Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3601: Things are not

It doesn't matter whether Pengfei is biting his head or thinking about it seriously.

Anyway, he was determined to follow Ji Tianxing to the mysterious cave of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

This matter has been decided, Ji Tianxing will not say more.

Pengfei rushed to the road with all his strength, he sacrificed the nine-day ten-perfect tower and placed it on Pengfei's back.

Then, he entered the twisted time and space of the tower and went to retreat to practice.

Of course, before practicing in retreat, he gave the corpse of the red dragon to the white dragon and the black dragon.

That complete corpse, plus half a dragon ball, is the supreme treasure for the white dragon and the black dragon.

Ji Tianxing carefully tested it and determined that the corpse of the Chilong was a high-ranking **** king.

As long as the white dragon and the black dragon refining the dragon corpse and dragon ball, they will be able to break through the **** king realm in time!

After all, the two of them had already become the upper gods and were not far from the realm of the gods.

After dealing with the dragon corpse, Ji Tianxing calmly retreats to practice and strives to improve his strength.

He first refined the godhead fragments of the Sirius King and the Golden Tiger King. As his strength increased, the number of the laws of the gods he mastered also increased by a dozen.

Today, the number of Shinto laws he mastered has reached five hundred and twenty.

After refining the two godheads, he continued to comprehend the God Judgment Technique and practiced various magical skills.

Although, he had a close relationship with Jinyuan Longdi back then.

But he was not sure that he could see Jinyuan Longdi with his own eyes.

No matter what, the most important thing is to improve your strength first.


Xuanji Dongtian is located in the middle of the Star Origin Continent, within the God Star Region.

The Qinglian Territory is in the southwest of the Star Source Continent, separated from the God Star Territory by more than 20 regions.

Even if Pengfei flew at full strength, it would take half a year.

Of course, when he was tired and tired, he had to stop and rest.

On the way, he also encountered a few troubles and wasted some time.

The identity of the Golden-winged Roc Bird is so eye-catching that it has aroused the coveting of many people with unpredictable hearts.

For example, those powerful gods with good strength and ordinary bloodlines.

They wanted to catch Pengfei, refine it, swallow and seize his Jinpeng bloodline.

There are also powerful monsters and beasts that live in the wilderness and are brutal and murderous.

To them, most monsters are ordinary food.

Only demon nobles like Jin Peng, Lu Wu and Qiongqi are delicious food.

If it can be caught and swallowed, it will be of great benefit.

Those who dared to attack Pengfei were basically strong men he couldn't provoke.

Even if the strength of some monster beasts is not far from him, they are actions in groups.

Peng Fei was very distressed about this, and also experienced great danger and crisis.

Originally, he wanted to call Ji Tianxing and ask him to make a relief.

With Ji Tianxing's formidable strength, those monster **** kings and powerful monster beasts could not withstand a single blow.

But Pengfei knew that Ji Tianxing was practicing in retreat and should not be disturbed.

Moreover, he also wanted to prove to Ji Tianxing that he was not a burden to his weakness.

He can also solve all kinds of troubles with strength, talent and wisdom.

Facts have proved that Pengfei did it.

Regardless of whether he was facing the demon king or the hordes of demon beasts, he could remain calm and calm, and quickly think of a way out of danger.

Although, some methods are very complicated and take a long time.

But he finally turned the danger into a breeze and escaped the danger with wisdom and various means.

Although, after four or five treacherous times, he suffered serious injuries.

But he was proud and satisfied inside.

In this way, it was originally possible to reach the God Star Region in half a year, but in the end it became a full seven months!

In the past seven months, Pengfei has crossed half of the Star Source Continent, experienced various dangerous crises, and has grown a lot invisibly.

And Ji Tianxing spent twenty-nine years in retreat in the twisted time and space!

In the past twenty-nine years, his comprehension and control of Zhutian Divine Art has reached a higher and deeper level.

At the same time, his strength has also grown steadily, breaking through the five levels of the Divine King Realm as a matter of course, and consolidating the foundation of Shinto.


The **** star field is very vast.

Xuanji Dongtian is a blessed place that has survived from ancient times to the present day. Naturally, it is not in the land or jungle, but hidden in a different space, with the entrance above the sky.

This evening, the setting sun slanted west.

The golden golden winged roc, flashed across the sea of ​​clouds like lightning, and flew towards Tianhe Mountain.


Those who are waiting, even if they know the existence of Xuanji Dongtian, they won't know where the entrance is.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing knew that the entrance of Xuanji Cave was in the depths of Tianhe Mountain.

The closer to Tianhe Mountain, the more nervous Pengfei was, and there was a trace of longing and expectation at the same time.

The previous seven months of adventures made him forget the fear of going to Xuanji Cave.

Now, I was about to reach my destination, and the anxiety and awe hidden in my heart broke out again.

"Senior, what do you think of that mysterious cave sky?

Will there be a lot of guards, and there are still many **** kings and strong guards?

Those guards and **** kings, staying in Xuanji Cave to serve the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, must be very arrogant, right?

If we just go to meet, will we be disliked and driven away? "

I'm about to arrive in Xuanji Dongtian, saying that it is not nervous is fake~www.ltnovel.com~ Pengfei's tone is full of hesitation and worry, and the previous confidence has disappeared without a trace.

Ji Tianxing said indifferently: "Xuanji Dongtian is the cave mansion of the mainland hegemon, and of course there will be countless guards and strong guards.

As for whether they are arrogant, they haven't seen it with their own eyes, who knows?

But no matter what, if we visit with sincerity, there should still be a chance. "

Peng Fei was silent for a while, and suddenly thought of something, and quickly asked: "Senior, I heard from Uncle Master before that your identity and background are not simple.

Since you have met the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, it means that your background is qualified to contact the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

In this case, if you take the initiative to report your identity and background, you should be able to meet the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, right? "

Ji Tianxing was silent, his eyes were a little complicated, and he thought to himself: "If the old dragon comes here in person, of course he can take me into the mysterious cave sky and see the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

But thousands of years have passed, I wonder if the relationship between Lao Long and Jin Yuan Long Di is still the same as before?

How are they doing? "

Seeing Ji Tianxing's silence, Peng Fei suddenly guessed the answer, and his eyes became much dim.

He didn't say anything more, and flew silently.

Finally, as night fell, Pengfei saw a mountain top appeared in the vast sea of ​​clouds ahead.

The mountain top with a radius of a hundred miles is looming in the sea of ​​clouds, and it is illusory.

Right above the top of the mountain, there is a huge whirlpool of white light, like a bright moon, hanging above the sky.

Seeing this scene, Pengfei immediately cheered up and slowed down his flight speed.

The reason is that the looming mountain peak in the sea of ​​clouds is Tianhe Mountain.

And the whirlpool of white light like a bright moon is the entrance to the mysterious cave sky!


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