Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3596: incredible

"Ha ha ha... This king really underestimated you!

You are very good, the analysis is very good, as if you have seen it in person. "

The Sirius King stared sharply at Ji Tianxing, his tone revealing his murderous intent.

His words undoubtedly proved that Ji Tianxing's conjectures were correct.

Lu Ming sighed in relief and gave Ji Tianxing a thumbs up in his heart.

He remembered how he felt when Ji Tianxing proposed this conjecture that day in the imperial capital.

He was very fortunate. Fortunately, he had so little hesitation at the time and chose to believe in Ji Tianxing and accompany him to investigate the truth.

If not, it has become an unjust case. How can the truth be revealed today?

Lu Ming thought to himself: "The strength, means, and wisdom are the same as before...No! It's more outstanding than before!

Is he really a fallen genius now? "

Lu Ming began to doubt and even overturned his previous cognition.

At this time, Ji Tianxing put away the photo crystal, and sneered at Sirius King.

"Sirius, although you are sinister and mean, you are still a bit spine, dare to admit that all this is yours."

Sirius is about to speak.

At this time, the Tiger King God on the side endured for a long time, and finally asked the question in his heart.

He shook the crimson battle axe in his hand and questioned the Sirius King: "Sirius Lord! Didn't you tell this king, did you personally refine this tomahawk?

You also vowed to say that you have mastered extremely inscrutable refining techniques.

Not only low-grade and middle-grade king-level artifacts, but even high-grade king-level artifacts, can you refine them? "

"Uh..." Sirius King was suddenly embarrassed, and he couldn't say anything.

The Tiger God King continued to ask: "Sirius King, I believe you and treat you as a brother. How can you lie to me like this?

It's just a king-level inferior battle axe. Although it is invaluable, it still doesn't make my heart move.

I am willing to bow down to you because of your sincerity, and want to explore the world with you...

Unexpectedly, even this battle axe was stolen! "

Realizing that he had been deceived, the Tiger King angered the Sirius King.

Sirius realized that it was not good, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "King Golden Tiger, this is not the time to talk about this. I will explain this to you later.

Right now, these **** are taking our lives, how can you believe their words? "

In fact, Sirius King and Golden Tiger King only met soon.

The King Tiger came from another domain, in the northernmost part of the Star Source Continent, he didn't understand the situation here.

He didn't know anything about Sirius's experience and past.

And Sirius was good at acting and deceiving people, and successfully defrauded the trust of King Tiger.

At the same time, he gave the stolen crimson battle axe to the Golden Tiger King as a gift.

When the King of the Tiger became hot, he became a brother of a different race with him, and vowed to join the world in the future and build a world...

However, the two of them were considered to have died before leaving the school.

After the worship, the first great cause of the two people together was to explore the secret realm of Shenlong.

Obviously, it is destined to end in tragedy.

Lu Ming saw the disparity between the Sirius King and the Golden Tiger King, and immediately had an idea. He sneered and said, "The King Tiger King, you are definitely not the people around you.

Ha ha... If you had inquired about Sirius's reputation in Tianren Domain beforehand, you would never be deceived by him.

He is a well-known bastard, a demon, sinister, despicable, cunning and cruel, and has already reached the point of stopping children from crying at night.

Listen to the advice of this seat, leave here immediately, don't be deceived and used by him again! "

The Sirius King suddenly became anxious, and he gave Lu Ming a bitter look in his eyes, and quickly persuaded King Tiger.

"King Golden Tiger, don't listen to this **** talking nonsense, he has a deep hatred with this king, of course he will deliberately slander this king..."

Before he could finish speaking, King Tiger waved his hand and said solemnly: "King Sirius, don't worry, this king is not the kind of person who can see the wind.

Although you lied to this king, this king believed in the words of this landlord.

But this king must not do things like fleeing or even reversing, that is treachery and disdain! "

King Tiger King's honesty and honesty made Sirius a sigh of relief.

Lu Ming failed to provoke the discord and was a little embarrassed. He could only say with regret: "King Golden Tiger, although this king admires you for your love and trustworthiness, don't make mistakes!"

The King Tiger didn’t appreciate it, holding a spear and battle axe in his hand, he let out a murderous roar: "Stop talking nonsense, come to fight if you want to fight!"

"Really stubborn!" Lu Ming yelled coldly, and stopped persuading King Tiger King.

He also sacrificed a divine sword, quickly accumulated divine power, and reached the peak state, locking in the breath of Sirius King.

The Sirius King received the enemy on his back, but he was not afraid, and said with a sneer sneer: "Want to kill this king? You are also worthy?

Die! "

While roaring, he swung a long knife that was as dark as ink, cutting out the light of the sword that opened up the world, and killed Ji Tianxing and Lu Ming.

Above the abyss not far away, King Tiger King also screamed, brandishing his spear and battle axe, and attacked King Fox Moon God.

A earth-shattering battle broke out immediately.

The five gods all performed supernatural skills, striving to kill each other as quickly as possible.


The dazzling colorful lights ~www.ltnovel.com~ violently collided above the abyss, exploding a series of loud noises.

The explosion that ruined the world, burst out violent shock waves, wantonly sweeping everything around the abyss.

The naturally formed multicolored mask was suddenly shaken violently by the impact, and it was on the verge of breaking.

The cliffs and rock walls around the abyss, no matter how hard they were, could not withstand such a terrifying impact, they immediately collapsed and shattered for thousands of miles.

The entire abyss was trembling violently, shaking for thousands of miles, and there was a muffled sound of ‘rumbling’, spreading underground.

The fragmented rock wall slid down countless broken stones, falling into the abyss one after another, hitting the colorful mask.

Fortunately, this fight lasted only ten breaths of time, and it ended quickly.

If not, I am afraid that the entire abyss will be destroyed.

The two sides fought and fought a dozen moves, and the Sirius King was beheaded by Ji Tianxing.

With a stroke of the Divine Sword, the Sirius King was cut into two pieces, destroying the divine body.

Another stroke of the Dragon Elephant Fist smashed the Heavenly Wolf King’s godhead to pieces and killed it on the spot.

Originally, Lu Ming had twelve moves in a row, but he couldn't do anything about Sirius.

He thought that there must be a hard fight today.

I am afraid that if we have to fight for a few hours, we can only severely damage the Sirius King.

If you are a little careless, you may be escaped by Sirius, and you will have to hunt down at that time.

But he never expected that Ji Tianxing would kill the Sirius King so easily and quickly.

As a result, when the godhead of Sirius King was shattered, he was still full of astonishment, showing incredible eyes.

Ji Tianxing didn't stop at all, with a big wave of his hand, he put away the fragments of the godhead of Sirius, and then swung his sword to kill the King Tiger.


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