the Luyue Mountains.

At that time, a dark tower fell from the sky and smashed into the mountains, blasting thousands of miles into ruins.

We hurried over to check and found that the mysterious black tower is not only very high-grade, but also very mysterious.

Based on the disciple's experience, it is conservatively estimated that the **** tower is also a king-level top grade.

The two of us joined forces, but we couldn't move.

Suddenly, the sacred tower disappeared, and a dragon youth appeared..."

Tao Changji took the topic in due course and introduced: "That young dragon clan is also a strong **** king, like a middle **** king, we are not his opponents.

However, he was seriously injured and is now in a weak state.

He is also accompanied by a guard, a young man of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan, a high-ranking **** in the eighth realm..."

After listening to the two men's report, the third elder's eyes were sharp and bloodthirsty licked the corner of his mouth.

"Ha ha ha... It really is good news, you two are so lucky that you can even run into this kind of thing?

Where is the Dragon Youth and Jinpeng Bird? Did you catch them back? "

Tao Wangchuan quickly explained: "The dragon youth has a mysterious origin, strong strength, and a mysterious black tower. It must be very difficult to provoke.

The two of us didn't dare to startle the snake, let alone show the flaws, so we managed to trick him back...

Just now, I settled them in my Wangchuan Palace, and they were healing their injuries in the secret room. "

"Great!" The third elder became more energetic and nodded appreciatively: "Very well, you two did a very good job!"

Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji were very happy and hurriedly slapped their horses.

The three elders looked at them with a smile, and said slowly: "The young dragon clan and Jinpeng bird are already lambs to be slaughtered.

If you two couldn't solve it, you just came to this seat. It's smart enough.

However, I am still very pleased, at least I haven't helped you in vain in these years.

Come on, how do you want to divide? "

Tao Changji smiled and said: "This is up to you. I believe you will not treat us badly."

The three elders were not polite, and said straightforwardly: "The seat is 40%, and each of you is 30%, how about?"

"This..." Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji suddenly hesitated, looking like they wanted to talk but stopped.

The third elder frowned displeasedly and sneered: "What? I think I have too many seats?

Don't forget, if you don't make a move, you won't be able to solve him.

Moreover, if you ask a few other elders to help, I'm afraid you won't even get it.

If you let the patriarch know, don't even want root hair! "

Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji waved their hands quickly and explained: "Three elders, we didn't mean that, you misunderstood!"

"Yes~www.ltnovel.com~ We don't dislike you too much, but...we have to call the Fourth Elder, and we have to keep a copy for him!"

The third elder furrowed his brows more tightly, and asked in confusion, "What do you two mean? Don't you think that I can't solve that kid?"

Tao Wangchuan and Tao Changji looked at each other, both showing helplessness.

After hesitating, the two men began to explain.

"Three elders, that kid is indeed not an ordinary **** king, you can tell by looking at his tolerance and talking."

"Three elders, we must keep this matter secret, and we must succeed in one fell swoop, and must not fail, otherwise it will be known to others.

To be on the safe side, you should call the four elders so that we can be absolutely sure. "

The three elders were silent immediately.

After hesitating and weighing for a moment, he nodded and agreed.

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